15. The Battle of Rywent To the north, in the walled town of - TopicsExpress


15. The Battle of Rywent To the north, in the walled town of Rywent, Caverel Lady Ethelfleda mentally told Hazel to evacuate Rywent, as she was not sure her forces could hold against the variety and quality of the soldiers gathered in formal battle lines outside of the town. She wasnt up against an bandit police militia like 6 years ago. No, this was a strong detachment of a few thousands of the famed Iron Guards, best soldiers in the region. She would try though as she must. She wished again Edmundus, or the Lord was here as they were the battle masters of the Royal Family. Her role as Head of State Security was intrigue based, and not offering much in the way of battlefield skills. In life, she had wanted more power and authority, and in death she had achieved that goal. However, she would have to use all she knew in both life and death to try to win this very hard fight as many were counting on her. The bulk of her skeletal knights were set in six groups. Five were in rectangle formations and side by side, faced the enemy in a long line, while the last was helping Hazel evacuate inside the town. Lady Ethelfleda herself was in the middle of the center formation, of the line. Five matching swordsman units holding a banner of the Iron Guard were advancing towards her line in practice military drill. The two armies clashed in a massive fight of three thousand. Lady Ethelfleda was draining packs of swordsman and enchaining her soldiers attacking and defenses abilities non stop. Her surrounding black aura of absorbed life energy, extended out seven feet yet was quickly depleted as she enhanced her forces, cyclically. Minutes of uncertainty past, but her line was holding. The skeletal guards were noticeably better fighters than the swordsman. A group of swordsmen with the banner formed a wedge and succeeded in puncturing the center of her line. The wedge came right to Lady Ethelfleda chopping through at a high cost to both sides. She, a extremely potent undead literally glowing with the stolen lives of their fellow swordsman was quite an impressive sight, and the wedge crumbed as many tried to run in fear from the potency she radiated. However some stood firm and charged her. Her undead horse reared and with a black smoking hoof crushed the skull and helmet of the attacking swordsmen. Two other swordsmen stabbed its underside as and their fellow solider died besides them. Lady Ethelfleda floated off her wounded mount and touched the two of the attacking swords men before they could react. One became frozen solid, and the other stood perfectly still in paralysis. A swordsman with the banner, looking an officer of some sort, tried to stab her the sharpened end of the banner itself, but as the steel banner touched her skeletal form, the banner shattered into thousands of metal splinters. The cloth flag itself tattered to the ground. The officer collapsed in disbelief when he saw the banner fall. Three glowing black swords entered his body in the next second ending his disbelief with his life. The remainder of the breakthrough wedge was consumed by skeletal guards. Lady Ethelfleda looked over the battle. Her line held and at that very moment the greatly weakened swordsman formations broke apart, as they ran in retreat. Looking at the field, one skeletal guard had fallen for every 3 swordsmen. There were piles of shattered bone and split turbans littering the ground but her line help firm. As the broken units ran, they 800 hundred archers and 500 cavalry in stand by formations. The two commanders of these units, and the real ruler of Tordent were considering what to do next. Knight Commander Caverel said We should have softened them up with archery first. Perhaps Subcommander Stilton may have faired better. With soldiers as strong as those enchanted skeletons I concur, replied Archery Sub-commander Milchar. So much the vaulted swordsmens of the great Iron Guards. I expected your troops would not be this feeble, said Ricaud. Neither of the career military officers appreciated the disrespect. They look at each other before responding to Ricaud. The Iron Guard highest officer here, was Knight Commander Caverel and he said, We will soften them up with arrows and I and my Calvary will try to break their line, if that is acceptable to the crown. Ricaud said with another layer of disrespect, Just do it already, prove your worth at last. Both Iron Guards commanders looked at each other again, as they both knew this battle might still be won, if they could just keep Ricaud from sacrificing more good troops without support like the 1500 swordsmen under Stilton. Knight Commander Caverel rode to his cavalry and formed them into a wedge. Subcommander Milchar rejoined his 800 archer, and signed Caverel, his superior, he was moving into archery range to attack. A few minuets pasted, then the first 800 arrows were in the air. The fire was sustained, with another 800 arrow every seven seconds. Lady Ethelfleda was pleased as she had fought equal forces and won. She didnt expect the fewer archers to be much of a threat compared to the swordsmen. When the first arrows fell, there was barley any effect. But seconds later an other set of arrows few and skeletal guards started falling in increasing numbers. She ordered several hundred skeletal guards to advance to the archers. but they were reduced to shattered bone before the halfway point. Holes were opening in her line, and as she considered her options, Caverels heavy cavalry thundered out, and charged, decimated her arrow withered, northern flank of skeletal guards with their long lances. The strong arrow fire were still falling every few seconds. She realized she had to retreat to Rywent before she was overwhelmed by these superior tactics. As her skeletal guards moved through the hole in the town wall created by a catapults earlier, the clearly well trained heavy cavalry charged again crippling her army further. Less than 300 of her 1500 skeletal gaurds survived the second attack. These rejoined the 300 Hazel had been using for the now completed evacuation. Excellent! said Ricaud, and signaled the archers to advance to the hole and push through. Sub-commander Milchar signaled Knight Commander Caverel asking if he should follow these very bad instructions or not. Milchar knew how the stronger swordsmen fared against these black turbaned