135th KANO STATE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING PREPARED BY COUNCIL AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT HOUSE, KANO. Last week, we began our Press Release by stating that Governor Rabiu Musa Kwankwasos joining of the APC has changed the political landscape of the State in particular and the nation as a whole. We argued that this political metamorphosis is not an abrupt decision coming out from the blues but a calculated political move to safeguard democracy and the democratic process in Nigeria. With this happening, the nation is witnessing unprecedented changes, with the political arena heating up towards a complete rejuvenation. Our humble statements are becoming facts with the decamping of the PDP and ANPP members of the Kano State House of Assembly to the APC last week. In fact, before the historical decampment of the Governor to APC, the PDP had 31 members while 9 members belonged to the other parties. In spite of the efforts to undermine the desertion of the PDP and the germination of the political change in the State by the PDP leadership at the national and State levels, the APC now has 34 members while the other parties have only 6 thereby losing its dominant position in the House. With this development new leadership was inaugurated/sworn-in in the House with the elections of the following: i. Hon. Isiyaku Ali Danja (from Gezawa Constituency)- Speaker ii. Hon. Engr. Hamisu Ibrahim (from Makoda Constituency)- Deputy Speaker iii. Hon. Kabiru Alhassan Rurum (from Rano Constituency)- Majority Leader iv. Hon. Garba Yau Gwarmai (from Kunchi/Tsanyawa) -New Majority Whip The action of the members confirmed one basic fact that the voices of the citizens matter in a democracy. However, understanding what these voices said and wanted are truly difficult, which explained more than anything else the demise of the ruling party, the PDP. As representatives of the people, these members are in contact with their people and have done their wishes by decamping from a sinking ship: the PDP. In fact, peoples dissatisfaction with the PDP is due to its failure to deliver dividend of democracy, domineering attitude and autocratic tendencies. Kano State has been known for its radical political disposition and aversion to these tendencies. This may sound absurd to a few who are not familiar with the politics and voting behavior of the citizenry. But to those who are familiar, we are stating the obvious. In fact, the bandwagon effects of this transformation in Kano State could only be comprehended with the kind of support the Governor is receiving from individuals, such as Bashir Usman Tofa, Senator Kabiru Ibrahim Gaya, Kawu Sumaila, Rabiu Bako, Abbati Bako, Barrister Dederi, Mallam Ibrahim Khalid, Barau Jibrin, Garba Yusuf, Nasiru Gawuna, Hamza Darma, Ibrahim Garba, Ibrahim Kankarofi, Hajia Rabi Sahel, etc. all leading members of the defunct ANPP. All former members of the ANPP who relate politics with service delivery and have the State in particular and the nation in general at heart are now members of the APC. Thus, the Governor opened the meeting with a congratulatory message to the members of the Assembly who saw reasons and listened to the demand of their voters to join him in the struggle against a failed party, the PDP that has led the nation into political quagmires, insecurity, economic decline and social dislocation. With this, as usual before tabling the memoranda for the 135th sitting, Council reviewed the deliberations and approvals of the 134th sitting. At that sitting, (18) MDAs had submitted (48) memoranda of which (31) were approved for execution with an expenditure of N926,708,131.35 covering (21) projects the remaining ten (10) approvals were on policy issues. After this review, today Wednesday 5th February, 2014 (5th Rabi’ul Thanni 1435 AH) the Kano State Executive Council held its one hundred and thirty fifth (135th) sitting presided over by Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE. During this meeting (11) MDAs submitted (37) memoranda for deliberation by Council of which (12) were approved for execution with an expenditure of N218,294,110.00 covering (12) projects as follows: 1. MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION PROGRESS REPORT OF 501 STUDENTS STUDYING AT YASSER UNIVERSITY, TURKEY Of the numerous development policies being implemented by this administration, education has been attracting more favorable attention and commendation within and outside the State. This administration met an education sector in disarray as the immediate Government had failed to keep its promises, which led to numerous strikes and low morale among the teaching staff. However, the administration is aware that improvements in the level of literacy have positive impacts on the lives of the citizenry as is being demonstrated through improvement in personal competences, increased employment opportunities and income, higher quality of living and meaningful participation of the people in socio-economic activities. Since education is a productive investment, as well as an all-pervasive activity of human welfare, this administration has