150 years ago tonight, all his supply lines cut, Confederate - TopicsExpress


150 years ago tonight, all his supply lines cut, Confederate General Hood and his rabble army of traitors abandons Atlanta. On the way out of town, he blows up 80 boxcars full of ammunition, causing an explosion heard as far away as Macon, 80 miles to the south, and a conflagration that destroys a large section of the city. (This is NOT the Burning of Atlanta that Sherman is credited with, that comes later.) Also, on September 1st, Melanie Wilkes births her baby with the help of Scarlett and the hapless Prissy. in the middle of the night, while the fire still rages, Rhett arrives with a carriage to take them all to Tara. (Prissy, despite her inexperience, would win an Oscar for her bravery.) According to Margaret Mitchell, The Glorious Savior of the Union, Major General William Tecumseh Sherman, is using Tara as his headquarters, so Tara is saved from destruction. Now you know some history! So sing the Battle Hymn of the Republic on this Labor Day, you southrons especially. Without Shermans painstaking patient brilliant campaign and the capture of Atlanta, the Confederate Reich might still be intact. Despite what the Lost Cause Confederate apologists say about slavery gradually withering away, the CSA would still have slaves, as their constitution absolutely prohibited its abolishment or restriction.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 15:11:02 +0000

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