#154 I was plugged in drips ne oxygen, ndixhakaxhaka nje maan. - TopicsExpress


#154 I was plugged in drips ne oxygen, ndixhakaxhaka nje maan. My back hurt like hell! I tried moving my head but I couldnt, it was heavy and painfull too. I relaxed then tried thinking about the previous nights events. Yho Lolwethus funeral tormented my heart bigtime. I found myself shaking and breathing heavily. As I was thinking, I remembered going to Mishys grave then going back to Mthatha, the fear I had. It was kind of blur after that but I had flashes of that white man who kept slapping me shouting dont close your eyes, please keep your eyes open. His memory was vivid in my mind and I so hoped hell come to see me. Unfortunately I never saw him again up until now. That made me realize that in life we all have guiden Angels that watch over us and help us in such situations. Bendisacinga njalo when the doctor entered ephethe ifolder. He looked at me for a long time, and I was staring back at him. Doctor: are you ok? Mna: yes. Doctor: oh for a second I thought your mind isnt here, the way youre looking at me. Whats your name? Mna: Linathi. Doctor: oh ok Linati, do you remember getting in here? I shook my head, it pained. Mna: ouch, no I dont. Doctor: apparantely you were in a car accident. What? Bendithukile cause I cant remember what happened. Mna: wheres my car? Doctor: dont worry about that for now. Do you have anyone you want to call? Mna: yes please. He handed me his phone, I took it and pressed 0, I couldnt remember Luthos number hayi kengoku kanjani ndiyicula nje? Yho ndabangacinga hayi andiyazi tu maan. Doctor: you forgot the number? Here (handing me a pen and a paper) try writting it down maybe youl recall it. I took the pen and a paper then closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I wrote the number andama nokuma, emva kokuba ndiyigqibile ndayibiza. Jaa ibiyiyo. I looked at the doctor and smiled then dialled my husbands no, it rang and rang with no responce. I kept trying wade wayibamba. Lutho: *hoarse tone* hello. Mna: Lutho. Tears just flew out of my eyes, his voice was full of sadness, I couldnt even imagine how he was feeling. I felt so bad. Lutho: Linathi! Uphi? Uright? Mama nankuLinathi! He said shouting. Ndeva sekuthetha umama wam. Mama: Asanda uphi? Kwenzekantoni sanalwam? *elila* yintoni le ibuhlungu kangaka usenza yona? Ndaphinda ndeva kuthetha okaLutho umama. Mama: koti uphi sisi? Ngoyenamntu obendipholele kamandi keyena engenazo ezinyembezi zaba babini. Mna: *sniffing* ndisesibhedlele mha eGeneral. Mama: ubekwa yintoni apho? I couldnt answer that. Siyeza ngoku ke sisi. Mna: ok mha. We hung up then ndanika laGqirha iphone yakhe and thanked him. He did his rounds then waphuma wahamba. Shame ebenice yhazi endincokolisa and telling me that ndizokubaright noko andonzakelanga kakhulu. I hit my head nalapha esinqeni otherwise Im fine. Bendiyivuyela kelonto kuba bendiqonda ukuba sendibavise kabuhlungu kakade oomama akufunekanga ndibe worse kulendawo ndikuyo. I closed my eyes and tried sleeping, bendingacingi kwanto engqondweni yam bekusuke kwathi huu nje kamandi ndisiva nje ezintlungu zalentloko. Buthe xabuza kamandi ubuthongo, ndeva ngelizwi likamama lisondela ngakule ward ndandikuyo. Yho ndavele ndaziva ndonwabile. Bangena bengathi bayajulwa emnyango. Walaqaza nje umama there were four of us kula ward ukundibona kwakhe weza kum, wafika wazijula kum akasindi ke ngeloxesha. Mama: *elila* Mnqongo wam undenzantoni