been expending huge sum of money to sponsor hundreds of its students to study medicine and other related medical/science courses overseas. Hundreds of students from the State under its sponsorship could be found studying in Britain, Ukraine, Malaysia, India, Egypt, Sudan, U.S.A., Uganda, United Arab Emirates, etc. Also many are sponsored to study within Nigeria at Bell, Crescent, A.U.N. Yola and Igbinedion Universities. In addition to the Northwest University, the State has also established 22 Skills Acquisition Institutions to train youths in relevant skills for self-reliance. In fact, no State Government in Nigeria has expended such a huge sum on students training and educational advancement than Kano State. This policy may in the future translate into higher overall human productivity and faster introduction of technology in the State. The impacts of the policy may not be immediate, but in the near future Kano State will be far ahead of other States in the Federation in development indexes. After all, education provides benefits, both economic and non-economic, which are instruments for development and modernization. This brings us to the basis of this memorandum. The Ministry of Higher Education submitted a progress report on the twenty (20) students studying at Yasar University Turkey under the 501 Students Sponsorship Scheme. In the report, Council noted that the twenty (20) students are performing exceptionally well. Few cases require mention here: i. Mr. Munir Aminu Husein, who was offered a full PhD scholarship (academic fees and living expenses) from Kookmin University, South Korea ii. Mr. Anas Muazu Kademi, selected to work on Cybersecurity project to develop a model, which will be applicable for the future of Nigeria iii. Mr. Ahmed Aminu, who will be presenting a paper to global engineers at an International Conference in Signal Processing to be held in Ukraine iv. Mr. Nawasi Uba Jibril, sponsored by European Erasmus Funding to spend a term in the University -Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Pau v. Mr. Abubakar Muhammed Yahaya, now writing his dissertation about the role of Nigerian women in Films. Finally, Council was so impressed with the academic performance of the students. However, Council had to mention Nawasi Uba Jibril for his excellent results (scores). 2. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT This Office submitted (17) memoranda for deliberation by Council on behalf of the Chairman (Governor. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE) including other MDAs. Two (2) were approved for execution as presented below: a) Information Memorandum on the Appointment of An Acting Deputy Provost Kano Sports Institute:- Council may recall the establishment of Kano Sports Institute at Karfi along Kano – Zaria Road, which will soon commence academic and practical training of teeming youths on various sports activities. The rationale behind the creation of the institute was to among other things promote and provide an enabling environment to support sports and sporting activities in the State in particular and the nation in general. The content of the memorandum informed Council that three (3) candidates were screened by the Elite Sports Consulting of 6005 East 80th Place Tulsa, Oklahoma 74131, USA on behalf of the State Government for selection and appointment of anyone of them as Acting Deputy Provost of the institution. After due diligence, Mr. Jason Higgins was selected for appointment as the Acting Deputy Provost of the Institute on a partial sponsorship, which will be subsidized for three (3) months, the period which the probation is expected to end before confirmation. Council acknowledged and approved the appointment of an Acting Deputy Provost of Kano Sports Institute, Karfi in the person of Mr. Jason Higgins who was recommended through the Office of the Special Adviser on Sports by the Elite Sports Consulting of United States of America, as contained in its signed agreement with the Government towards sports development across the State. Similarly, Council approved the release of the sum of N1,897,500.00 as cost of travel expenses for the newly appointed Acting Deputy Provost and his family from United States of America to Kano State. b) Presentation of Report from Senior Special Assistant on Corporate Security Guards:- The Corporate Security Institute, Gabasawa was amongst the 21 Skills Acquisition Institutes established by the present administration for the training of youths useful skills for self-reliance, personal and state development. The present administration remains conscious of the consequences of security challenges in the State and for that reason it established the Institute mainly for the training of Security Guards in an effort to squarely address the security situation in the state and provide opportunities for the unemployed youths to be employed after the training. The content of the memorandum sent by the Office of Senior Special Assistant on Security Guards is informative in nature as it was tabled to update Council on the activities of the institute from October – December, 2013. The content of the memorandum