14 juin 2014 by Khmer Lotus Revolution Dear all, cnrp - TopicsExpress


14 juin 2014 by Khmer Lotus Revolution Dear all, cnrp CNRP is betraying Khmer People Will, by Attending National Assembly next July 2014. What Matters for CNRP is the NEC’s Restructuring , a TV chain offered by Hun Sen, the positions as National Assembly’s deputy-president and Commission’s presidents or deputy-presidents … not Cambodia’s independence or the respect for voters’ will. In short, it’s exactly happening as Khmer Lotus Revolution had told in its analyses asserting that CNRP or TRP (Thief Rescue Party) has become CTP (Traitor’s Collaborationist Party) and then TP (Traitor Party). Do Khmer People agree with this analysis? Political analysts have propagated terms used by Khmer Lotus Revolution’s analyses for examples TRP (Thief Rescue Party), CTP (Traitor’s Collaborationist Party), TP (Traitor Party)… to Qualify CNRP! We have qualified CNRP Enrolled Queue or Dwarf Dog Party, by allusion to adages in khmer culture, for drawing khmer Nation’s attention over lightness and uselessness of CNRP in front of Three Death Dangers created by CPP traitor. In addition, we have qualified CNRP’s inveterate supporters as ephemerae insects that already have Wetted Wings or did have no more Wings. Khmer Nation are praying for these ephemerae to have no Wings to be able to engulf in the light source of death danger. Sam Rainsy, Kem Sokha, Sar Kheng and Hun Sen are Playing AYAY Chlang Chloeuy, YIKER or LOKHON BASSAC in their Roles in Order that Khmer People Watch them and Believe in them. In real, by Delusion and Hypnosis, they have been Misleading Khmer People and Serving their Master Ho Chi Minh, Using the Puppet King as Tool and Springboard to Achieve their Personal Ambitions and Betray their Country and People. Indeed, Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen, in this 2nd Monarchy, wouldn’t and Couldn’t Liberate Cambodia and its People for Independence and Democracy. CNRP has already Become the Party of Treason along with Hun Sen CPP. The Crazy King’s Regime and the two Parties Crazy about King have no Political Vision of Country’s Liberation. Indeed : 1/ Since already more than 35 years, CPP’s Hun Sen has consolidated Vietnamese colonization in Cambodia. 2/ Since already more than 22 years, CNRP’s Sam Rainsy has protected the 2nd Monarchy Puppet of Hanoi. (Week News: On Friday June 06, 2014, a rumor has spread over Hun Sen’s stroke, emergently transported to Calmette Hospital in Phnom Penh and to Singapore . The government unit for Quick response has denied this rumor asserting Hun Sen has been playing Golf with friends by showing recent photo. On June 10, as expected, he has visited Disabled persons in Kampot province. He has warned any coup will be crashed in 48 hours. Cambodia must not be compared to Thailand, or Tunisia, or Libya or Egypt. And I am not alike Young Luck, Hun Sen has told. A day before his alleged stroke, Hun Sen has met king Shamoni telling him the door for negotiation with CNRP remains open for country’s unity , nation’s union , for democracy and state of law. There were Words without substance…!) In Cambodia, Hun Sen and CPP have disappeared several times. But, thanks to Personal ambitions of Khmer politicians royalists and sycophants, they have had been brought back to life. Exactly, like trees and animals in African Sahara wich, on the point of death, have revived in the unexpected and refreshing rains. In brief, due to selfish collaboration suspected of Treason against khmer will, Hun Sen rises to the surface, this time, to come and respire and mutter he legally governs Cambodia. In political Impasse, Thief Prime Minister Hun Sen has resuscitated by mocking Sam Rainsy’s changeable position over NEC: non confidence in legislative elections and total confidence in sub national ones. Sam Rainsy has deserved it, because he has no firm position daring openly betray Khmer will and negotiating powers and posts for future collaborations against Khmer Nation. What will CNRP Do? To Attend National Assembly by Treason or Boycott it by Respect to Khmer People’s Will and Liberate Cambodia with them? Perhaps, there will be Historical Decision Awaited by Khmer People since more than 10 Months! Indeed, on May 29, 2014, in spite of boycott by 11 Senators of Sam Rainsy’s Party, Hun Sen CPP’s Senat has adopted, without problems, the draft law voted recently by Thief National Assembly. Do Opposition Parliamentarians (Senators and Deputies ) will have the courage to all together Resign to Prompt Unconstitutionality of the current thief regime, Create political impasse so that isolated Hun Sen CPP will be forced to choose itself popular