149thKANO STATE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING PREPARED BY COUNCIL AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT HOUSE, KANO. In solemn and prayerful meditation to the Almighty Allah for the safe release of the over 200 female students of Government Girls’ Secondary School (GGSS) Chibok, Borno State, the Kano State Executive Council held its one hundred and forty ninth (149th) sitting today Wednesday 14th May, 2014 (15th Rajab, 1435 A H) under the Chairmanship of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE. Appropriately, the 149th sitting was dedicated to the recognition accorded to Kano State by the Progressive Governors Forum for choosing Kano State to convene and deliberate on issues of serious concern for the development of education in the country generally, particularly in their respective domains. Kano State, under the current leadership of the second (2nd) incumbency of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE, stands out as a beacon in the performance towards positive transformation of the education sector and system generally. Multitude of required projects, policies and programmes were and are continually executed superlatively that qualifies Kano State to occupy the exalted position in educational advancement. Only few examples can be cited as presentation of details is beyond this medium. All levels and aspects of the education sector/system were/are continually transformed. For examples: • At Basic Education Level - Over 2000 additional classrooms were constructed and furnished to improve and address the congestion problems in Basic Education/Primary Schools across the 44 Local Government Council Areas of Kano State. - Over 200 staff quarters were constructed in rural schools for the accommodation of teaching staff. - Provision of feeding free of charge at all Public owned Primary Schools in the State. - Provision of two (2) sets of brand new school uniforms to new intakes into all Public Primary Schools in the State. • At Secondary Education Level - Hundreds of existing schools were renovated and furnished. - Many unused/under – utilized public owned buildings were converted for use as secondary schools. Examples are the Drug/Medical Consumables Stores converted to Governor’s College, Magwan Water Restaurant converted to First Lady’s College, Yadakunya Psychiatric Hospital converted to GGSS Jan’ Baki, former WRECA Workshop at Bagauda converted to a Technical College, etc. • At Post Secondary/Tertiary Level - Over twenty four (24) tertiary institutions (two Universities inclusive) were established and progressively maintained. - Over two thousand (2000) Kano State Indigenous Students were sponsored for Graduate and Post Graduate Studies in relevantly required courses such as Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering, Piloting, etc. at institutions abroad and other States of the Federation. • At all levels - Education at all levels was declared to be provided free of charge in Kano State despite the capital intensity of the requirements. In a nutshell, the present administration in Kano State resolved to accord highest priority to the development of education due to the belief that “Investment ventured into for the development of the human being is essential and all encompassing”. Notwithstanding, the Kano State Executive Council received and deliberated upon thirty five (35) memoranda submitted from nine (9) MDAs of which twenty two (22) were approved for execution with an expenditure of Two Hundred and Eighty Two Million, Two Hundred and Sixteen Thousand, Seventeen Naira, Four Kobo (N282,216,017.04) covering eleven (11) projects as follows: 1. OFFICE OF THE HEAD OF CIVIL SERVICE The Kano State Head of Civil Service submitted four (4) memoranda for deliberations by Council. All were approved for execution. Thus: a) Request for Funds to Enable the Conduct of the 20th Batch Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON) Mandatory Workshop and Examination Pre–requisite for Attaining Managerial Position in Kano State:- Attainment of managerial positions (i.e. GL 14 and above) in Kano State Civil Service is no more automatic. Officers on GL 13 have to qualify by attending the cited workshop and passing the pre-requisite examinations. Council was intimated, through the contents of this memorandum that, the workshop is being conducted twice each year in collaboration between the Office of the Head of Civil Service (i.e. the Kano State Government) and the ASCON, Topo Badagry, Lagos. Main aim of the programme is to expose participants to Managerial and Administration Skills for effective service delivery. A total of 253 officers on GL 13 Officers from across the State Civil Service were earmarked as eligible for the workshop at the aggregate sum of N13,604,000.00, which was requested for release to cover for the successful conduct of the first (1st) Segment of the Workshop for the year 2014 (1st Week of June, 2014). Council approved the request. b) Request for Funds to Sponsor Six (6) Staff from Kano State Multi–Door Court House to Attend a Professional Qualification Training/Examination Programme:- For the six (6) staff to qualify for admission into the Associate Cadre of their profession, their participation in the cited training and passing the requisite examinations were presented to Council as mandatory. The State Head of Civil Service submitted the cited request for consideration by Council. Details on the names, salary grades, DTA, Local Running and Registration on the six (6) Staff were presented for