14 Years Of Liver Problem Improved In 4 Months - ALT Reading - TopicsExpress


14 Years Of Liver Problem Improved In 4 Months - ALT Reading Dropped 264 to 55... Carmen is a hepatitis B carrier whos liver was infected by the bacterial 14 years ago. It never improve much even while on medication or various supplements. In fact doctor gave her few more years to live after her blood vessels rapture & symptoms of liver hardening started. Through ageLOC R2, G3 juice & TRA, Not only did she looked younger, her health improved with her ALT reading dropped by 95% that even doctor said it was a miracle! *** Her Full Testimonial *** Im Carmen from JB, Im a hepatitis B patient who inherited it from my parents. My liver was attacked by hep B bacteria 14 years ago. I was advised to take a drug that has side effects. Ever since year 2000, I started my medication that cost about RM300 a month, and my reading was then about 120. The situation never improve & eventually I had to change to another medicine which costed me RM500 a month. After taking them for 10 years (2010) the reading still went up to 200+. Since there was no improvement, I was curious and asked my Doc why? Doc said there was no cure to my livers situation, the only hope was to maintain it with 10+ pills that comes with side effects. I then sarted with TCM and supplements from A, S and M-brand, but with not much improvement, only when using U-brand it improved till 170+. But 3 years later (2013), the reading shot up to 200+ again, and then my skin started to itch and feel irritated, resulting in sleepless nights. On top, every night I had to visit the loo about 4 to 5 times & the water retention around the tummy made me look 6 mths pregnant. The swelling of my legs was also bothering me a lot. The most terrifying scene was my bleeding gum that bled non-stop! A check up then found 17 blocked blood vessels around my intestine and it can rapture any time. Doc advised me to take up multiple operations, only to be performed once a month, so it can only be completed in 6 mths time. After the first op in Jan, the follow up check-up in Feb, Doc said everything looked fine. In Mar my body temperature was unstable and I vomited a lot of blood & was admitted to hospital. I found out that I had 3 raptured blood vessels! I had 5 bags of blood transfused and 7 tubes of water. Doc told me that my liver had started to have signs of hardening & that I probably have only a few more years to live. What a shocking news! After I was discharged, thanks to my angels, Linda, John & Tina who shared with me these Nu Skin products: ageLOC R2, TRA and G3 juice. Heres my photo right after I discharged and the photo taken 1 month after I started R2! See the difference? I guess the best evidence is the blood test report from the specialist. In Mar, my ALT reading for my liver was 264. 1 month after taking R2, ALT dropped to 138, which was 50% improvement. 3 months later, ALT dropped to 67,which was 80% improvement! Last month I revisited my doctor, ALT had dropped further to 55, which was 95% improvement. Doc said it was a miracle that my recovery was that fast, and I could live for another 20 years! My medication was reduced from 10+ to only 2 tablets. Dont you agree with me that R2 is great?! Now I can sleep throughout the night without visiting toilet so frequently, my tummy water retention was resolved, legs no longer swelling, skin not as sensitive, teary eyes & long sightedness got better, migraine solved, even my constipation was gone! My son also said that after using Nu Skin products, my skin had become like baby skin. Now my families & friends are also taking R2. Through my sharing today, I hope everyone can share this with your family and friends. The R2 promotion will end on 26 Dec & is very worth it! Be quick, health is most important!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 15:02:29 +0000

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