14 huh? lol hmmmm...let me spill myself on facebook lol. 1. - TopicsExpress


14 huh? lol hmmmm...let me spill myself on facebook lol. 1. The above scar on my right cheek is literally a minute older than I am. 2. I LOVE Ted Dekker 3. My favorite book is The Secret Garden 4. I am obsessed with LOTR and The Hobbit 5. I am slightly OCD with things as I love to either align my books in order by size, author or alphabetically 0_0. I wash dishes and group them together (pans being first - utensils going last), and when I grocery shop, I dont let anyone put the groceries on the check out belt because I group those as well (boxes together, fruits together, cans, etc). OH and I obsessively check to see if the closet to my bedroom is closed at all times. 6. I love being outside with - planting, digging, watering or sitting - I just love being outside :). 7. My sarcasm (painful as it may be for some) is a defense mechanism to keep people (all people) from hurting me. 8. I cant be mean or take advantage of people deliberately - although I may not trust people I wont hesitate to help. 9. I was saved at 15 - dont know how, dont know why - I just asked Christ to come into my heart/lead my life and its been amazing :) (through the good and bad). 10. I CHOOSE every day to see the positive (after being a negative realistic nancy my entire life, I found that its my choice to look at the bad or look at the good). 11. I can count the amount of people I TRUST on one hand.. 12. I LOVE to study :/. 13. I love pottery - I took Ceramics and aced it (wasnt required, but I wanted to and paid a pretty penny to do it :-/) 14. I believe with every inch of my being that Josue Adrian Delgado is my other half. I never knew what I was looking for until he came into my life. It may or may not be that way for others, but for those who know me can see that I am no longer the same person I was 3 years ago and I attribute much (not all) of it to my husband :). God knew what he was doing when He put us together. :)
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 20:17:23 +0000

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