consideration along with the request for the release of the aggregate sum of N1,455,000.00 for the stated purpose. Council approved the request. c) Request for Funds to Enable the Payment of First (1st) Batch (2014) Contract Gratuity in Respect of Ninety Six (96) Officers from Ten (10) Government Organizations:- The Statutory Provisions on the cited request prompted Council to approve the release of the aggregate sum of N19,502,777.04 for disbursement to ninety six (96) Contract Officers from ten (10) Government Organizations as First (1st) Batch of the payment for the year 2014. Prior to this, Council acknowledged the presentation of the report on the successfully executed payment of the sum of N31,338,891.22 approved and released for the payment of Third (3rd) Batch (2013) Contract Gratuity for 107 Contract Officers. d) Presentation of Notification on the Conduct of Fifth (5th) Retreat for Top Government Functionaries (2nd or 3rd Week June, 2014) at Kaduna:- The content of this memorandum adequately traced the history and genesis of conducting retreats twice each year. Such is considered relevant for collective engagement in relation to evaluation of Government’s policies, programmes and projects as per budgetary provisions. Importantly, the main theme for the Fifth (5th) Retreat is tagged as “Developing Sustainable Framework beyond 2015: The Consolidation Mechanism”. Council acknowledged the details presented for consideration and approved as follows: i. The granting for the conduct of the fifth (5th) Retreat at Kaduna. ii. The granting for liaison between the Ministry of Planning and Budget and the Office of the Head Civil Service to continue with all necessary arrangements by obtaining relevant cost implications for deliberation at the Executive Council Sitting. 2. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT The Secretary to the State Government submitted nineteen (19) memoranda for deliberations by Council on behalf of the Chairman and some MDAs. Eleven (11) of them were approved for execution as follows: a) Presentation of an Offer of Scholarship for Undergraduate and Post – Graduate Studies for International Students by the Government of Turkey:- The contents of this memorandum presented details on the offer of scholarship by Turkey Government to interested and qualified individuals desirous to undergo studies in that country. The scholarship arrangements covers monthly stipend (app. 250USD for undergraduate), full tuition fee, free one year Turkish Language course, free dormitory accommodation, Round-trip air tickets and Health Insurance. The scholarship is for medically fit Secondary School graduates who are not more than 21 years. Council deliberated on such an offer and directed the office of the Secretary to the State Government to publicize and coordinate the scheme for maximum participation of the state citizens. b) Presentation of First (1st) Quarter (January – March, 2014) Report from Private Health Institutions Registration Unit (PHIRU):- The Secretary to the State Government tacitly notified Council, through the contents of this memorandum that, PHIRU is shouldered with the responsibility of Registration, Inspection, Monitoring and Controlling of all existing Private Health Institutions in the State. Its activities are guided by the Private Hospitals (Control) Edict No. 5 of 1985, Public Health Edict No. 4 of 1985 and the Operational Guidelines governing the activities of the Private Health Sector across the State. The First (1st) quarter (January – March, 2014) report on the activities of PHIRU in Kano State were summarized for Council noting. The report informed members that the sum of N2,463,210.00 (prosecution charges inclusive) was generated by the Unit in the first (1st) quarter of the year. The presentation was appreciatively acknowledged as Council commended the good work of PHIRU in sanitizing the activities of private hospital in the State. c) Presentation of Proposal for the Nomination and Sponsorship of Another Batch (for the year 2014/2015) of Kano State Indigenous Candidates to Participate at the National Power Training Institute Programme:- Reportedly, thirteen (13) Kano State indigenous candidates were sponsored by the present administration to participate in the 2012/2013 training programme conducted by the National Power Training Institute, Abuja. Details of the performance results of the candidates were presented to Council for consideration. That out of the 13 students sponsored 7 of them passed at Merit Level and 3 have pass grade. However, 3 of the trainees absconded. The Report from the institute considered the performance of the sponsored candidates as satisfactory. Council acknowledged the presentation. d) Presentation of Fourth (4th) Quarter Report from the Kano State Public Complaints and Anti–Corruption Commission (from May, 2011 to date):- The content of this memorandum adequately traced the formative stages of the Public Complaints and Anti–Corruption Commission thereby stating its main functions and activities from inception to date. The achievements of the Commission in the period under review were summarized and presented to Council for consideration. The Commission has received 530 Complaints/Petitions – from 2011 to 2013, out of which 229 cases were resolved. However, 230 cases are now pending and receiving the attention of the Commission while 25 were referred to Courts and 46 were withdrawn. Amongst the numerous achievements of the Commission was the recovery of the sum of N17,890,651.30 from individuals, State and Local Government Agencies, which