16:35 Kyiv and Ukraine as seen by a Russian-speaking ethnic - TopicsExpress


16:35 Kyiv and Ukraine as seen by a Russian-speaking ethnic Russian, by Anton Dmitriev. One should not think that Ukrainians hate Russians – this is not so. But Russian propaganda does everything in order to spark xenophobia and chauvinism. A paradox: official Moscow and Mister Dmitriy Kiselev did more for the development of the Ukrainian nationalism than the Soviet government throughout all of its existence. The aggressive and completely incorrect position of the Kremlin regarding Ukraine only angered the Ukrainians. At this, official Kyiv, on the contrary, tried to moderate anti-Russian modes. But the people that look at TV screens, computers, tablets and telephones, don’t just hate Putin at this point – they hate Russia. This is a fact. In Ukraine, they are calling to boycott everything Russian, implement a visa regime with Russia and stop importing Russian gas and oil. The most radical elements are proposing to blow up oil and gas pipelines, sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet, take the Crimea by force etc. But these calls do not resonate with the Ukrainians. I myself am an ethnic Russian, I was born and raised in Zaporizhya, in the South of Ukraine. I have spoken Russian since childhood. My aunt and uncle still live in a village near the Russian border in Kharkiv region. My grandmother and grandfather are from the Tver region, all of my ancestors were Russians. And this is why I still cannot comprehend why Mister Putin decided to protect me and other hundreds of thousands of Russian-speaking Ukrainians – we didn’t ask him. But VVP made us all involuntary nationalists. How fed up can you make them, if my mother and aunt who don’t know Ukrainian decided to take up Ukrainian language courses at the sixth decade of their lives. After the events in the Crimea started, my mother called me, she was crying and saying that she cannot and does not want to communicate in Russian anymore. For her, who lived the majority of her life in the USSR, Putin’s policy became the biggest blow in her life. At work, in transport – there is only talk of Russia. But they are not just talking about Putin. As he, despite everything, was elected by the Russian people. And the same people can depose or recall him – but this is not happening. Myself, and the majority of my friends have never been to the Crimea because of various reasons, but we never even imagined that it could be part of a foreign country. And that this country would be called brotherly, and then negate norms of international law, in order to take away part of the territory of another “brotherly” country. The Crimea is Ukrainian. Period. The pictures on TV since the victory of our Revolution of Dignity has changed significantly. There are only one or two channels that remain neutral or positive about Russia and the former Ukrainian government. Others prefer critique which sometimes crosses all limits of common sense. You know, I cannot comment on the position of the Russian Federation – I cannot be distracted by the whole hysteria which the Russian society is being put through thanks to the pro-government and “sensitive” mass media. It seems as though society is becoming a reflection of Dmitriy Kiselev, as many Russians support the annex of the Crimea. And yes, I feel bad for the TV channel “Dozhd” and Lenta.ru – for the majority of Ukrainians these mass media became close and at least a gulp of fresh air from Russia. What can I say: I loved Lenta.ru myself! I dont understand why because of my article on a not-very-well-known resource in Ukraine, the Russian mass media made a fuss and accused me of all the deadly sins. By the way, starting Monday, March 17th, I am barred from entering the Russian territory – for the sparkling of international discord and extremism. I wonder when I managed to do so? Of course not everything is great in Kyiv – that is true. And definitely not all on Maidan are happy with the actions of the new government. But it all takes secondary significance to the unintelligent and incomprehensible to anyone actions of Russia. It is funny to say this – Putin is now repeating the mistake of Napoleon when the latter invaded Russia: then the people also united not because of Emperor Alexander, but in a patriotic upheaval against an external enemy. The same is happening in Ukraine now. Yes, we are all quietly grumbling about the new government, yes, we feel that the Heavenly Sotnya (those that died on Maidan) have not yet been avenged. But all of this become bleak now in comparison with the fact that our Northern neighbour is behaving with such enmity. None of us know what this will all end with. But one thing is clear: Ukrainians and Russians will never be brother again. Even if Putin leaves. - fakty.ictv.ua
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 19:29:32 +0000

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