15 Feeling Helplessness 080814 As atomic nuclear reaction - TopicsExpress


15 Feeling Helplessness 080814 As atomic nuclear reaction poignant lost energy, caught up in half-life, after half-life meltdown, we put a nuclear linear time spin, off the beam of enlightening compassion, ourselves, and we also remain in continual dysfunctional tension, and projection, divisive evil at our undead best. Stimulus/react; stimuli/reacting; nuclear/reaction; human/reactor; mortal/actor; cellular/divisor; mole hill/mountain, and all non-Love/helpless lost energy to the survival power of narcissistic arrogance, enters time’s unreality, atomic spinning needlessly, just to avoid really feeling unreal creation’s all pervasive helplessness. Imagine each human carries the burden of the whole Universe within, and now let’s say I am at the very least, one little garden patch, filled with GMO poison, that takes years to give myself a letting-go new bath? The cow eats the corn, that now isn’t even corn, so the milk of the cow remains as poison as Earth, but on the way, human mother’s milk got to be the poison in my own garden patch. Imagine now, each new human baby, already carries all such burdens of undead Earth, that takes half-life generations to give all us humans a letting-go new Earth bath? Slowly, and, ever so gently settle comfortably into collective Love Oceans of all Universal acceptance, that forgiving, instead of reacting without compassion, will also bring Love’s motive for Immortality into the heart of The One. We, who helplessly surrender to asking for help from ethereal’s lack of any more need to react, actually forsake linear time’s survival for more undead mere patches. Feeling helplessness, if even just a moment, brings idea challenges in a continual flow of Love’s new motive, Immortality at its ‘it-less’ best. How can we ask for help with true sincerity, if we keep filling atomic spin’s linear void with more reacting time projections, so ‘when-less’ we, really feel unreal helplessness, how better can we really ask Immortality for no truer help to surrender as helplessly? Precious little innocent children are we, who come here to Atone into creation’s alibi for pretentious lovelessness, also remain as helpless as any new born child, who still reacts, just breathing painfully in a howling cry of rage, first taking in “Mortality”, that never seems to last here. Feeling helplessness of being here, also provides the similar helpless surrender to ONENESS in the Spirit of Immortal Love Reality, so, even without Satanic evil pushing us, all creation would surrender slowly, and, ever so gently, settling comfortably, and more softly into timeless ‘it-less-ness’ of Love’s foreverywhere Immortality. Skin-so-soft puffs up, and out, poofing past timeless limits of our whole inclusive Universe, within, inside the Inner Realm, where no nuclear reactions can become reactor actor garden patches, caught up in linear unreality, waiting for more time to react without ever really feeling helplessness. Helpless are we as children; helpless are we as inner children guides, and we are as helpless as we are to feel helplessness of creation’s all exclusive poison. We are helpless without experiencing stillness, to stop reacting from fear of Love’s Peace from within. By turning our attention within, instead, we become Love indwellers seeing/hearing from ONENESS Spirit acceptance, how each of us can activate the light of forgiveness within The One, all inclusive, to fulfill a life, forever gratifying Conscience compassion’s purpose. Creation reacts, like bullies act, to just seem to survive here, more as winners, but like time’s spin within nuclear stuck linear energy, reacting is for cowards, without the fear prayed courage to really feel helplessness. Losers are mere continual nuclear reactions to winner bullies, and both favor hiding authoritarian twin melt down in Centralization hog Heaven, still blaming someone else for killing us with what we drink from cows, or later, in mother’s milk. “I am the poison garden patch on the poison Earth Mother iconic, and we all are billions of poison human cell reflections of our tiny poison Mother Earth.” Helpless, we judge each other as the source of our own fear virus projections gone viral, and helpless, we continually react, just like the nuclear reactor suckling piglets competing in creation on this tiny planet dark speck, hiding the enlightening Holographic breast/breathless inside infinity’s motherless Immortality. We are divisive energy, and just as much poison, already, for the whole telepathic interconnected Inner Realm University of Peace. As much as we accept our helplessness, remains the ‘tell’ of our surrender to embrace our inclusive complicity, but as much as we react in time’s unreality, just shows who really is hiding shame from non-Love/helpless stuck energy, without compassion’s humility, still feigning food chain-of-fool exclusivity.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 00:25:15 +0000

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