consultations and anticipated elections to save Cambodia? Paris Agreement of October 23, 1991 in effect since 22 years stipulated that Cambodia has to be independent and democratic. When will khmer People overthrow Dictator Hun Sen for Independence and Democracy? Hun Sen has been Nicknamed Thief and Traitor by Khmer People. If CNRP Attends National Assembly to Legalize Khmer Parliament, to Recognize Thief Prime Minister Hun Sen, It will become the Thief Rescue Party (TRP) or the Collusion with Traitors Party (CTP). After Protests in Vietnam by angry insurgents against Chinese Occupation of Paracelsus islands by Burning, looting and ransacking Chinese Factories in Vietnam, Chinese residents and Investors have fled to Cambodia, by Thousands. The Archipelago of Paracelsus belongs to Vietnam due to its proximity to Vietnam, rioters said! On the contrary, why Vietnam, Situated at 50 km from Koh Tral (or Phu Quoc), has Annexed this isle located at 16 km from mainland of Cambodia? It’s Time for Cambodians to Rise up for Cambodia’s Independence, against Vietnamese Colonization! The Situation of Human Rights and environmental and cultural destructions in Cambodia have Worsened: Phnom Penh Municipality has closed Democracy Park and other State Buildings by Barbed Wires. On May 30, 2014, Phnom Penh Tribunal has ordered the Liberation of Vorn Peou and 22 Human Rights Defenders imprisoned at Trapeang Phlong since more than 4 months due to their pacific demo demanding monthly 160$ salary. Did this liberation be politically negotiated and will it be used as tool for positive results in negotiations between CPP and CNRP? Hun Sen, Khmer Traitor and Hanoi’s Puppet, has become a Mad Dog biting his People demonstrating against his Authority of Thief PM in the Kingdom of Thief Parliament, Thief Government, and Thief King Legalizing Hun Sen’s Dictatorship. Khmer People should not let this Mad Thief Prime Minister to Continue to rule this State and Serve his Master Hanoi as he already did for more than 35 years. Khmer Lotus Revolution sees two very dangerous Forces face to face: Khmer People in one Side that will win; CPP Hun Sen with China and Vietnam, Supported by CNRP, in the other, will Loss. Khmer Lotus Revolution Puts itself at Transitional National Council’s Disposal. In order to: 1/ Liberate Cambodia from Vietnamese Colonization. 2/ Overthrow Dictatorial Hun Sen Regime 3/ To Install Independent Institutions for Democracy! Political Situations in Asia and in South-East Asia are very favorable for the Takeover of all Powers by Khmer Nation! They have to Rebel by all Means, by Tsunami Demonstrations and Strikes… Like Different People in the World! Humanity have always Conquered their Rights by Fierce Fights. Khmer Nation Should Take Examples from Those People. Indeed: the End justifies all means. Khmer Nation must no more let CPP Hun Sen Lead Cambodia. even for 3 or 6 moths or a year! They Have to Do not Rely on always False Promises since 34 years made by Thief and Traitor CPP! Seeing that Key Khmer Problems Remain without Response: 1/ Vietnamese Colonization of Cambodia 2/ Hun Sen CPP’s Dictatorship 3/ Democracy It’s Time for Khmer Nation to Take their Destiny in their Hands, Rise Up, Sacrifice, Chase Vietnamese Colonization from Cambodia and Overthrow Dictator Hun Sen: for Independence, Liberty and Democracy! They Have to Struggle until Victory with all Means by Tsunami Demonstrations and Strikes…: That is their Rights! They won’t achieve these Goals by Keeping 2nd Monarchy and Thief Hun Sen CPP’s Regime in Place: Because They Help Vietnam Colonize Cambodia, since 22 Years (for 2nd Monarchy) and 35 years (for CPP)! In Cambodia, There are 3 Political Logics: 1/ Hanoi Puppet’s Logic embolden by Hun Sen CPP. 2/ 2nd Khmer Monarchy Rescue Logic Defended by Sam Rainsy and CNRP. 3/ Cambodia Liberation Logic Elaborated by Khmer Lotus Revolution and Transitional National Council. Indeed, Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen, in this 2nd Monarchy, wouldn’t and Couldn’t Liberate Cambodia and its People for Independence and Democracy. CNRP has already Become the Party of Treason along with Hun Sen CPP. The Human Rights in Cambodia are Getting Worse and Worse. All these Facts were Happening Due to Cambodia which remains a State of non-Law, Unconstitutional and a Thief State where Courts are ruled by CPP. Khmer Lotus Revolution and Transitional National Council (TNC) have reaffirmed all Negotiations Must Target Three national Objectives: Getting Vietnamese settlers out of Cambodia for its Independence, Toppling the Dictator Hun Sen and Installing Democracy! Under the nose of international community, Vietnam has been Annexing Cambodia