15 Dreadfully Treasonous Words In Obama’s Speech January 30, - TopicsExpress


15 Dreadfully Treasonous Words In Obama’s Speech January 30, 2014 by Floyd Brown 64 Comments Email60 Share19.9K 37 Share22.1K Tweet313 cicero on treason Obama huffed… and he puffed… and he, well, blew nothing down. He moved nothing forward. All that our once-mighty leader’s State of the Union address showed was how completely irrelevant he’s become. In fact, the president began by practically admitting that his legislation is dead on arrival because of how unpopular he is with Congress. But the problem isn’t Congress… You see, if his agenda was popular with the voters, Congress would be falling all over itself to pass it. Congress follows the voters, and the voters don’t want any more of what Obama’s selling. Heil, Obama! During his first two years in office, Barack Obama controlled all three branches of government. He had unprecedented approval, and he used the opportunity to pass several highly unpopular bills. Unfortunately for the president, those bills have gone on to define his legacy. The most destructive to middle class finances – and the president’s popularity – has been the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. You see, the Affordable Care Act was a gigantic political mistake. Obama allied himself with then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid to pass a bill with no Republican support whatsoever, rather than working toward a healthcare reform plan with bipartisan backing. With that single act, Obama polarized the nation… and he hasn’t looked back since. To this day, he continues to poison the body politic; and his newest plans – debuted to a national audience during the State of the Union – will cause even more division. Since he can’t get anything done by working with others, Obama has decided to declare himself dictator and attempt to pass laws by executive order. His borderline treasonous words were, “Wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation…that’s what I’m going to do.” I can’t help but be reminded of Hitler’s transition from the elected Chancellor of Germany to complete dictator, ruling by decree. Yet even that comparison isn’t entirely accurate. In 1933, the Reichstag passed a law and gave Hitler his power. Obama has simply decided to usurp his. A Year of Inaction Thankfully, though, the United States today isn’t like Germany in 1933. And despite Obama’s attempts to rule by executive order, I believe we’re actually witnessing the opposite – the disintegration of his power. He can command all he wants; but without Congress’ backing, I doubt that states and local governments are going to listen to the president. In fact, his irrelevance may actually be highlighted by his decrees. But he’s going to try anyway. Obama’s first decree will attempt to fix global warming. Amusingly, while he was speaking about global warming, nearly half of the country was huddled together fighting the abnormal cold. Suffice it to say that the president’s rhetoric is badly out of touch with reality. He actually stood before Congress and had the mendacity to call Obamacare a success! Just to recount, the first goal of the Affordable Care Act was to increase insurance coverage… and more people have lost insurance than have gained it under Obamacare. The second goal was to make insurance affordable… yet insurance is more unaffordable now than at any time in our history. Still, Obama blithely encouraged the people who were watching the State of the Union to sign up. Not surprisingly, he failed to mention the myriad problems with healthcare.gov, including security and inaccuracy concerns that have been well documented. His grand flourish was to call for a “year of action.” But I predict that, one year from now, when we’re once again subjected to an excruciatingly painful address, no significant legislation will have been signed by Obama. If he actually does try to rule by decree, the courts will annul his diktats, one by one, until anything without a basis in existing legislation will be ruled unconstitutional. Because Obama doesn’t have the character, personality, and charisma to move the nation to action, 2014 is more likely to be remembered as the year of inaction. He is untrusted, untalented, and ineffective as Commander-in-Chief. He will be even worse as Dictator-in-Chief. Read more at westernjournalism/15-dreadfully-treasonous-words-obamas-speech/#4C1g8x5sHwykvb60.99
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:14:28 +0000

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