150 years ago today: Pvt. George Michael Neese of Chews Artillery - TopicsExpress


150 years ago today: Pvt. George Michael Neese of Chews Artillery in Gen. J.E.B. Stuarts Horse Artillery in the Army of Northern Virginia, included in his diary: This is Saturday evening, and we drew rations to-day for the first time since we crossed the Rapidan last Sunday morning. Our company has subsisted on the spontaneous productions of the country all this week, which means that we have feasted on acorns and first-class persimmons ever since last Monday morning. The principal reason why we drew no rations all week is that we left our brigade commissary wagons behind the Rapidan when we started after the Yanks, and we have been moving so rapidly all week that the man who furnished filling for our haversacks lost sight of us entirely until to-day. Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for 300,000 more volunteers for the Union armies. James Augustus Graham of the 27th North Carolina Infantry included in a letter to his mother: We had a very severe fight [at Bristoe Station]. . . . The engagement commenced about three o’clock and lasted till near night and in that time we lost fully two thirds of our Reg’t. Our Co lost 7 killed, three officers and 21 men wounded and 16 missing. The killed are Corp H.P. Woods, Privates Campbell, J.Gattis, G.Merritt, W.F. Pearson, Jas. Shields and J.E. Woods. The wounded are Capt. Dickson severely in the right side, Myself slightly in the right knee, Lt. Patterson severely in groin, Privates Evans Brown – right arm amputated, F.P. Clark – right foot slight, J.K. Clark – thigh broken, C.S. Cooley – hand slight, Dorothy – knee slight, E.S. Faucett – thigh severe, A.J. Forrest hand slight, W.A. Gattis thigh slight, Haley hand slight, Lockhart – bruised by shell – slight, Mowatt bruised by shell slight, Nelson leg severe, W.H. Newman face & leg severe, Pickett leg amputated. Strain face severe, S.G. Strayhorn ankle slight. D.Thompson – bruised by shell slight. W. Thompson – arm slight. Jas Webb breast severe. J.H. Woods thigh severe. and W.D. Woods hip and knee severe. . . . I send you this list so that if any body inquires concerning their relatives in the Co you can let them know what has become of them. Boat crews from USS T.A. Ward, Acting Master William L. Babcock, destroyed schooner Rover at Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. The schooner was laden with cotton and ready to run the blockade. Gen. U.S. Grant had been ordered to proceed from Cairo, Illinois to Louisville, Kentucky to receive further instructions. En route at Indianapolis, Grant arrived by accident at the same time as Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, also heading to Louisville to meet with Grant. Proceeding together, Stanton handed Grant his orders that created the Military Division of the Mississippi, under his command. Grant could choose from two options: One left department commanders much as they were, while the other relieved Gen. William Rosecrans from command of the Department of the Cumberland and the army at Chattanooga. Grant accepted the order relieving Rosecrans and placed Gen. George H. Thomas in command. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman was to lead the Department of the Tennessee and Gen. Ambrose Burnside was to continue heading the Department of the Ohio.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 02:52:13 +0000

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