#151 – POSSESSION tldm.org/directives/d151.htm And Jesus - TopicsExpress


#151 – POSSESSION tldm.org/directives/d151.htm And Jesus rebuked him, and the devil went out of him, and the child was cured from that hour. Then came the disciples to Jesus secretly, and said: Why could not we cast him out? Jesus said to them: Because of your unbelief.... But this kind is not cast out but by prayer and fasting. - St. Matthew 17:17-20 PRAYER AND FASTING Yes, My child, you see that I am the true Source of Life. For when you come to Me, you will nourish your soul. You will nourish your eternal being. You will learn, My child, in due time that the Bread of life will sustain you without earthly food. Man must return to fast and penance. Many demons can only be dispelled by much fast and penance, the greatest source being prayer. You must keep a constant vigilance of prayer in your homes and the houses of your God. You must also recognize the faces of evil about you: those who parade themselves as angels of light but are truly ravenous wolves, agents of hell. They seek the destruction of souls. - Jesus, December 31, 1973 CREATURES OF NIGHT I give you the greatest of hope in your world of darkness that the victory shall be with Heaven. Know that the greatest trials suffered are but a small forfeiture for the great glory of being victorious over the adversaries loosed upon your earth. They come as creatures of night, but they must possess the bodies of humans. Understand this in the supernatural, My children: no man, woman, or child of reasoning is free from the attacks of satan. - Jesus, September 7, 1976 THEY ARE REAL Unless the parents teach their children of the existence of this other world unseen to the human eye, the children cannot then be protected from the attacks of these agents from hell. My child, they are real, they are living, and they have great power. They, too, possess names as do the high angels in the Kingdom of your God in Heaven. - Our Lady, March 15, 1978 POSSESS MANY My child, you will work with much haste. The time grows short. The enemy has entered into your government. Pray much for them. The demons possess many. They come in great multitudes, for they know the strength of prayer in your area. Should this be removed, your city, your state, and your country will go through a period of great suffering never seen before in this country. - Jesus, September 13, 1974 WILL OF SATAN There are many agents of hell loosed upon earth now. They have entered into the House of God, and they possess the body of many men to do the will of satan. You must not abandon the sacramentals that I have given you through the Father for your protection and your salvation. - Our Lady, August 14, 1973 ANY UNCLEAN SOUL Be knowledgeable, My children, and understand that satan will not come to you as himself. He possesses the body of any unclean soul, be it man, woman, or child. I repeat to you now: all parents will be held responsible for the fall of their childrens souls. Give them a good foundation, and when they are subjected to the storms of evil, they will not crack and crumble under the onslaught. - Our Lady, March 25, 1972 MUST BE RETURNED Michael must be returned to My Sons House. The demons must be cast from My Sons House. They have taken possession of many to do the will of Lucifer. - Our Lady, February 10, 1973 ANY SUSCEPTIBLE I repeat Myself, as in the past, My children. The demons have a form, but they do not use this form unless the Eternal Father gives you the knowledge and insight into the supernatural to observe them in action. They will use the body of a human being, one who has fallen out of grace and the light. Any man, woman, or child is susceptible to this possession. - Our Lady, August 21, 1975 NOT BEYOND POSSESSION My heart is torn now at the full acceleration of the evil in your country, your cities, and your world. My Mother made it quite clear to you that mankind is not beyond possession by satan. The human body and the human souls now are being corrupted by evil man through the influence of satan, My children. You must learn to avoid the faces of evil that come to you. You must do all in your human power with the graces that will be given to you freely to cast off the inclination to evil. - Jesus, August 5, 1977 PERSONALITY CHANGE When satan takes over a human, the nature, the personality of that individual will change. - Our Lady, July 15, 1978 SACRAMENTALS He has an army of ogres wandering now throughout your country and all of the countries of the world. They are in possession of great power, so wear your sacramentals and protect your children and your households. Learn the use every day of holy water throughout your household. Insist, even with obstructions, insist that your children always wear a sacramental. One day they will understand that they will repel the demons. - Our Lady, September 13, 1977 KING OF DARKNESS My children of God, have no fear. You will keep your sacramentals about you. You will keep your childrens souls guarded, for none shall be attacked who are in the state of grace. Be ye known now, it has been loosed on earth—satan; satan, the king of darkness, satan, the master of deceit. His time is short, but he is loose. He entered into the body of a man in 1975, a man who gave himself to him in the practice of occult. He entered into the body of this man, as he cannot roam without the body. He will enter in, when he has finished his mission, into another body. And you will pray a constant vigilance of prayer that he is removed from your country. - St. Michael, August 13, 1977 MURDERER, LIAR Satan was a murderer and a liar from the beginning, and satan has been allowed upon your