1357 York Ave... The last straw.... I wanna share a true life - TopicsExpress


1357 York Ave... The last straw.... I wanna share a true life story experience that has happened to my little family and I about almost 2 years ago.... i would share all 4 yrs but it will be too long because this last experience is long already.... I use to live at this house on the corner or York and Clarence.... i lived there for 4 yrs n my last experience was really the last straw... i wanted out... for 4 yrs my little family n I has experienced some of the scariest shit ever.... especially my kids.... I love my kids, but if my kids are telling me that theyre bothered by spirits, were gonna have a problem... but the first 3 yrs were bad as well but I grew to brushing it off until finally I met a good friend.... when he first walked into my home, I knew he was gifted, I just saw it in him... i had to ask a friend of mines about him n he was who I thought he was.... out of curiousity.... i love my oldest daughter but me n her can never see eye to eye.... its alwase war.... so I approached n asked him without introduction... tell me... wat was it you saw or heard from my home? Is it wat causes my troublesome relationship with my daughter....???? Believe it or not.... it was.... this is when the truth n everything unfolds... this was a sad home, a sick home, a home with deepest darkest secrets.... i asked myself multiple times.... wtf did you get urself into. ... even my family has experienced n seen it to where they feared n never came to visit me again. ... but this home brought so much pain n struggles.... my friend (the gifted one) said that there was a little girl who past in that home, but its not just her, theres multiple... this spirit child plays day n night with my oldest daughter... trust me.... i saw this too.... she would play hide n seek out of nowhere n was doing really scary random shit... i got him to help me distant the spirit from my daughter but it left her to my son. ... One night, right after my friend left, my son was touching my tablet youtubing n watching netflix.... this time, he was gonna sleep on my spot n wait for my husband to come home... he works 2nd shift but very long hours... anywho... around 2 a.m, he jumps over my 3 other kids n shoves himself under the blankets.... this s when I knew he saw something. He wouldnt speak to me n he was shaking all over.... with no response I got mad but at the same time, I had that eery feeling, that hair raising feeling. Then he says.... mommy, shes right there, right there in the closet, she keeps telling me to play with her n I keep telling her no.... shes still there. My heart just sanked.... i had room mates living with us too but they were really dead asleep.... i text n called my friend for help but he didnt pick up.... text my husband n he didnt respond back.... i got scared because my kids were scared n at that time I was about almost 8 months pregnant n helpless.... dealt with this until almost 4 a.m when the husband got home from work. ... he told me it felt so scary walking thru the porch into the house, it was really hair raising for him. He spoke with my son n then called his dad.... his dad told him to get a knife, turn it the other way n swing at it... we have a small dragon sword in our room... so he grabs that, claps it together a few times n then asked my son if she was right there.... (by the closet) my son said yes.... my husband swung with full force.... n I tell ya, the way his arm flew back, he felt it push his arm.... so he opens the door n yells for it to leave us alone n stay away because we havent done anything to them n to get out of our room.... right when he shut it, few seconds later, a loud crash comes out from the dining room. We went to check.... nothing.... my son on the other hand, started panicking n yelling.... mommy daddy.... theres alot alot alot of them outside waiting to come in... we were just scared shitless.... that morning my friend shows up.... n to be honest, there was nothing we could do to save this home... we had peach trees, wooden sword by the front n back door. .... nothing worked.... gave up... Right after I had my baby.... it only got worse... i had a friend/sister of mines.... smh... watched her getting possessed in my own home.... that was the final straw.... we tried to record but because it was so intense, no recording was done due to blurry quality... we had my friend help, also my sil boyfriend.... he did the blessing of sending food n money that night for watever that was... tied a white string all around the house..... i couldnt take it anymore. ... i wanted out... i found a place not too far from that home.... last time I checked, there hasnt really been anyone who could reside in that home.... Ive moved for almost two years now n there has been about 3 or 4 renters who have left that place, n I still see the string around the house n the wooden swords.... dunno about now but whoever tries to make that their home or any home their home, please bless it well.... especially when u have kids.... its an experience that is traumatizing...
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 23:16:37 +0000

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