14TH January, 2015 Press Release The Nayele Ametefe - TopicsExpress


14TH January, 2015 Press Release The Nayele Ametefe scandal: NDC IS STILL DAZED The Wednesday 14th January press conference by Asiedu Nketiah, General Secretary of NDC, on the Nayele Ametefe cocaine scandal should be seen by all objective Ghanaians as a desperate attempt to escape the hard questions that government must answer in connection with this scandal. Mr. Asiedu Nketia makes false claims against the NPP: 1. That the NPP had posted a picture of a known NDC lady and tagged her as Nayele Ametefe. The NPP did no such thing. We also saw pictures on social media. We have nothing to do with those pictures. Aseidu Nketiah’s confusion is shown by his statement that, “Mrs. Ruby Adu Gyamfi of NDC swiftly responded with a press conference…” We hasten to add that the name Ruby Adu Gyamfi is one of the known aliases of Nayele Ametefi, who at that material time was in custody in Britain and could not have been responding to the NPP with a press conference. 2. Asiedu Nketiah accuses the NPP of claiming Nayele travelled with a diplomatic passport. This is also false. Nowhere in the NPP’s 7th January statement did we make this claim. Indeed we also read the claims from the media including the Austrian newspapers online. 3. Asiedu Nketiah accuses the NPP of alleging that Nayele traveled through the VVIP at Kotoka International airport. This is also false. Indeed, the Attorney General’s charge sheet against some individuals arrested in connection with this matter stated, “VVIP”. Testimony from one Alhaji Dawud who had been arrested also indicated that Nayele travelled through the VVIP. 4. Asiedu Nketiah accuses the NPP of linking staff of the Ghana High Commission in London to the scandal. This is also false. Nowhere in the NPP statement, was this accusation made. We had asked if it was a mere co-incidence that a diplomatic car was at the tarmac at the airport, to pick someone at the time of Nayele Ametefe’s arrest on the aircraft. 5. Asiedu Nketiah pathetically recites the allegation that three (3) NPP women from Dzowulu Accra were arrested with cocaine in 2002. That allegation was made by an NDC newspaper and it has not been proven up till today. 6. The pathetic allegations continue with the arrest and conviction of former NPP MP for Nkoranza North, Eric Amoateng. Amoateng’s salary was rightly paid until he was convicted. The NDC’s General Secretary should know that an accused person on trial is not the same as a convicted person. The claim that Amoateng passed through VIP at the Kotoka Airport neglects the fact that as a Member of Parliament, Eric Amoateng was entitled to use the VIP. The records also do not show that Amoateng carried cocaine through the Kotoka International airport. The person who was heard on national radio calling for a warm reception for Amoateng on his return, was the NDC DCE for Nkoranza North. 7. Asiedu Nketia brazenly accuses the NPP of de-confiscation of properties of convicted drug barons. It would have been helpful to the nation if the NDC General Secretary had mentioned the names of the drug barons whose properties were de-confiscated. 8. Asiedu Nketia makes references to wiki-leaks allegations. He conveniently forgets wiki-leaks allegations about President Mills’ remarks on complicity of members of his own government in using the VVIP for narcotic business. 9. The NDC’s General Secretary’s claims that the NPP did not pass any legislation against narcotics. This is another lie. Over three hundred (300) narcotic cases had not been prosecuted before 2001 because the suspects, upon bail, simply run-away from the country. The NPP amended (the law)legislation to make narcotics a non-bailable offence, and that made Ghana an unattractive destination for narcotics. It will be of interest to Asiedu Nketiah and the NDC that the NPP in collaboration with the British introduced Operation Westbridge, which led to successful arrests of narcotic traffickers at the Kotoka Airport. These questions are still crying for answers. …Signed… Nana Akomea (Communications Director)
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 06:35:52 +0000

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