informed Council that the Office of the Senior Special Assistant had fully participated in the recruitment of 408 Female Security Guards from the 44 LGCAs for their training as Security Guards. The memorandum informed the Council of the efforts being made to secure employment of the trainees by the Private Security Outfits. This explains the series of meetings held with private Security Guards Companies with a view to ensuring the employment of the State indigenous youths in their organizations. The report further highlighted that currently there are fifty-four (54) private security companies operating in the State. In line with the above, the memorandum drew the kind attention of the Council to the following: i. Need for the establishment of Corporate Security Guards Command and its administrative structure like paramilitary. ii. There is need to develop condition of service/operation manual of the command. iii. Need to differentiate the uniform of the students and the graduates while retaining the colour of the uniform. iv. Retraining of the security guards through workshops/seminars to enhance their professional competence/skills. v. Need to differentiate the uniform of the students and the graduates while retaining the color of the uniform. vi. Assisting the 332 graduates of the 2nd batch course with the sum of N20,000.00 each as done to the 1st batch of 216 graduate to reduce their incurred expenditure between Oct-Dec. 2013 as they are yet to start receiving their monthly salaries. Council noted the presentation and considered the following: a. Directed the office of the Head of Civil Service to develop a condition of service/operational manual in collaboration with the Office of the SSA Corporate security as well as the retraining of the security Guards. b. Directed the Special Service Directorate to establish the Command with full administrative structure. c. The provision of required operational equipment to the corporate security Guards to facilitate the discharge of its duties. d. Differentiate the Uniforms of the graduates of the Institute from the Trainees while maintaining its colour and design. e. Retaining of the Security Guards to develop their capacity on the schedules of their professions. 3. MINISTRY OF RURAL AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT This memorandum submitted by the Ministry was a request for the release of the sum of N6,065,000.00 for the repairs of a borehole at Daburau Town and the drilling of a solar powered mechanized borehole at the Reformatory Institute, Kiru. This institute was set up and made functional by the present administration as a rehabilitation centre for drug abused youths in the State. The institute is under the purview of the State Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development. In fact, since the inception of the institute it has been facing acute water scarcity. Council deliberated on the request and approved the release of the sum of N6 million for the two projects. 4. MINISTRY OF PLANNING & BUDGET Two (2) memoranda were submitted for deliberation by Council from the Ministry of Planning & Budget, which were approved for execution. Thus: a) Request for Funds for the Nomination and Training of 80 Officers from Micro Finance Banks on the operation of Point of Sales (POS) Machines:- The esteemed Council recalled the establishment of the Micro Finance Banks across the 44 Local Government Areas coupled with the receipt of a donation of 200 Point of Sales (POS) Machines from e-tranzact, which is aimed at empowering the youths in the State in Mobile Banking Business so that they could be self-reliant. The Ministry of Planning and Budget proposed to Council a request in the sum of N2,442,000.00 as the cost of the training of 80 nominated officers from the newly established Micro Finance Banks. Each participant will be trained at the cost of N30,525.00, which covers the cost of training documents, venue, lunch, tea break, training allowances & certificate of attendance. Accordingly, Council considered and approved the release of the sum of N2,442,000.00 to facilitate the smooth conduct of the training of 80 Officers serving with the State Micro Finance Banks. b) Request for Funds on the take-off of Urban Basic Services Program Initiatives (UBSPI) in three (3) Selected slum Communities in each of the eight (8) Metropolitan Local Government Areas of the State:- It could be recalled that the current administration is collaborating with donor agencies such as DFID, Sparc, UNICEF, and other NGOs at improving the living standard of its citizenry. The contents of this memorandum briefed members of the Council on the progress made so far concerning collaborative agreement between the State Government and the Unicef on the re-introduction of the Urban Basic Services Program Initiatives (UBSPI) in multi-sectorial areas of the State. It further explained that the UNICEF and the State Government are currently partnering in key areas of child survival development interventions in an effort to eradicate child killer diseases through routine immunization, Ante – Natal care, HIV/AIDS control, Community Management with Acute Malnutrition Centers (CMAM), water supply sanitation and capacity development in line with the agreed funding arrangement. It is against this background and in order to consolidate on these initiatives, the Ministry requested the total sum of N18,353,460.00 to cater for the exercise out of which the sum of N13,099,460.00 would be provided by UNICEF while the State Government will provide the sum of N5,253,660.00. Accordingly, Council noted, considered and approved the release of the sum of N5,253,660.00 for the smooth conduct of the program. 