enchanted skeletons and didnt want his lightly armed and lightly armored archers anywhere near their glowing black blades. Further, he knew Caverels heavy cavalry couldnt support him as he tried to get though the hole in the wall. Milchar, eyed his professional and highly skilled archers and did want to send them into a poor tactics fight where many would die. Knight Commander Caverel, signaled back with reluctance, to attack carefully and Ill cover your retreat. Thinking this bad situation over, he ordered his archers to and advance slowly with arrows knocked and ready. I swear to god Ill keep as many of these boy alive as I can, with that, he told his signaler to signal back acceptance of orders. One step at a time, his men advanced toward the hole in the stone wall. He advanced with his men, in the second group. Inside Rywent, Lady Ethelfleda and Hazel were discussing tactics of their own. The hole is the only opening so we just need to hold that right? said Hazel. We need to beat them, not just hold them. So we must beat them inside replied Rywent somehow, replied Lady Ethelfleda A trap perhaps? said Hazel questioningly. Supporting the idea and expanding it, Lady Ethelfleda said, We can bait it with weakness, lure them in numbers we can deal with and then reset the trap how can I help? asked Hazel. You reseal the hole briefly so others cannot see what happens to the first group replied Lady Ethelfleda. What if they surrender? asked Hazel. If they do they will be treated fairly, answered Lady Ethelfleda The first archers arrived near the hole and dozens of arrows broke apart the few skeletal guards there. The archers re-knocked arrows and carefully crept into the hole in the wall bows at the ready. The town seemed empty. When a few hundred of the archers had come through the hole Hazel told her 100 skeletal guards to defend the hole, as she did the Lady Ethelfleda sent the other 500 skeletal guards pouring out of Rywents now abandoned homes. The surprise was total, and not a living man was left standing. As skeletons fell prey to massed arrow fire at the hole, the bodies of the dead archers were moved out of sight. Hazel dramatically thinned the hole guards, as other skeletal guards moved back into the houses. The trap was reset. Sub-commander Milchar had hear the screams of his dying men, and as the few hole guards were dropped, he came through first with 20 of his best archers at the ready and a few hundred more coming in fast behind. Cautiously, they stopped and looked around. The town seemed abandoned except for the many blood trails leading around corners. Some of these trails started just a few feet ahead of him. You should just surrender. came a young girls voice from one of the roof tops. You be treated fairly. Milchar considered, and said, What are my options? You can give up and be treat well, returned to your lands at end of hostilities. I mean, you do want to see your families again right? Or you can be chopped apart like the last bunch. You choice, 10 seconds and we decide for you. Some proof perhaps? Hazels guards closed the hole and Lady Ethelfleda force surge out of the homes and very quickly surrounded the archers with a ring of glowing black swords. Milchar thought, It would be a slaughter, just like the swordsmen and just like the first group of his men, if this fight were allowed happened. He hoped he was making the best choice for his men when he said, I and my men surrender and agree to your terms, I hope youll honor them in good faith. Oh trust me you made the smart choice: said Hazel standing up. Lady Ethelfleda revealed herself on foot, and mentally told Milchar his surrender is accepted and the terms will be honored. Milchar surviving men were gathered and fed while being guarded in the homes. Knight Commander Caverel wasnt sure what had transpired. He and his cavalry rode up to the hole but didnt enter. A young girl with a silk black robe with glowing silver symbols greeted him and completed his fine horses. What happened to the men that just when though this hole? asked Caverel. Some were killed, but most surrendered and are eating dinner now. replied the girl. Can I see that they are still alive? Caverel asked. Sure one minute, Ill get the officer for you, said Hazel. A minute later Milchar walked out of the hole and greeted Caverel. These people treat us better than our own leaders. Sir, I suggest you surrender to them and not get sacrificed by Ricaud. Indeed, Ricaud was signalling Caverel join in the attack not knowing it had failed badly. Knowing what I know, I would surrender to our hospitality if I were you, said the Hazel, she seemed sincere. I cannot said Caverel, though I accept your victory and will withdraw.. About that.. said the Hazel pointing to the northern horizon, where 2000 Skeletal guards were rapidly advancing with a floating tan skull with jeweled teeth, at their head. Hours early, Edmundus had flown to the abandoned farms area where the main army of Westfallen had buried themselves in the dirt, a week earlier. Hidden, for just this moment. He met Marigold there and they gather the buried army together. He coincided marching straight for the enemy capital, but realized Lady Ethelfleda might need support as soon as possible. Seeing total defeat, Knight Commander Caverel surrendered, however a squadron commander took 100 cavalry and charged to incoming forces rather than surrender. As they charged into range Edmundus broke their charge by confusing them to attack each other. As the knights died without even hurting the foe, Caverel ordered his proud men to dismount and submit to the surrender. The captured were guarded by Lady Ethelfledas remaining forces and sent south to Westallen City for food and lodging. The two officers walked with Hazel as they traveled, and she explained what kingdom of Westfallen was like. It defied their belief and expectations, but farmers, traveling merchants and others only proved her words time and time again, as the miles went by. Lady Ethelfleda walked alone at the lead of the group. She missed her horse. Her undead mount had been badly wounded by swordsmen and fished off by repeating arrow barrages. This battle won, Edmundus wheeled his forces and pressed forward to Tordent. Ahead of him and galloping hard was Ricaud and his entourage.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 04:01:05 +0000

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