14 Sept 13 NOTES A) FEAR: - Always remember, please: the only - TopicsExpress


14 Sept 13 NOTES A) FEAR: - Always remember, please: the only thing to fear is fear itself. The most afraid people in New Brunswick today are 1) those who fear for their grip on power (our MLAs and those power brokers they admire – nothing is more inbred that the desire for power), and 2) the shale gas industry representatives and their shareholders who are gambling at our expense. Therefore, they employ Irving’s security company and the RCMP to try an instill fear in us. It is their only hope. Please let us give them no comfort. LEADERSHIP – Let’s not forget that a genuine grassroots movement -- which the resistance to shale gas in New Brunswick is – has no leaders. It has resulted from a progressing loss of faith in its political leaders. The current government, its puppeteers, and the fossil fuel industry are trying to identify a leader / leaders, in order to “assassinate” them. For example, Warrior Chief John Levi; journalist Miles Howe (an unwinnable charge dropped); student of treaty law Suzanne Patles (an additional charge added) because she is one of their worst fears of the moment; Annie ‘Pocahontas’ Clair– because of the “balls” she demonstrated and promised to do again; and now Jim Pictou, because he knows the law and because he has won cases with his chief Seven and the MWS. (If I’ve over looked an example, please share.) The arm of government that reaches from Alberta, through Ottawa and into Fredericton is begging – is demanding – that examples be made of any apparent “leader” of our resistance. And that subversive arm of democracy will not rest, until it discovers we all lead. Yes, we are not the subversives. For each one of us they would use to make an example, there is another one of us to step into their place. That is what the government and industry investors don’t want to know. It is always a travesty when a government declares itself the enemy of the people. C) STRATEGY – “Dance like a butterfly; sting like a bee.” i) Feint, duck, jab, and deliver a haymaker. ii) Fight on a Friday night, better a Saturday. That’s where the numbers are found. iii) Always give the media a front seat. There is more, I am sure, by why tell them what they already know: they will lose this one. I know there is more to say, and no doubt a better way to say it, until then I am asking this image to soften my prose.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 20:01:21 +0000

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