15 October,2013. Today is AIR INDIA DAY. I want to write it in - TopicsExpress


15 October,2013. Today is AIR INDIA DAY. I want to write it in bold capitals, as it forms a very enjoyable and a large part of my later life, not just mine, really that of the whole of my family, upwards and down the line. We all immensely enjoyed our years from 1985 to 2005, being Air Indians! In fact still do, in some ways. It was in the year 1932, that the legendary JRD Tata flew his tiny Puss Moth from Karachi to Mumbai, marking the beginning a great enterprise that was to become brand Air India, envied by the competetors and and enjoyed by the flying community! It has been 81 years to the day. That I was a part of that brand makes me proud and thinking of the glory days makes my eyes all misty. May be the age has made me sentimental or senile, whatever, but, I still get goose pimples when I see an Air India plane taking off, to some poster destination Talking about posters of an airline which line up any travel agents walls, reminds me of the staircase in our bungalow , full of such vintage Air India posters large and colourful, luring passengers to some exciting places around the world..London, Paris, Sydney, Tokyo.. It was actually Kavitas idea to take these AI posters out of the mothballs, and put them up in such manner, as to bring us the flavours of those far away places as we climb the steps to our terrace as a plane climbs out of its earthly bonds and takes you to your dream destinations. Today, I went to mumbai to be in my old hunting grounds of Air India and felt the familiar excitement of being with the planes and pilots. I wore the golden watch, still shining almost like new, given to all Air Indians in 1992 when the Mr JRD Tata himself attended the 60 years celebrations. He had invited wife of his old friend and co-founder late Neville Vintcent. Mind you, its vinTcent, with a t. The unusually spelt surname was the only one of its kind in a thick London telephone directory. So, it was easy to make a call to find the family. That is how I met old Nevilles son in London, who proudly pulled out from his wallet fading photo of his father to show it to me. No one I ran into at Air India seemed to remember the anniversary day at all....that told me sadly how far the employee morale has gone down in these difficult times. They were happy though, to learn about the important date. I mentally saluted the old patriarch of Air India standing tall and still, steadily gazing out at the newcomers from his high perch and wondering whither Air India.. But, I still think think it is remarkable for an enterprise to be in this business of caring for and carrying people all around the globe, getting them home when they get home sick or their hosts turn hostle! Carrying proudly our flag and our flag bearers- the VVIPs safely at remote places on time and in good shape while still keeping the revenue flyers filling the seats is no mean task, but Air India is upto it for decades. Do you know an interesting fact that our Indian Air Force and Air India was born just a week apart in the October of 1932?..and that the Drigh Road airfield of Karachi is the common starting point?? They have both grown in size and stature over 81 years. I also have to happily note that many of us old hands have served in both these!! Take my word for it..no matter what noises you hear or claims you read..I still say fly Air India and keep the magic carpet flying its YOUR airline!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 15:55:08 +0000

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