16. Do healing with Maha Mrityunjay only. Do not show SV sadhana - TopicsExpress


16. Do healing with Maha Mrityunjay only. Do not show SV sadhana or use its energy for healing anyone. 17. If you want to keep Shiv linga and Meru together, make sure that the Jileri(end part of the Linga) is not pointing to the Meru. 18. Whatever the Guru teaches must be assimilated and not even one drop must fall down. So take daily dose from the Guru, assimilate completely and then go for the next dip in the Guru Ocean. 19. Ultimate Salvation is when the Guru makes you one with him and you no longer exists. 20. Never be dependent on anyone. You are the creator so create what you want. 21. Every SV sadhak MUST now do SV sadhana twice daily. Once in morning and once in evening. Female energy is disturbed and thus this is necessary. Doing sadhana twice will not only help you but help planet earth, fellow beings and contribute towards the goal of Holy Siddhas thereby helping you karmically to dissolve karmic factors. 22. Babaji told, “It is a fact that each and every one of you is Shiva himself and so when you look at anyone even outside of this Hall, he/she is Shiva. You bhav must be to observe Shiva and you must respect everyone the same way as you would if you were to actually see Shiva. If a person is shouting at you, feel happy and think within, ‘Aare bhole baba aaj bade ghuse mein ho, Hare se Laal kaise :)’. Feel that happiness that Shiva is coming to you and giving you Darshan. Many millions of karmas get dissolved in this simple gesture. Unconditional Love will start flowing automatically and all relationship problems will disappear automatically.” 23. Babaji has re-emphasized the importance of loving your family. Charity must begin at home. A SY sadhak is incomplete if he heals the world but has grudges with his family members. Babaji took a session along with Dance and singing bhajans like ‘Tu Pyar ka sagar hai…” and aa chal ke tujhe, swaying with his entire family and his shivyog sadhaks family also swayed holding their hands in total unity. 24. Babaji is coming to Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Banglore, Nagpur and couple of more cities to conduct Rhythm of the Universe free shivirs. Also many more incl. Sri Vidya Higher levels are planned. 25. Babaji mentioned he will be going into deep sadhana post April 2012 and has transfered his energy into Ishan Bhaiya who will be taking shivirs and continuing Babaji’s work. Babaji jokes, looking at Ishan Bhaiya and told “Abhi Chote Baba absorbing mode mein hai, shanti se bethe hai, phir yeh age aap logo ko sadhana karayege”. We Hope babaji continues taking shivirs post April 2012 too, at least the advance ones. 26. Never judge anyone, you are the Creator who is experiencing his creation and not a Judge. 27. Never take money from anyone else or if need be, either create or if taken, return it manifolds back. Never accept gifts from anyone but use the money that you have earned incl. once money starts flowing in from SV sadhana into helping others. 28. When you do SV sadhana, lots of material and spiritual gains come. You have to enjoy them but not get attached to them. He explained about Kundalini rising and Tamo guni karmas, then Rajo guni karmas where lot of wealth comes in and then if you don’t get attached, with Guru’s grace when Rudra granthi is broken Sato Guni karma come to the surface, if you remain detached then you go to the Siddha loka which is there in your ajna chakra and ultimately attain moksha and remain one with shiv-shiva in the Sahastrar. This is a difficult journey so Guru Kripa is necessary. Guru’s grace comes not from sweet talking to Guru or chamcha giri but by seeing him in all and serving all as an offering to the Guru. So when wealth comes, enjoy being detached. Babaji said “Tum bhog ko bhogo, Bhog tumhe na bhoge” 29. Always have an attitude of serving, always have a smiling face. This is Deva bhav, an ordinary human is in Pashu(animal) bhav. It is the law of nature to return everything multiple times what you give to it. Everyone is part of nature. If you give hatred to others, it comes back to you multiple times, give smiling face and help, it comes to you multiple times. Choice is yours as you are a Human Being(Manusya) and you have the right to choose the path at every point of your life. 30. Babaji insisted that he has a divine mission “Aap sab logo ko Bhram Rishi jo Banana hai so mein jitna SV sadhana kara saku woh mein zaroor karaunga”. (I want to make each one of you Self Realized and I will try to organize as many SV shivirs as I can). Babaji spoke about organizing Sri Vidya Higher Levels orientation shivirs with selected people of say 200 sadhaks whom Babaji will choose personally. They will go to higher levels then on. So the race has just begun to practice more and more Sadhanas. Babaji insisted that now on for advance SV sadhana, only Sadhaks will be called and not people focusing on their problems or diseases. 