were returned to their rightful owners. The presentation was acknowledged and appreciated by Council. e) Request for Funds to Enable the Payment of Registration Fees in Respect of Twelve (12) (IADNCS) and One (1) (IDITC) Omitted Students from the Kano Informatics Institute Term 1 and 2 of the 2014 Academic Session:- This memorandum is a request for the payment of registration fees amounting to the sum of N2,625,000.00 in respect of 12 Advanced Diploma (IADNCS) and one Diploma Certificate (IDITC) Courses students from Kano State Informatics Institute. Details of the financial implications were summarized and presented to Council as follows: i. Twelve (12) (IADNCS) Students =N2,520,000.00. ii. One (1) (IDITC) Students = N105,000.00 Council approved the request for the release of the aggregate sum of N2,625,000.00 for the stated purpose. f) Presentation of Progress Report on the Employment Drive for 501 MSc. Graduates:- The Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Foreign Training submitted the cited progress report, which was presented to Council for noting by the Secretary to the State Government. Details of the employment vacancies earmarked for returnees amongst the 501 Kano State Indigenous Candidates sponsored for studies abroad were presented to Council as follows with the Northwest University, Kano approval for the absorption of 167 as Graduate Assistants (out of which only thirty (30) have returned for immediate employment) and Sa’adatu Rimi College of Education will employ twenty (20) of the returnees as Graduate Assistants having relevant qualifications. Other tertiary institutions are yet to submit their request. Council appreciated the report. g) Request for Funds to Enable the Procurement of Forty (40) Units of Learning Equipment for the State Education Sector:- The memorandum intimated Council of the need for the supply of 40 units of “Integrated Technology Enabled Learning Solution” equipment for use in the Educational Sector of the State at the aggregate sum of $140,000.00 at $3,500.00 per Unit. Council considered the details presented as relevant and approved the release of the requested sum of $140,000.00 for the equipment. h) Request for Funds to Enable the Conduct of Exhibition/Bazaar of Women Finished Products in Conjunction with the African Women Agric/Business Network (AWAN):- The request was submitted from the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development to Council for the release of the sum of N4,489,900.00 for the conduct of exhibition of women finished products. The amount is to cover for Venue/Feeding, Publicity and Souvenir, hosting of participants and fueling of official vehicles. Council approved the release of the trimmed down sum of N3,000,000.00 for the stated purpose. i) Presentation of Composition of the Four (4) Nominees from the Business Community to Serve as Members of the Consumer Protection Council (CPC):- The Secretary to the State Government notified Council that, Section 4 (4) and (6) of the Law on Consumer Protection provides that appointment of four (4) persons from the Business Community be made as Members of the Council. In the same vein, Section 7 provides for the remuneration of Members of the Board other than Ex–Officio Members. Council deliberated on the need for, and, approved the appointment of four (4) persons from the Business Community to serve as Members of the CPC, viz: i. Alhaji M. D. Yusuf KACCIMA ii. Alhaji Muhammad AdakawaSinger Market iii. Alhaji Mustapha SudawaDawanau Market iv. Alhaji Ya’u KarasKurmi Market Council also approved the following remuneration as monthly allowances to the Board/Commission Members as follows: • Board ChairmanN120,000.00 • Board MembersN100,000.00 • Part – Time Members (Civil Service Commission)N100,000.00 • CRC (Secretary)N100,000.00 j) Request for Funds to Enable the Provision of Medical Assistance in Respect of Baba Muhammad Afflicted by Rheumatic Heart Disease:- The contents of this memorandum presented Baba Muhammad as one (1) of the 197 Kano State indigenous students sponsored by the Kano State Government for a one (1) year top–up Degree Programme at the International University of East Africa, Kampala, Uganda. Reportedly, the student was afflicted by Rheumatic Heart Disease an illness that damages the heart valve resulting in scarring manifest in leakages of the valve or its narrowing. The student was recommended for surgery in India by the Institution at the sum of N2,225,500.00. Council approved the request. k) Presentation of First (1st) Quarter Report on the 197 Kano State Indigenous Students Sponsored for One (1) Year Top– Up Degree Programme in Uganda:- The cited Progress Report was submitted from the State Ministry of Science and Technology. Essentially, the report was on the stand of current issues in respect of the 197 Kano State indigenous candidates sponsored by the State Government to undergo one (1) year Top–Up Degree Programme at the International University of East Africa (IUEA), Uganda, after completing the International Advanced Diploma on Information and Communication Technology at Kano Informatics Institute and Jigawa State Institute of Information Technology, Kazaure. Council appreciatively acknowledged the report and was delighted on the academic performance of the sponsored candidates now studying in Uganda. 3. MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Only one (1) among the three (3) memoranda submitted for deliberation by Council from the Ministry of Higher Education was approved for execution. Thus: Request for Funds for the Sponsorship of Late Justice Sadi Mato’s Children Education for 2013/2014 Academic Session:- The content of this memorandum was a request for the sponsorship of the education of the eleven (11) children sired by late Justice Sadi Mato up to University Level. The approval was granted on Wednesday 9th October, 2013. Details of the financial commitments for the 2013/2014 academic session in respect of the eleven (11) children were presented to Council for consideration along with the request for the release of the aggregate sum of N4,080,000.00 for the stated purpose. Council approved the request. 4. MINISTRY OF COMMERCE, INDUSTRY, COOPERATIVES AND TOURISM Two (2) of the three (3) memorandum submitted for deliberations by Council from this Ministry were approved for execution as follows: a) Presentation of Request on the production of Customized ID Card for Traders and Businessmen in Kano State:- Council was reminded, through the contents of this memorandum, of its approval granted for the production of Customized reloaded ID Cards for Traders and Businessmen in Kano State. Essentially, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Cooperatives and Tourism was directed to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Consultants towards the production of the ID Cards. Council acknowledged the presentation and directed the Kano State Ministry of Justice to vet the Memorandum of Understanding making sure that the interest of the State is assured. b) Request for Funds to Enable the Conduct of Training of 1000 Traders for Entrepreneurship Skill Development:- The Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Cooperatives and Tourism submitted the cited request for consideration by Council due to many reasons. Capacity building for the targeted beneficiaries is the main essence as the training is intended to encompass capacity building on entrepreneurship skills, which help in development competence, know–how, experience, attitudes, resource, management, etc. Further, details were presented to Council for consideration along with the request for the release of the aggregate sum of N18,850,000.00 to cover for the successful training of 1000 identified traders for entrepreneurship skills development. Council approved the release of N1,250,000.00 to undertake intensive publicity and sensitization of the targeted beneficiaries. 5. MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES One (1) of the two (2) memoranda submitted for deliberation by Council from the Ministry of Water Resources was approved for execution. Thus: Presentation of Report on the Amalgamated Assistant Works Superintendent Training School (AWSTS):- Pursuant to the directive issued by the State Executive Council to the Hon. Commissioner for Works, Housing and Transport, the contents of this memorandum presented recommendations for the merger of the two separate AWSTS (Challawa Training School and Sharada Training School) and the selection of leadership after the conversion of one of the school to a Secondary School under the Ministry of Education. Council deliberated on the recommendation and approved the appointment of Abdulkadir Mukaddas as the Coordinator to be deputized by Arabi Lawan of the new merged school. 6. MINISTRY OF PLANNING AND BUDGET The only memorandum submitted for deliberation by Council from the Ministry of Planning and Budget was approved for execution. Thus: Presentation of Report on HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment Programmes:- The Hon. Commissioner for Planning and Budget notified Council, through the contents of the memorandum that the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is committed towards providing support for HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment across the globe. The sum of $3.4 Billion was committed in Nigeria from the year 2011 (i.e. at the rate of $458 Million on annual basis). PEPFAR realistically reviewed the performance of the programme across some States of the Federation to ensure judicious/effective utilization of its investment. Findings were satisfactory, which instigated the programme to remain committed in maintaining its current level of funding. This is to ensure a successful HIV/AIDS response and a free generation in Kano State and the Nation at large. The content of the memorandum requested and Council approved the doubling of efforts by the Kano State Ministry of Health, the State Primary Healthcare Management Board and the State Agency for the Control of AIDS (SACA) in the areas of the provision of adequate counseling and medication to various AIDS victims in the State. Council also considered and directed the State Ministry of Information, Internal Affairs, Youth, Sports and Culture to embark on proper enlightenment in that direction. 7. MINISTRY OF WORKS, HOUSING AND TRANSPORT Council approved the execution of the request submitted in the contents of the only memorandum from the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport. Thus: Request for Funds to Enable Payment for Diesel (AGO) Supplied to the Taskforce Committee on the Installation /Repairs / Reactivation of Street and Traffic Control Lights in the Month of January, 2014:- The Hon. Commissioner for Works, Housing and Transport submitted the cited request as substantiated by the presentation of five (5) authenticated receipts from the approved Government supplier of the stated commodity (Diesel) totaling to the aggregate sum of N82,569,740.00. Authenticity of the request was considered by Council as approval was granted for the release of the sum of N82,569,740.00 for the Diesel supplied for electricity generation. 