15 January: 165 years of the poets birth That is not known about - TopicsExpress


15 January: 165 years of the poets birth That is not known about Eminescu Răzvan Codrescu Poet Mihai Eminescu descended from a dreptcredincioasă family, and his mother, R., daughter of Vasile Juraşcu high, kept in particular have, on his estate at Ipoteşti, a shrine of închinăciune, buying a coterie for this purpose without a steeple, with its wooden Bell Tower. She had 2 brothers (Dido, Iachint), three sisters (Sarah, Olympiad, Sofia) and a niece of sister (Xenia) at the service, in the famous monasteries of Bucovina. Despite the Declaration of the poem I dont believe in Jehovah, Eminescu, without being fanatical or very devotional, having great respect for religious tradition, calling the Church spiritual Mother of the Romanian people. One of his passions was to collect ancient manuscripts, which were almost all religious content. Although Orthodox, he would appreciate it a lot and Catholicism, especially for its cultural performances. It was, however, critical of the Protestantism that it looked like a iudaizare of Christianity. When planning to perform secret marriages with Veronica Micle (who was to die in the same year with him, and was buried at Văratec Monastery), gândiseră is both more jokingly, more seriously, to convert to Catholicism, where divorce is not easily accepted. Of course, the work has not been done. But a sister of Eminescu, George, had to switch to Catholicism in 1890, by marriage to an Austrian officer. Especially in youth, the poet was attracted and the Indian religions, and on the edge of a specification is notase, with obvious exaggeration sometime: I am Buddhist. No simple Christian, but a Christian raised to the power of 10. The poet was sensitive and the old beliefs of geto-Dacians (see, for example, the prayer of a dac), referring once to Zalmoxis and wisdom heathen priests, but does not see that some opponents, as well as some precursors of Christianity. In his posthumous writings are numerous Christian religious compositions, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, or of Jesus Christ or the Theotokos. The most beautiful expression of religious sensitivity copies remain Prayerful poem: the Empresss choosing, you/we kneel, praying/Exalts us, save us from the wave of what haunts us; Be firming/shield And wall of salvation/5-your adored/us descends upon itself, a most pure mother,//And ever Virgin,/Marie! . OrthoGraffiti magazine, no. 3, may. 2009
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 11:55:47 +0000

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