15 THINGS TO DO ON THIS SPECIAL DAY OF ARAFAH (SHARE TO BENEFIT OTHERS) 1. Set your intention to fast the Day of Arafah and to be of those whose sins are forgiven and those who are saved from the Hellfire. If you intend to fast and youre not able to for a legitimate reason (extreme sickness, monthly cycle, etc), youll still obtain the vast rewards through the will and generosity of Allah (swt). 2. Sleep early in order to have strength for the most blessed day of the year. Setting your intention to sleep as a form of worship will make your sleep more blessed. 3. Wake up before Fajr by at least an hour (or two) if youre able to. This is literally the most blessed time of the night and the best time for duaa to be accepted, as well as the blessed day of Jumuah (Friday), as well as the greatest day of the year, Arafah. No matter what you do, *do not* miss out on the time before Fajr. 4. Purify yourself and if youre able to, pray a few rakahs. Recite whatever moves your heart. Make your prayer slow and tranquil, focus on every part of prayer. In sujood, make sincere duaa for forgiveness and blessings and success in this life and the next. Spill your heart out in duaa. Praise Allah for all that you have so that He will increase you in blessings. If you cant pray, wake up nonetheless and use that time for duaa, thikr, and recitation of the Quran. 5. Pray witr and make a lot of duaa after coming up from rukoo. Ask for forgiveness from the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful. After you finish, make a lot of Istighfaar (saying Astaghfirullah or Astaghfirullaah wa atoobu elayh) as well as a lot of salaah upon the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasallam). 6. Have some healthy suhoor at the latest moments possible before Fajr athan. 7. If youre able to, its highly encouraged to pray Fajr with your local congregation. Repeat after the athaan, make duaa, and pray 2 rakahs Sunnah for Fajr. Make duaa between the athan and iqama as duaa is accepted at that time. 8. After Fajr, recite Ayatul Kursi once, and Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas three times. Say your post-prayer supplications and morning supplications (athkar as-sabaah), and intend to stay until sunrise if you dont have work/class. 9. Make a lot of thikr until sunrise, or recite Quran, and 10-15 minutes after the sun rises, pray 2 rakahs. These rakahs are equivalent in reward to HAJJ & UMRAH, complete, complete, complete, as the Prophet salAllaahu alayhi wasallam told us. That reward is for the one who stays after Fajr prayer until sunrise worshiping Allah and then prays two rakahs after sunrise (make sure to wait for the sun to rise, 10-15 mins). This reward of HAJJ & UMRAH is magnified on blessed days, and the Day of Arafah is the best day of the year. 10. The morning time is blessed; take advantage and be productive, especially if you slept early and slept enough. Dont waste a single minute of this blessed day. 11. Recite Quran and make thikr throughout the day, especially takbeer (Allahu Akbar), tahmeed (Alhamdulillah), tasbeeh (SubhanAllah), and tahleel (Laa Ilaaha Illa Allah). One duaa thats prescribed to say often is Laa Ilaaha Illa Allahu, wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul mulk, walahul hamd, wa huwa ala kulli shayin qadeer. (There is no god worthy of worship besides Allah, alone, with no partners. To Him is the Dominion, and to Him is all praise, and He is able to do all things.) 12. Take care of the important matters on the Day of Jumuah. Recite Surat al-Kahf, attend the Friday sermon before it begins and send a lot of salutations upon the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasallam) throughout the day. 13. Dont waste your time worrying about fancy or extravagant Iftars; make it simple. Use your time for Thikr and let your worldly matters be simplified as you increase your acts of worship and your focus on the Hereafter. 14. After Asr, make a lot of thikr and duaa, especially in the moments before Maghrib. Duaa on the Day of Jumuah is accepted at that time, and the blessings are magnified on the Day of Arafah. Ask Allah to make you of those whose sins are forgiven and those who are saved from the Hellfire. Make duaa for our oppressed brothers and sisters around the world. 15. Right before you break your fast, make even more duaa. You have so many opportunities to combine countless blessings; dont let Shaytan or laziness pull you away from these opportunities. Most importantly, try to implement the good deeds on a long-term basis for spiritual growth, and encourage your family and friends to join you (even the ones you think arent going to fast or do good). Keep thinking of ways to do good on this blessed day, such as a LOT of charity, especially to orphans, those who are on the brink of starvation, widows, etc. I ask Allah to bless our time and efforts on this blessed day and grant us forgiveness for our sins, acceptance in our prayers, and protection from the Hellfire. Aameen!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 03:54:14 +0000

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