15/11/2014. ॐ श्रीपरमात्मने नमः - TopicsExpress


15/11/2014. ॐ श्रीपरमात्मने नमः । We are discussing the love phenomenon. It is said Love is God. The characteristic of Parmatma is, Parmatma doesn’t do anything. Everything happens just by His presence only. So love is, only when it happens effortlessly, just by the proximity of the lovers, two souls. Suppose you are perfume incarnation. You have not only dived into the pool of perfume with putting on clothes, but your bones, skin, flesh are also made of perfume. Now wherever you will go, the perfume will be reflected by your mere presence. Everybody will feel a sense of heavenly smell in your vicinity wherever you go. You have not to notify to the people of the perfume. Its magical effect will take into its stride whoever comes in its proximity. Same ways there are people who are fully filled with love, who are love incarnation. Whenever they come into the contact of any other person, the other person gets tremendous love from their mere presence. When two such people come into contact, love just happens to each other without any effort on anybody’s part. That is effortless love. But you are seeking love. You approach the person who is also seeking love. So two wanting persons are experimenting to satisfy the want of the each other. Just like a beggar expects donation from other beggar. This is the root cause of every conflict between the lovers. Both the lovers are desperate in getting love from the other partner. Both have conveniently come together expecting that the one will suffice the want of love of the other. The assembly of both has come into existence on the sole base that one partner will satisfy the want of love of the other partner. Now love is not that chemical process in which when two love wanting persons come into contact of each other, both get filled with love automatically. It has always remained human psyche that when your expectations are not met, you first become impatient and then apprehensive. You are never prepared to accept that your selection is faulty. So your mind intriguely convinces your intellect that your partner is full with love but he is not prepared to bestow it upon you. You never accept the reality that the person is devoid of love. Then you become apprehensive that he must have discrete relations with others also. This feeling is not restricted to one partner, but it almost simultaneously happens to both. And the relationship breaks causing enormous pain to both the parties. So love is love, only when it happens effortlessly. It happens when two givers give love to each other, and not when two wanting persons seek it from each other. More tomorrow. हरिः ॐ तत् सत् ।
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 04:20:57 +0000

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