earth to separate the sheep from the goats. My children, he is the master of deceit. I must tell you as your Mother, that unless you remain in the state of grace, you cannot recognize him. He is a man of a thousand faces. He has great power: he can throw his voice, My children, into animals and even into the air. Unless you give your children a firm foundation in knowledge of their Faith, they will fall to his subtleties, My children. - Our Lady, September 7, 1977 LOOSED ON EARTH Satan is loosed upon earth, but he knows that his time is growing short. Therefore, he will make a concerted effort to destroy those who are not in the state of grace, so that he can take them into hell. That is why, My children, you must always wear a medal, your armor about your neck. And the best armor of all is the Scapular, the Rosary, the St. Benedict medal, and also your newest armor: Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers. My child and My children, I tell you this because you cannot do without any of them. At this time, all armor is needed for the fight ahead. - Our Lady, May 17, 1986 CONSORT OF SATAN Any man, woman, or child of the age of reasoning who has fallen from grace shall become a consort of satan. - Jesus, November 20, 1975 FORCES OF HELL The forces of hell are loosed upon your earth; 666 and the agents of hell now take full rule in your governments and the governments of the world. My children, recognize the forces of evil as they enter upon you. Demons from hell shall enter into the body of any man, woman, or child who has fallen from grace. - Our Lady, June 16, 1977 THE CRUFIFIX Remember, keep your sacramentals constantly upon you: your brown Scapular, your St. Benedict medal, the Miraculous Medal, and also the medal of Our Lady of the Roses. You must keep them upon you, with a crucifix. We demand a crucifix, because demons—many of the highest ones in the realms of hell cannot stand the sight of a crucifix. They will not approach your door. I give you this knowledge, My children, though it is not common knowledge upon earth, that the crucifix has great power against satan. - Jesus, June 18, 1987 SON OF SAM I have always asked you, the Eternal Father has written it in the good Book, your Bible, to always test the spirits. My children, the evil, the spirits of darkness always reveal themselves with time. They cannot conceal their farce and lies. My children, you will understand now that satan is trying to conceal his nature and his being to mankind to deceive you. If you do not believe in the existence of Lucifer, satan, and his agents, demons, he can go forward working his will among you unseen, unknown, unbelieved, but creating disaster and death to souls. My children, the man you call Sam is satan in a human body. He has powers beyond what most human beings could understand. - Our Lady, November 21, 1977 ALWAYS AMONG YOU The demons are always among you, waiting to enter. If they are cast out by prayer, penance, and the reception in heart of My Son in the Eucharist, if you stray from the path, they will return double in strength to try to enter and seduce your soul—so great is the power of satan! However, he shall not be victorious if you do not stray from the path given to you. - Our Lady, December 28, 1974 POSSESSED CARDINAL St. Theresa - There are four agents from hell upon earth. One is now— Veronica - Oh, and Theresa is pointing, and I see Saint Peters. Its a very large church. Its very large. Oh, and I see this horrible-looking thing. This thing, hes going now into the door. Hes very smug-looking. Oh, and hes now gone into a back room—in the room off the church; its a room off the side of the church. Theres a lot of people gathered there. There are cardinals and bishops. I can tell by the way theyre dressed. Now one is going over, and hes counting. Hes saying: One! two! three! four! five! six! And hes placing his hand now on the chest of the cardinal. Now as I watch—oh! Oh, I see him—hes just like ... oh, hes like evaporating into his body; hes just going right in! Now I cant see him anymore. But I see—oh! Oh! Now I see—oh, my! Oh! Our Lady says: Our Lady - Yes, My child, you will have no fear in speaking out, for they must be warned. Veronica - I see now that the one, the cardinal, is now taking off his—he has a very wide hat. Now as hes taking it off hes smiling, but as he takes it off, his hat off, he has ears like a, like a devil—these things coming out of his head like a devil! And hes holding up the number—hes holding up his hand: five and one make six. - June 8, 1973 ALL WILL BE JUDGED All will be judged according to what lies in his heart. No man is hidden from his God. Faith—what has happened to you? My representatives, you have given yourselves to the pleasures of the flesh and the world and the devil. Discipline! Starve your bodies of the demons which you have entered upon yourselves by your careless attitudes, by your permissiveness, and by your lack of discipline in My House, allowing My sheep to wander and be lost to Us! - Jesus, December 6, 1974 SELF-DENIAL DEMANDED Man must learn and turn back and re-learn the rule of sacrifice and poverty. Man and those in the House of God have given themselves to the pleasures of the flesh. Self-denial is demanded by the Father. You must now starve your bodies of the demons which you have allowed to enter upon you. Prayer, penance, and sacrifice are the cries of those of Heaven for your salvation and the lessening of the Warning and punishment planned by the Father for your cleansing. - St. Francis, December 7, 1973
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:47:14 +0000

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