sisi yhe? She said cupping my face emane endicofacofa ingathi akakholelwa ndim. Mna: mama suka uyandisinda. Mama: ohw uxolo sanalwam, uxolo. Kwenzekentoni kutheni ulapha? I looked at Lutho ebenamehlo abomvu ede edumbile. Mna: uxolo myenam. He noded and came to sit next to me holding my hand. Lutho: kwenzekentoni? Mna: ndiwe nemoto I think, but I dont know the full details ndothuke ndilapha. MakaLutho: Thixo wamadinga! Mntwanam ngoku ungenawo nonjani umkrwelo? Umkhulu Yehova! Umama wam ebengathi uyaxhentsa ethwele izandla entloko ethandaza elila. Yho inoba bekusithwa kufike igeza kwesasibhedlele kuba wonke umntu ebejonge kuthi. Lutho: iphi imoto and how did you get here? Mna: andiyazi, ingathi ndize nge ambulance apha izolo. Wheres my phone? Lutho: isendlini you left it there. Uyabona indlela ebinganqakuli ngayo ingqondo yam, besele ndingayazi nokuba bendihambe nayo na iphone yam izolo okanye bendiyishiyile. How do you feel? Mna: my head and back hurts other than that Im fine. Lutho: ok, Ill speak to the doctor and see ukuba uzokuphuma nini vha. He said brushing my forehead, the warmth, the love and the patience was there. Mna: ok. Mama: ungaze uphinde usothuse kangaka Asanda please. Usayazi phofu kwenzeke ntoni izolo phambi kokuba uhambe? Usakhumbula andithi sanalwam? Mna: ewe mama. Mama: ohh, kungathi kanti awusayazi naleyo. Eish uMambhele mara, emntwini ongamqhelanga angakhathazeka, kodwa mna mntwana wakhe besele ndim understand(a). Into uyithetha injalo nokuba injani. Lolwethus passing still hurt kakhulu kodwa I had to focus on getting out of here kuqala then mourn him. Later bahamba, bethembisa bazokundibona the following day. I asked Lutho to leave his phone with me I wanted to call uBonani, I missed him. I wanted to keep all my loved ones as close as possible to me. After they left I dialled Bonanis number he picked. Bonani: bra Luu. He called Lutho that. Mna: umm its me bhuti. Bonani: mntase uphi? Kunini sikuphonela, ude wabuya kwakho? Mna: ndisesbhedlele bhuti kodwa ndiright. Bonani: yho utheni ngoku mntase? Uright? Mna: ewe, ndiright bhuti. Baphi ooAna? Bonani: ukowabo, uSive uselapha ekhaya noOnie. Mna: ok ke undibulisele. Bonani: sure, well come see you tomorrow vha. Mna: ok. We hung up. I put the phone away ndazama ukulala, I couldnt ingcinga bezibuya futhi. Bendizizulisela ngokucinga ezinye izinto kodwa that didnt help kuba bendivele ndiphinde ndibuyele kulengcinga ndiyibalekayo yosanalwam. Bendisacinga njalo, Luthos phone rang I checked the caller I.d ibingu othandwayo kuvele ipic yamawele yho besendiwalibele nokuba akhona. I felt so bad yini abantwana bam. I picked. Mna: hello. Lutho: baby. Mna: hey love. Lutho: I spoke to the doctor he said uzokuphuma ngomso but you must take it easy. Mna: yho ndiyavuya, I miss the twins. Lutho: they miss you too mkam. Mna: baphi? Lutho: naba ndilele nabo. Mna: ndicela ubafote torho uyisende. Lutho: ok bhabha. He hung up then later sent two pictures, the other one bingamawele enye kukhona naye. Wow I still had something to look forward to nje noko uBawo akoxuthanga yonke into. Naba abantwana i2yonke indilindile endlini, and a loving husband noomama bam ababini abayinto yonke kum. Nomama uMakhwetshube(mama woobhabha) endimxabise ukufa. So why should I cry none stop? I looked at the pictures for a long time, ndimane ndincuma ndiphinde ndilile. Lutho called ndisadunyelwe njalo. Mna: Othandwayo. I tried cheering myself up. Lutho: ligama lakho kaloku elo bhabha. Mna: kaloku ndibiza