since more than 35 Years: by the Overflow of Vietnamese Settlers in this Neighboring Country and by Annexation of Khmer Island Koh Tral (or Phu Quoc )…, Maritime Waters and Frontier Lands… by Contravening Paris Agreement of October 23, 1991. CNRP has been back to negotiate with the Thief Hun Sen of CPP to Restructure NE against Khmer voters’ will.! To Heal these three Khmer Cancers of which Vietnamese Colonization, Hun Sen CPP Dictatorship and the Lack of the Democracy, The Supreme Will of Khmer People is the Step-down of Hun Sen and the End of Vietnamization in Cambodia! Khmer Nation has to Exert Pressure on CNRP to Stop Negotiation with CPP! CNRP Dares Ignore Popular Will and Attend National Assembly. Negotiations between CNRP and CPP have resolved already 90% of Problems: There will be the Treason by CNRP against Khmer People Will! To Heal these three Khmer Cancers (Vietnamese Colonization, Hun Sen CPP Dictatorship and the Lack of the Democracy), Khmer People Must Wage Revolution in the frame of Transitional National Council (TNC) so that Hun Sen Staggers and Drops. When Khmer People have to Stand Up? Exactly, When CNRP and CPP will have attended the National Assembly! Or, When the People will be ready for Revolution! Or When there will Be the Coup to Overthrow Hun Sen ! Will Khmer People Have to Use Arms? Yes, There will Be non-violent Tsunami by Original Conception, but by Experience and Precaution, they can Use Arms for Self Defense such as knifes, axes, Sticks, hoes, banners, Threads, Pens, Pencils, Rice, Foods, Fishes, Meats, Prahok and Medicine to Resist long time till Victory ! Currently, Hun Sen, the Vietnam’s Puppet has been imposing his Dictatorship over this 2nd Monarchy. Cambodian Thief Rescue Party (CTRP aka CNRP ) has Continued its Negotiations with the Thief Hun Sen CPP to Restructure NEC.! Will the Liberation of 23 activist prisoners be served as toy of Negotiations between CNRP and CPP? The Supreme Will of Khmer People is the Step-down of Hun Sen and the End of Vietnamese Colonization in Cambodia! Khmer Nation has to Exert Pressure on CNRP to Stop Negotiation with CPP! CNRP will be caught in the Trap put by Vietnamese, Chinese and Khmer Rouge Communists. Secret and Illegitimate Negotiations between CNRP and CPP have Resolved already 90% of Problems. By Tricks of CPP, alas, new Legislative Elections will be Held by Hun Sen CPP by the End of 2018, allowing Thief Hun Sen Continue his new 5th Mandate as if nothing had happened. Khmer People do have not to Trust CPP Puppet of Hanoi who did never Respect their Promises since already 35 years. CNRP has been Committing Treason against Khmer People Will ! Khmer People Do has no Confidence in CNRP! They have to Exert Pressure on CNRP to Stop Negotiation with CPP! 44 years later, the Message of Marshal Lon Nol and Sirik Matak Remains True and Pathetic so that Khmer people should Stand up again and Put Hanoi out of Cambodia. Khmer Nation Must not Cooperate with Traitor CPP-Hun Sen in order to precipitate their fall! They Should Wage Khmer Lotus Revolution. Seeing that Cambodia Currently has Thief National Assembly, Thief Government and Thief Prime Minister, the Transitional National Council (TNC) Is Legitimate and Necessary to Manage Revolution. If Khmer Nation (in the Country and Overseas) Wage Khmer Lotus Revolution, They Will Win! In Virtue of Paris Peace Agreement of October 23, 1991, only by Lotus Revolution that Khmer Could : 1/ Liberate Cambodia from Vietnamese Colonization 2/ Overthrow Dictatorial Hun Sen Regime 3/ To Install Independent Institutions for Democracy ! There will be New Elections only after Lotus Revolution’s Victory, after Installing Independent Institutions for Free Elections: Under the Rule of Transitional National Council (TNC)! Khmer People will get what they have asked after Khmer Lotus Revolution’s Victory in the Frame of Transitional National Council, in the period of three years. Let’s Organize Mass Tsunami Demonstrations, Strikes….! Cambodia and its People will Win: their Demands (Independence, Liberty and Democracy…) are Legitimate…Only Tsunami Demonstration, Non-Cooperation, Strikes and Generalized and Permanent Civil Disobedience could Save Cambodia! Cambodian People and Youth! Wake Up! And Wage Khmer Lotus Revolution! Under the rule of Transitional National Council (TNC), not under the will of any Political Party. By Exerting National and International Pressures, By Blocking the Functioning of Thief National Assembly and Thief Government …. All Together, We Will Win! Best regards Thanks wkhmerlotusrevolution
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 15:46:40 +0000

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