[14 2300lb. Great White] KATHARINEs trail... 3:20P MAY 12th - - TopicsExpress


[14 2300lb. Great White] KATHARINEs trail... 3:20P MAY 12th - Sebastian Inlet / window shopping surfers 7:45A MAY 13th - St. Lucie River, swimming under Veterans’ Memorial Bridge... 5:54P MAY 13th - continuing upstream to St. Lucie Lock and Dam, then onto Lake Okeechobee had a bite to eat then swam back down stream to the River again 5:58A MAY 14th - stopped at the Stuart Heritage Museum - photos captured her there, she looked bloated. 6:44A MAY 14th - then to Hogs Cove for a pork sandwich, then snuck into Hole in the wall (Jupiter Island) and back out to sea across from St. Lucie inlet where we’re currently waiting for the next “PING” on her tracking device IF I’ve left out any spots she’s visited – PLEASE LIST BELOW! Thanks!!! **OCEARCH is advising people to be cautious if going into the water, and not to wear any swimwear that resembles sea turtles, seals, salmon, or Lady Gaga’s meat suit – and for God’s sake please do not dump any chum around your ex’s as they’re swimming…unless you still are the beneficiary on the insurance forms. (look up KATHARINE, and path here)
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 12:36:26 +0000

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