15 Ways to Recover From A Failed Relationship We all experience - TopicsExpress


15 Ways to Recover From A Failed Relationship We all experience failed relationships until we find that one special person, and while some of us only have to deal with the hardship of a breakup a few times, others have it much harder. If you’ve had bad relationship after bad relationship, or if a recent breakup has just been awful, here are 15 tips to help you recover and keep a positive outlook towards dating. Give yourself time. When a relationship ends, it’s likely that you’ll be sad, angry, upset, and confused. Always give yourself time to grieve and to adjust. Learn from the past. One of the best things to come out of a failed relationship is the ability to look back, determine what went wrong, and ensure that history doesn’t repeat itself. Don’t dwell. While you’ll want to learn from past relationships, you don’t want to dwell on them. Dwelling only makes the anger, denial, and sadness that much worse. Socialize. Spending time with friends and family is a good way to keep your mind occupied. There is never any thing better than being able to spend time with those who you are close with, especially after a break up. Don’t go looking for a new partner right away. One of the worst things to do after a breakup is to console in someone new. Rebounding is never the way to go as they also tend to end up going nowhere. Focus on your strengths. Breakups can leave you down and out, and after calling it quits, now is a good time to focus on your personal strengths. Know that you have plenty of attributes and strengths, and focus on them to keep a positive attitude Stay busy. Aside from socializing, staying busy will also help to keep your mind focused and off of the recent break-up. Read, watch movies, exercise, or go shopping. Express yourself. Since breakups bring about all sorts of emotions, it’s important to let them out. Cry, write a blog, write in a journal, or simply talk about your feelings with a friend. Getting it all out truly helps. Don’t consider getting back together. Though you may still love your ex and care about him/her greatly, the relationship ended for a reason. It’s never a good idea to consider getting back with your ex. Avoid the sad songs. There’s nothing worse than listening to sad songs or songs that remind you of your ex after splitting up. Listen to music that keeps you positive and is uplifting; otherwise, coping will be impossible. Keep the future in mind. Though your mind and heart may be stuck in the past, remember that a future lies ahead and you will eventually find a relationship that is much better than the one that failed. Make new friends. Since most people have mutual friends, after a breakup, it may be best to make new friends so that there isn’t any stress or tension with your existing friends. Don’t play the blame game. Though it’s easy to blame yourself or your ex for a failed relationship, remember that it takes two to tango, and in the end there were faults and mistakes on both sides. Don’t blame yourself entirely and don’t blame your ex either. Plan a day at the spa. There is nothing more relaxing and rejuvenating than a day at the spa. Invite a few friends along for massages and facials and you’ll truly feel like a brand new person once all is said and done.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 16:25:22 +0000

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