15th of October 1902 in Barnard castle, The Church bells are - TopicsExpress


15th of October 1902 in Barnard castle, The Church bells are ringing out the funeral toll. Crowds are lining the streets in sombre mood. All the shops are closed. Is this a royal funeral? A funeral cart is making its way through the town. Pulled by a team of fine Ponies. It had started from the former residence of one Abraham Hilton. However instead of pulling into the St Mary’s church the cart carry’s on down the Bank along Bridgegate . Over the County Bridge ,and on up the Road towards Cotherstone. Abraham Hilton was a man ahead of his time. Long time resident of Barnard castle.Born In a Thatched house on Bridgegate . He raised himself up to become a merchant of some standing in the town. Living at a residence on Galgate ( no; 32 ,two doors up from Maxwell’s Hardware shop) for many years. A dealer in Tea and Spirits . Even though he was Tea-Total himself. A Christian but could not accept every detail of there Beliefs. Once quoted as saying If the church spent less on pomp and circumstance and more on helping the poor The world would be a much better and happier place A man of great charity he would often show strangers to the town , Tramps and the local homeless were often welcomed into Mr Hilton’s house many of whom would spend a cold night sleeping by his fire. He would invite the local poor children and there families to enjoy Sunday dinner with him. Happy in the fact he had filled the bellies of some poor starved children. This Teesdale land owner would charge ridiculously low rents on his lands. Even refusing to take people to court over moneys owed to him. A true none church attending Christian soul. During the run up to Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee he was asked what the town should do to celebrate , To which he suggested the queen should be asked to set up some kind of charitable fund for the poor of Teesdale! Truly a man of Conviction and a forward thinking Chap.He started many charities during his lifetime.Some of which were still going in the late 20th Century it is unknown to me if they still are. Abraham passed away on the 11th of October 1902 aged 87 .Helping those less fortunate than himself his whole life. Upon his death by his own request he was to be buried on his own land.Asking the permission of his tenant farmer first ! His Gravestone was made from rough-hewn, Shap Granite. With a smooth name panel. Weighing in at just over two tons it took a team of four horses to drag it to its present location from Cotherstone train station. The Funeral procession was made up of eight coaches. As well as a possession of people following behind. The coaches got as close to the grave as possible before having to disembark. After Laying Abraham to rest in his grave on the south bank of The Tees just down from the Hag . He had requested that at his burial meal” The Teesdale mercury reports-In the true spirit of the departed benefactor, ill-clad tramps and Cotherstones poor lads All were invited to sample the princely provisions that Abraham had requested happen upon his death. So what had made this man so Charitable? Why did he just give? It was said that Abrahams father was the complete opposite . He would sue at the drop of a hat . Take late rent payers to court over the smallest amounts a true Miser!Perhaps young Abraham saw that , and vowed to be a better man. Abraham was often known to forgo the rent for his poorer tenants. He refused to take deters to court. He even stipulated in his will that the ponies he owned should be treated as pensioners and taken care of as such. He left provision for this.He was often seen on Galgate giving pennies to the poor.With his passing Teesdale got darker. Barnard castle has it’s faults, It however never forgets it’s own and Abraham Hiltons name lives on in Barney today with the street that carry’s his name Hilton road. So next time youre out walking in Cotherstone and pass a Granite Grave you may want to tip your hat to the most charitable man buried in a field.Or passing Hilton road you may want to pay a second thought . For Mr Abraham Hilton Barnard castles most charitable son.Who requested to be buried in a field.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 15:59:27 +0000

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