5. MINISTRY OF WORKS, HOUSING & TRANSPORT Three (3) memoranda were submitted for deliberation by Council from the Ministry of Works, Housing & Transport, which were approved for execution. Thus: a) Request for Funds for the Continuation of Enforcement on the Street Decongestion/Illegal Motor Parks in the Metropolis:- It has been observed that the located illegal motor parks within the metropolis had nurtured hoodlums and yield street decongestion. As a result, the present administrations usual commitment towards providing security on the lives and properties of the citizenry motivated its directives to KAROTA in conjunction with other security personnel such as FRSC, NPF, Road Traffic Department, Transport Stakeholder’s Forum and Vigilante group to join hands and fight the menace in the State. The Ministry of Works, Housing & Transport endorsed the request for the release of the sum of N11,298,120.00 as the total amount required from January to March 2014, for the smooth conduct of the continued enforcement of Street Decongestion/Illegal Motor Parks operation, by a joint team of KAROTA & JTF. Council considered and approved the release of the pruned down sum of N9,000,000.00 to KAROTA as operational cost for 100 officers and men from January to March 2014, for the smooth continuation of the enforcement of street decongestions and removal of the Illegal motor parks within the metropolis. b) Request for Funds on the Rehabilitation of Sani Abacha Stadium to meet the Standard requirement for the conduct of Confederation of African Football (CAF) Game:- It could be recalled that the present administration since inception has taken a giant stride towards the revival of sporting activities in the State such as the establishment of Kano Sports Institute at Karfi, Kofar Na’isa Sports Complex as well as various assistance to Club, and players who recorded great achievements in the field of Sports. The contents of this memorandum reminded Council on the tremendous achievement recorded by Kano Pillars Football Club at the 2012/2013 Premier League Season in which they emerged Champion, thus qualifying the Club to represent the Country at the forthcoming African Champions League. It is against the foregoing development, that the State will soon host the Confederation of African Football (CAF) Championship and in preparation to that the CAF Technical Team would arrive on 14th February, 2014 to inspect the Stadium before the commencement of the tournament. The Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport in conjunction with the Office of the Special Adviser on Sports forwarded a request in the sum of N119,827,620.00 for the upgrading and renovation of Sani Abacha Stadium to meet the standard of Confederation of African Football (CAF) Champions Competition. Accordingly, Council noted, considered and approved the release of the sum of N119,827,620.00 for the smooth conduct of the project. c) Presentation of Request for Permission to Takeover and Maintenance of Kwankwasiyya Girl’s Child Initiative Buses from the Ministry of Education by Kano Roads and Traffic Agency (KAROTA) for Effective Monitoring and Control:- The present administration procured 57 buses of various capacities to serve as a means of transport for the teeming girl child to schools. This action has drastically reduced the inconveniences experienced by the school girls, who were hitherto commuting to school in expensive commercial vehicles and at certain times they have to walk long distances to schools. This leads to lateness and rampant absenteeism. The memorandum raised the need for strict supervision of the operation and maintenance of the vehicles while at the same time enforcing route discipline. This led to the decision for KAROTA to take responsibility of operating and maintenance of the vehicles from the Ministry of Education. In addition, the Agency is also responsible for the salary and uniforms of the drivers and conductors. In the process of taking over of the vehicles a comprehensive inspection of them (vehicles) was conducted and it was discovered that some of the vehicles have been parked due to irregular repairs and services. Council was informed that out of the 30 Toyota buses in the scheme 27 are motorable but require urgent servicing and maintenance, 3 have broken down requiring major repairs. And out of the 20 Tata Buses in the scheme, 11 are motorable but require servicing and maintenance and 9 are grounded requiring major repairs. The scheme also has 7 Mercedes Buses with 4 motorable and 3 grounded. The memorandum requested the release of the sum of N2,920,000 for the repairs, services and maintenance of the motorable vehicles, N3,400,000.00 for the quarterly services of the vehicles for a year and N470,000.00 for the provision of uniforms and other equipment for the drivers and mates. Accordingly, Council noted, considered and approved the release of the sum of N5,000,000.00 for the said commitment. 