15th July 2014 - Written Update - Madhubala Part 1All welcome - TopicsExpress


15th July 2014 - Written Update - Madhubala Part 1All welcome Rajbala in the house. Tauji makes Raja and Madhu sit near. Raja asks did u sell off anything. Tauji says the trade was to happen today and will say to stop it. Agni asks how did u free Madhu without using gun. Raja says pyaar se aur dimag se.! Madhu blushes. Agni fumes. Lela notices Agnis reactions. Tauji says want to complete the God Bharai rasam. Raja agrees. Madhu is delighted. The ritual is on. Lela does aarti of Rajbala. Lela asks Tauji to give money and he gives and Lela does nazar utaro rasam. Agni is upset. Tauji blesses Rajbala. Lela self thought. So happy Madhu want to tell you about Radha but to make Raja happy am quiet. Dont like seeing you happy. Agni notices Lelas weird reactions. Lela says headache and excuses herself. Agni goes to check on Lela. Raja - Madhu look at each other and smile. Lela fumes that whenever Madhu is happy i see Sweetie sad. Poor Sweetie is busy wandering around and Madhu is ruling. Agni brings headache meds for Lela. Lela says it will be ok on its own. Agni says dont think so. This looks like heartache. Lela asks what. Agni says i feel like ur not happy seeing Madhu happy. Lela says even ur not happy. Lela says God has given me ears and its sharp. I heard the voice on the other side of the phone to Bhanu. It was you. Agni freezes. Agni says i hate Raja. You are Madhus own why did you agree to Bhanu and come here. Lela asks how did you find out. Agni says lets ripe this fruit and juice it. Lela says i let Bhanu out coz i hate Madhu as much as u hate Raja. Lela says coz of Raja i could not help Bhanu further. Agni says Bhanu will hang Rajbala alive. An injured lion is dangerous than a normal lion. Lela says keep ur excitement in control till Bhanu arrives. Agni says will .. u and i will mess Rajbalas life. Duo join hands. Part 2Madhu comes to Raja and he is surprised. Madhu says u have not taken meds. Raja says am fine. Madhu says fine, jump. Raja tries to jump but pulls his muscle and is hurt. Madhu makes him take his meds. Raja says i cant, its bitter. Raja tells Madhu he will close his eyes and Madhu can feed him. Madhu is about to feed him and remembers the sweet moments with Raju. Raja is waiting with his mouth open and Madhu bursts laughing. Raja asks why are you laughing. Madhu says take meds. Raja again closes eyes and opens his mouth. Madhu feeds him the meds and water. Raja thanks her. Madhu says i need to thank u ...u din care for ur life and came to save me. Raja says thank u that u taught me how to win a battle without guns. Madhu says thanks for showing me a new way. Madhu says i never thought u culd keep this promise of not using guns. U fulfilled ur promise. Madhu says today i realized Love can change a person. Madhu says i am ready to keep my world at ur feet. Raja says i dont want that, i want the biggest happiness of my life. Madhu asks what. Raja says i wanna feel my unborn child. Madhu is taken aback. She turns away from Raja. Raja puts his hand on Madhus shoulder and then slowly touches her arm and then holds Madhus hand around her tummy. Madhu is feeling uncomfy. She jerks Raja away. Raja asks what happened. Madhu says every time u touch me i remember that night. Part 3Falguni comes and finds Raja sulking. She says Tauji is calling you. Raja meets a guy and tells him to be alert and if they spot Bhanu to take him out. Raja suddenly feels some pain and Tauji says go rest, your injury is aggravating. Tara tells that finally after days we are making fried stuff. Feels like celebration. Falguni says lets hope happiness keeps raining all the time now. Madhu says my God Bharai happened and now ultimate happiness will come when its Falgunis bidai. Tara says but first muh dikhai. Madhu says will happen today.Falguni feels shy and leaves. Madhu smiles and Tara says that will happen and we will happily send off Falguni. Falguni comes in her room and looks at the red saree and herself in the mirror.Madhu comes to wake Raja up. She finds Raja has passed out. She checks his pulse but cant feel anything. Madhu calls out to all. Precap ---- Madhu calls out all and Tauji comes to check on Raja. Raja does not respond.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 15:39:23 +0000

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