15 likes and ill answer all 160 questions. ♡ 1.) Relationship - TopicsExpress


15 likes and ill answer all 160 questions. ♡ 1.) Relationship Status: 2.) Height: 3.) Best friend: 4.) My Ex: 5.) What Do I Regret: 6.) Something I Should Change: 7.) Confession: 8.) Who I Can Always Count On: 9.) I Wish: 10.) Goal: 11.) Favorite Memory: 12.) I Hate: 13.) Favorite Tv Show: 14.) Something Weird About Me: 15.) Who Means The World To Me: 16.) Birthday: 17.) Something That Annoys Me: 18.) Something Im Scared Of: 19.) My Crush: 20.) Do you enjoy drama: 21.) Are you a girly girl: 22.) Are you short: 23.) Do you like somebody: 24.) How many best guy friends do you have: 25.) Do you have a best friend: 26.) Do you like your life: 27.) Do you have more friends that are girls or boys: 28.) What are your biggest fears: 29.) Are you currently missing someone: 30.) Who are you texting right now: 31.) Pink or black: 32.) Hoodies or jackets: 33.) Straight or curly hair: 34.) Black or white: 35.) Smoothies or lattes: 36.) Diet or regular soda: 37.) Water or Pop: 38.) iPod or cell phone: 39.) Thing you love to do: 40.) Favorite Food: 41.) Favorite Celebrity: 42.) I Love: 43.) My dream: 44.) Someone i can trust: 45.) Celebrity crush: 46.) Favorite actor: 47.) Favorite animals: 48.) Sports i play: 49.) People I look up to: 50.) Do i like someone: 51.) Natural hair color: 52.) Favorite movie: 53.) Favorite song: 54.) Last person I called: 55.) Someone Im talking to right now: 56.) Where i wish I was right now: 57.) What was your last dream about: 58.) Last thing you said to your brother: 59.) What are you doing right now: 60.) What are your plans for today: 61.) Favorite class: 62.) Favorite place to eat: 63.) Last thing you watched on t.v: 64.) Last person to make you smile: 65.) Last person to make you laugh: 66.) What do you love: 67.) What do you hate: 68.) Favorite person to talk to: 69.) Where was your profile picture taken: 70.) Who is your guy best friend: 71.) Are you happy: 72.) Are you sad: 73.) If you could change anything what would it be: 74.) Jealous Type: 75.) Girls I Trust: 76.) Boys I Trust: 77.) Last Person I Texted: 78.) Last Person I Hugged: 79.) Favorite Color: 80.) Nickname: 81.) Full Name: 82.) Addiction: 83.) Last time I cried: 84.) Where was your profile picture taken: 85.) How many siblings do you have: 86.) Whats your brother/sister(s) names: 87.) Do you like Mexican food: 88.) Has anyone ever called you, Beautiful before: 89.) Want someone who doesnt want you: 90.) Who do you miss the most: 91.) What do you like most about yourself: 92.) What do you hate most about yourself: 93.) What are you doing right now: 94.) Describe yourself in one word: 95.) Who do i tell everything to: 96.) What’s your favorite blanket: 97.) Sweats or jeans: 98.) Eye color: 99.) Best girl friend: 100.) Best guy friend: 101.) What was the last thing you did? 102.) Have you played sports? 103.) Do you like someone? 104.) Whos your best friend? 105.) Do you miss anyone right now? 106.) Favorite sports team? 107.) Who was your last message on facebook from? 108.) Last song you listened to? 109.) Have you liked two people at the same time that are related? 110.) Do you have braces? 111.) Do you like people with Dark or Light hair? 112.) Favorite video game? 113.) Someone cute who liked this status- 114.) Do you like to wear bracelets? 115.) Lacrosse or softball? 116.) Jolly Ranchers or Warheads? 117.) How tall are you? 118.) Do you like school? 119.) Have you ever lost someone really close to you? 120.) Favorite color? 121.) Someone youve known for a while that liked this status- 122.) Is there anyone you wish you were closer too? 123.) Favorite drink? 124.) Is there anyone that youve know since you were little that your friends with now? 125.) When is your birthday? 126.) What are you planning on doing tomorrow? 127.) Winter or Summer? 128.) Apple or Strawberry? 129.) Who is your favorite teacher so far? 130.) Who was the first person you had a crush on? 131.) Do you still like that person? 132.) What town do you live in right now? 133.) Whats the first thing you think of starting with the letter M? 134.) Whats the first thing you think of starting with the letter B? 135.) Where did you get the pants your wearing right now? 136.) What is your favorite number? 137.) Do you believe everything happens for a reason? 138.) Whos your favorite rapper? 139). Whos your favorite singer? 140.) Favorite band? 141.) Do you laugh alot? 142.) Have you ever been to the ER? 143.) Last guy that made you laugh? 144.) Last girl that made you laugh? 145.) Do you have any piercings? 146.) What do you want to do right now? ? 147.) Do your friends know who you like? 148.) Do you believe in true love? 149.) Do you hate anyone? 150.) Are you glad this is over? 151.) 10 facts about me: 152.) 9 facts about my best friend: 153.) 8 facts about my family: 154.) 7 facts about my crush: 155.) 6 facts about my room: 156.) 5 facts about my parents: 157.) 4 facts about my ex: 158.) 3 facts about my siblings
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 04:13:02 +0000

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