150,000 people die each day and enter eternity. Some are bound for - TopicsExpress


150,000 people die each day and enter eternity. Some are bound for glory while some are bound for damnation. When a person like Robin Williams dies, it comes like a jolt. It appears almost surreal. This very funny, talented man who appeared to have it all was Battling severe depression. The sheriffs department are ruling it a suicide. Like Robin Williams, none of us are guaranteed a tomorrow. Each day brings us closer to the appointed time. One day our hearts will stop, our breath will cease, and we will stand before a Holy God to give an account for our lives. Every thought, word, and deed will be judged. At that moment, the critical issue is who will pay for our sin. Will it be us? That will be like going to Washington DC with a penny in our pocket and attempt to pay off the national debt. Or will it be someone else? Thankfully, there is someone else that we can put our faith and trust in. He paid the debt already. And that someone is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As the ole song declares, He paid a debt, he did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay. I need someone to wash my sins away. Robin Williams entered eternity today. If he could reach beyond the grave and speak with you, believe me, you would hear the strongest evangelistic message you could possibly imagine. If Robin died an unbeliever, he is a believer now, but for his eternal soul, it is too late for him. What about you my friend? Your good works, religions, worldviews, and philosophies, cannot redeem your soul or rescue you from hell. There is only one name given from heaven whereby we must be saved and His name is Jesus. Call upon Him today, repent of your sin, and put your faith in Christ. He alone has the power to redeem, save, and preserve your soul unto His everlasting Kingdom.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:26:07 +0000

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