6. OFFICE OF THE HEAD OF CIVIL SERVICE The Office of the Head of Civil Service submitted two (2) memoranda for deliberation by Council, which were approved. Thus: a) Request for Funds for the Payment of Bereaved Family Allowances to the Family of Late Honorable Justice Sadi Mato:- The contents of this memorandum informed Council about the case of late Honorable Justice Sadi Mato who died recently. The memorandum is a request for the payment of Bereaved Family Allowances. Council noted the contents of the request, considered and approved the payment of N150,000.00 being Bereaved Family Allowances to the family of the deceased mentioned above. b) Presentation of Report on the Implementation of Approved 10% Increase of the CONPCASS/CONTEDISS Salary for Tertiary Institution:- The memorandum reminded Council of its recent approval for the implementation of 10% increase of the CONPCASS/CONTEDISS salary profiles for the teaching staff at tertiary institutions and those in the health sector. The contents informed Council that already a circular formally conveying Governments approval for the increase was issued w.e.f. 1st January 2014. Based on this development, the Joint Consultative Forum of Kano State Tertiary Institutions had withdrawn the 21 days ultimatum to the Government in connection with the issue. In the same vein, the Forum had expressed its appreciation and also pledged its continued cooperation to the administration. 6. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES Request for Funds as Post Training Package of Third (3rd) Batch of Trainees of Fisheries Institute, Bagauda:- The memorandum appreciated the laudable initiatives of the present administration on youths empowerment and the establishment of various institutions in the State with the aim of boosting education and self-reliance to its citizenry. Council noted that, Bagauda Fisheries Institute is one of the twenty-two (22) Institutes established by this administration where training activities commenced in October, 2012 and graduated its first and second batch of trainees successfully. It is in line with the above development that, the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources forwarded a request in the sum of N47,750,000.00 to cater for the post training packages of 400 trainees of the Fisheries Institute. Accordingly, looking at the importance of the empowerment program to the socio-economic well-being of the State citizenry, Council approved the release of the sum of N47,750,000.00 for the smooth conduct of the program. UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES OF THE 135TH KANO STATE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SITTING Graduation of 340 Graduates From Kano Informatics Institute and Valedictory Ceremony of 197 Holders of International Advance Diploma in Information Technology on 3rd February 2014 Council noted the graduation Ceremony of 340 Graduates of Kano State Informatics Institute in conjunction with Jigawa State Informatics Institute under a sub-franchise arrangement and in affiliation with Informatics Academy, Singapore. Similarly, Council noted the valedictory ceremony for the 197 holders of Diploma in Information Technology who are going for a one year top-up course degree program at the International University of East Africa, Uganda on (3) three different professional courses namely, Software Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology. SWEARING IN OF TWO (2) NEW PERMANENT SECRETARIES Council witnessed the swearing-in of two new Permanent Secretaries namely; Abdullahi Musa who was posted to Ministry of Special Duties and Hamza Suleiman Sharada who was posted to the Kano State Civil Service Commission respectively. Council urged them to contribute their quota to the improvement of the Civil Service and attainment of the policies and programs of the present administration. SIGNING OF A BILL FOR KANO BUREAU OF STATISTICS LAW 2013 Council witnessed the signing into law of a Bill for the Kano Bureau of Statistics by Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso. USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS ON ANY EMERGENCY Council endorsed the useful phone numbers submitted by the Police, Traffic Control Agency and Fire Service Department for easy access in case of any emergency on the metropolitan Roads and the metropolis. The public can contact Kano Road Traffic Agency (KAROTA) on 08091626747 for breakdown of vehicle(s), traffic congestion, accidents, and illegal/wrong parking. Similarly, the State Police Command could be contacted on – 08032419754, 08123821575. In addition, the State Fire Service could also be contacted on – 07051246833, 08191778888. 10 | Page
Posted on: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 05:43:54 +0000

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