lento ibhalwe apha ephonini. We both laughed. Lutho: I cant wait ude ubuye baby ingathi ezintsuku zimbini ndingasalali nawe ngoonyaka. Mna: I miss you too love. Akhange siwuphathe umba kaLolwethu, besiwubaleka ngeenyawo sobabini kefuthi. Sancokola ndade ndozela, we said our goodbyes and slept. Savuswa ekuseni kuthwa siyokuhlamba. Besendizikhutshiwe ngoku ezi drip, nale oxygen noko kungcono. Bekushiyeke lepain isesinqeni qha kuba yona le yentloko besendibuyiqhela. Ukugqiba kwam ukuhlamba ndayokuhlala ebhedini bendidiniwe kukulala, inoba yiyo nalento ebuhlungu umqolo. Wangena uDoctor and examined me, sincokola njengesiqhelo. He told me uyandi discharger, yho ndavuya kakhulu. Wajonga nabanye then wahamba. I looked for Luthos phone ndizokumphonela yho I couldnt find it. Ndayijonga naphantsi kwebhedi hayi ayikho. Yho bendingayazi ukuba nezigulane ngamasela kanti. Bekhohlela kangaka nje kanti neminwe mide? Ndiye ndababuza bathi abayazi yho yangase ndikhale, ndizothini kuLutho? Ndaboleka eyomnye kwalapha wandinika I called Lutho. Lutho: hello. Mna: Lutho, yho Ive lost your phone uxolo. Lutho: kanjani Linathi? Yho ok dont worry baby its fine. Bendimbona uyacaphuka qha wazinqanda. Kudala ndikuphonela, ndisendleleni eza apho ngoku. Mna: ok. Bendisuke ndakhathazeka ingase ndikhalele lento soloko ndimvisa ubuhlungu uLutho. First ndamka ndingatshongo endlini, wandibona sendisesibhedlele now Ive lost his phone yho! Wafika ehamba nomama bendiphathele izinto zokunxiba. Ndanxiba then sahamba. Apha endleleni bekuthulekile, bendinesigqukru maan ndinombuzo othi kutheni na kungekhonto ihamba right? Ndothuke sele sifika endlini, ncooo I heard Angel screaming at Lulutho that melted my heart. Mama: uright sanalwam? Mna: ewe mha. We got off sangena endlini, they came running and screaming my name bafika bandibamba imilenze. Lulutho: uvelaphi bhabha? Lunathi: mamakho! Afunqule. Udatsho oneke izandla. Lutho: hayi Angel akazukwazi umamakho sisi vha. Mna: iza sisi. I went to sit then put her on my lap. ULulutho ebehleli ecakwam, I was brushing his hair. Ndinikhumbulile bantwana bam, ndiyanithanda vha. They both noded. Lulutho: uphi uLolly bhabha? They called Lolwethu Lolly. Tears welled up my eyes, kwavele kwathuleka cwaka kwalapha endlini. Esidaleni mama cleared her throat uLutho ebejonge phantsi. Mama: yizani bantwana bam unakhuyu athethe nani. They went to mama then waphuma nabo. Lutho came and sat ecakwam, he made me put my head on his shoulder. Lutho: kuzoziswa imoto yakho namhlanje bhabha. Mna: ok. MakaLutho: awulambanga koti? Mna: hayi mha enkosi. Bendingenayo nenjani iappetite. Bonani called ebuza ndiphi I told him wathi bayeza. Bafika kenyani, kwahlalwa kuthethwa kumnandi. They kept looking at us(Lutho and I) with so much sympathy, kodwa besistrongo shame. Besizama ngandlela zonke. Umama ebehleli kwiveranda phandle kunye nabantwana. Seva ngesinjani sona isikhalo sakhe. We all got up and rushed outside, Oh My God! Imoto yam ibingumthamo, ibingathi ibihlafunwa yinto emvakoko yayijula kude! Yho yazezozijwili ke! Ibindim ndodwa ongakhaliyo, ndasuka ndaziva ndinombulelo ongazenzisiyo kuThixo ngokundisindisa kwenje yona ingozi kuba icacile ibinkulu. Engqondweni yam I thought it was a minor accident kanti I got hit my a truck, imagine inokuba ndisinde kanjani apho? Mna owam uThixo uyaphila kwaye uhlala ezibonakalisa maxesha onke.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 08:49:51 +0000

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