14 things you probably didnt know about me: 1. I was born in - TopicsExpress


14 things you probably didnt know about me: 1. I was born in the city (Brooklyn, NY) and moved to NJ when I was 7 2. The Bronx Zoo was the first place I ever saw wild animals and I fell in love. They had an exhibit where you could step up on a stool, push a button, and smell skunk my curiosity got the best of me and 6 yr old me pushed that button and took a BIG whiff. To this day I cannot smell a skunk without reliving my childhood :) 3. I have a love/hate relationship with working out and I had body issues for a long time after an ex cheated on me and the other girl told me he said it was because I got fat and he wasnt attracted to me anymore. 4. I fell in love with wildlife rehab when I went to a non profit aquarium in Clearwater FL with my parents and saw all of the injured marine mammals being rehabbed. I remember thinking. Thats a JOB? people DO that? Im going to do that. Future decided and done. lol 5. When I was 13 I was diagnosed with severe scoliosis. The Dr was so alarmed at the progression of my spine deformity in 1 month apart checkups that he FREAKED out in front of me and told me to my face I needed surgery immediately or I would be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. My biggest curve was 53 degrees. 6. When I was in 7th grade many kids, including ones I didnt know, would tease me about the way I looked and ask me why I walked crooked. I had spinal fusion surgery at 14 yrs old to fix this and I have 13 inch rods and several hooks in my spine. in other words I AM TITANIUM!!! (for real) 7. I never had much support for what I wanted to study in college (Ecology and Wildlife Conservation). Many people including family members always asked me why I cared about that and told me I would never find a job in my field. (HA!) I never met people who shared my passion until I interned at Woodlands. On the last day of my internship I cried the entire way home because I didnt want to leave them. 8. After being cheated on in two relationships in a row, I thought I would never love again until I met Victor Foote. 9. I asked Victor to be my boyfriend by having my bestfriend write him a note on a napkin at his restaurant job with a checkbox that said Yes or Not No (lol). We gave it to him with the check and proceeded to run out of there as fast as possible. Victor actually said NO but he came to his senses and showed up at my house 2 weeks later to profess his love for me in person and had the folded up napkin in his pocket with the checkmark Yes. I still have it. :) 10. Earlier this year I entered a voting contest to meet Backstreet Boys. People told me there was NO WAY I could ever win and that hundreds if not thousands of other girls probably wanted the same thing. I won 2nd place but the radio station STILL gave me a prize better then the 1st place winner and I was able to fulfill my lifelong dream of telling them their music helped me survive my serious teenage surgery. Kevin Richardson was so surprised he grabbed me and hugged me for a long time and thanked me for sharing that with him and told me he is glad I am still here. He held me for so long the security yelled at us. :) 11. My favorite drink in the entire world is a tall glass of whole milk with ice cubes in it. (and I miss the roomie days when Amanda Franck would bring me a cold glass of icy milk and a PBJ sandwich) 12. I have gotten similar long apologetic speeches from 3 long term ex boyfriends saying I am the most loving person theyve ever known and they are sorry or crazy for not staying with me and very regretful. (I also got a similar message from at least 1 sibling of each of those people upset as well lol). 13. I aint scared of lions or tigers or bears... but I will SCREAM and run for the hills if I see a spider. Especially if it touches me lol. 14. My house was haunted for many years and I often wonder who it was, why it started, and why it stopped. The creepiest thing that ever happened is my ex bf and I BOTH heard a voice scream out his name when we were home alone. Remember that Lucas Abreu? lol I thought it would be hard to fill this but I wish I had more numbers lol Anyway, feel free to comment! Like my status if you want me to give you a number to share!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 01:53:01 +0000

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