8. MINISTRY OF LAND AND PHYSICAL PLANNING Request for Funds to Enable Continuation with the Laying of Garden Interlock Tiles along the Pedestrian Walkways of Thirty (30) Additional Roads in Kano Metropolis:- Laying of Garden Interlock Tiles along the pedestrian walkways of major roads in the metropolis was heralded among the most successfully executed projects towards the beautification of Urban Kano. So far, Council was amply notified that, KNUPDA had judiciously expended the aggregate sum of N1,120,056,090.71 released to it through twelve (12) approvals granted by the Kano State Executive Council from 12th December, 2011 to 14th March, 2014. Reportedly, a total of eighty four (84) metropolitan roads were provided with garden interlock tiles at the sum of N1,173,602,463.79, which was N53,641,257.24 higher than the sum of N1,120,056,090.71 approved and collected by KNUPDA for the entire project so far. In this vein, Council was requested to approve the release of the aggregate sum of N120,000,000.00 to cover for the outstanding payment (N53,641,257.24) and for the continuation of the project (N66,358,742.76). Council approved as requested. UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES OF THE 149TH EXCO SITTING 1. THE PROGRESSIVE GOVERNORS FORUM SECOND (2nd) GOOD GOVERNANCE LECTURE SERIES HELD ON MONDAY 12TH MAY, 2014 IN KANO Council delightfully acknowledged the successful Progressive Governors forum second (2nd) Good Governance Lecture of which the main theme was “Crisis in Nigeria’s Education Sector: Addressing the Connect between Unemployment and Insecurity” at Africa House, Government House Kano. Topical issues where discussed at the Forum. Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE presented highlights of the numerous achievements recorded by the Kano State Government in the Educational Sector, which include the construction and rehabilitation of Primary Schools, provision of free feeding, provision of School Uniforms to new intakes into Primary Schools, as well as provision of instructional materials. Others include the establishment of twenty four Tertiary Institutions (two Universities inclusive), sponsorship of qualified Kano State Indigenous Students for studies at reputable Universities for Graduate and Postgraduate training in various disciplines locally and abroad. Accordingly, the participants and the three (3) discussants concurred with the paper presentation delivered by the guest speaker particularly the general recommendations, which focused on Good Governance, Tackling Youth Unemployment, Dealing with Insecurity as formidable ways of addressing the crisis in Nigeria’s Education Sector, connecting between Unemployment and Insecurity. 2. GOVERNOR ENGR. RABI’U MUSA KWANKWASO, FNSE OFFICIAL WORKING VISIT TO UGANDA Council noted with appreciation the outcome of the Governor’s official working visit to Uganda where the entourage met with 197 Kano State Indigenous Sponsored Students of Information Technology, who are undergoing a one (1) year Top-up course which will lead to their obtaining a BSc. Degree Certificate. An Award was presented to the Governor in recognition of his brilliant performance in uplifting the living standards of the underprivileged in the society. Accordingly, the Governor made another epic activities in being the first (1st) Nigerian Political Office Holder to plant a live tree at Pan African Square, Uganda. 3. AZMAN AIR SERVICES FIRST FLIGHT TAKE OFF FROM THE MALAM AMINU KANO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (MAKIA) Council noted the successful take off of the Azman Air Flight from the Malam Aminu Kano International Airport (MAKIA) on Wednesday 14th May, 2014 and wishes the company success. 4. SWEARING – IN OF THE TWO (2) NEWLY APPOINTED HON. COMMISSIONERS AND A PERMANENT SECRETARY Council witnessed the swearing–in of the two (2) newly appointed Hon. Commissioners in the persons of Nasiru Yusuf Gawuna and Ali Ahmad Yako for the Ministries of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Higher Education respectively. At the same venue, Muktari Isa Danbatta was sworn-in as a Permanent Secretary. The appointees were urged to be hardworking and diligent in discharging their duties. Further, a Cabinet reshuffle was made as follow: i) Hon. Commissioner for Land and Physical Planning moved to the Ministry of Planning and Budget; ii) Hon. Commissioner for Planning and Budget moved to the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning iii) Hon. Commissioner for Commerce, Industry, Cooperatives and Tourism was moved to the Ministry of Information, Internal Affairs, Youths, Sports and Culture iv) Hon. Commissioner for Information, Internal Affairs, Youths, Sports and Culture moved to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Cooperatives and Tourism USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS ON ANY EMERGENCY Council endorsed the useful phone numbers submitted by the Security agencies for easy access in case of any emergency on the metropolitan Roads. The public may easily contact Kano State Road Traffic Agency (KAROTA) for breakdown of vehicle(s), traffic congestion, accidents, and illegal/wrong parking on – 08091626747. Similarly, the State Police Command could be contacted on – 08032419754, and 08123821575. In addition, the State Fire Service can also be contacted on – 07051246833, and 08191778888. 12 | Page
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 14:07:54 +0000

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