31. At the beginning of the Shivir, Babaji mentioned that each one of you attending this shivir are chosen ones and have not come here like that only. So you have a responsibility. I would never have taught such divine sadhana openly unlike previously where a Guru would give SV sadhana shakti to only 1-2 sadhak that too to the one who he feels appropriate but due to Guru Mandals order, he is now giving higher dikshas and his responsibility is to transform each sadhak in a Self Realized soul and more dikshas will come to only the one who does sadhana with complete dedication and devotion to the Guru as per his prescription. 32. A wife must love and respect her husband as Shiva himself and the Husband must love and respect his wife as Divine Shakti herself. 33. The Female energy of Mother earth and also the Sun is very disturbed right now. It is imperative to do Maximum SV Sadhana right now. 34. Babaji re-iterated multiple times(although is humble of him to do so) that Guru Mandala requires help from all the Sadhaks to help the ascension process and save earth from negative energies. Rishi Mandala has asked Babaji to give maximum gyan and shakti incl. this Sri Vidya higher levels and the forth coming ones which were otherwise absolutely rare to be given except when someone would spend decades serving the Guru with purity, doing Sadhana and showing exemplary advancement of soul and that too in jungles and in difficult places whereas we are getting it sitting in A/C halls with soft chairs underneath. This is a clear indication of the urge of the Rishi Mandalas and we must be thankful and humble to offer gratitude to them for having the heart to do so. Doing daily Sadhana and making Shivyog principles as a way of life is the least we can do to show our gratitude to them and our beloved Babaji. 35. Babaji strictly asked all to refrain from reacting negatively towards any person or situation. He demonstrated by dancing(sitting down on his chair) that to feel happy when anything happens. Become a child, develop a witnessing consciousness. 36. When you do sadhana you will ascend to higher dimensions and thus levels of consciousness and one day you will Reach the State of Shivohum, Aham Brahmasami but that is also not true because Aham and Brahmasami are still two, the final state is ‘Brahmasami’, you must reach there and stay there. 37. On the last day, Baba told something very unusual and was a Master stroke. He told “You must do maximum Sadhana esp. SV Level 2 sadhaks, this is the most rarest of the rare Sadhanas and the Most Highest Sadhana of purification and Self Realization”. “There is only Living Guru who is capable to giving this Advaita diskha of Sri Vidya and he is sitting in front of you” and the hall roared in applause and gratitude. Master stroke fit only for the King of Kings which my Baba is. 38. Regarding Golden Book he told to maintain two GB and also write your family’s wishes in it. One is for your personal immediate goals and one book is for long term and family members. Keep photo of your family members in it if you want. Then after you do your sadhana at night, write your GB with what you want visualizing it. GB must be filled in daily. Since post Sadhana you are at high consciousness levels, your thoughts will be Satvic(Pure) and powerful, it will help manifest faster. Now keep your GB within two Sri Yantras and put them on Himalayan Crystal Clusters. Crystals are also beings as they have consciousness but it is very pure. They multiple energy that you send to them. You will get clusters from any authentic crystal shop. Not sure if ashram has any stock from last crystal shivir with them. The SY kept on crystals will charge them + your sadhana shakti + Sri Yantras within the book itself will all lead to powerful manifestations. A sadhak in Goa shivir remarked that “Babaji meine aap ne bataya aisa GB banaya when I was about to start my business, woh sab kuch pura ho gaya, itni unnati hai, woh golden book pura bhar gaya hai, I have to buy another GB :)” 39. Reg. Healing, only self healing i.e cleansing of Karma can be done via SV sadhana and mantras not of others. The L2 sadhana is so powerful that when you do sadhana, even your family members or people karmically connected to you, their chakras get expanded and cleansed automatically. Babaji has instructed to do it minimum 21 days to see its effects. 40. As a regular & practicing Shiv Yog Shree vidya and Shambhavi sadhak never ever approach Astrologers and Tantriks.This is a very serious issue.All Shiv sadhaks please spread this msg to all.The astrologers & tantriks try to suck the meditational energy once u sit beside them or wear their tabeez since ur chakras have expanded, they sense the energy in seconds and start extracting it right away. 41. While talking on the phone as far as possible use speakerphone or headphones if personal. Use handsfree if required. Mobile radiations eat up sadhna power at a high rate. Always bargain while buying. Shree Vidya sadhaks get money in the form of LAKSHMI devi so they must get value for money. While doing charity never bargain. 42. A SY Sadhak delivers 125% of what he is expected to give. Not 70%, not 50%, not 90%, not even 100%. 43. Baba ji said that many habits and thinking of sadhaks is still not upto the level that He reckons it should be for a Shiv Yogi. He said all Shiv Yogis particularly Shri Vidya sadhaks need to work very hard to change their mindsets, negative , skewed thinking and tendencies to get angry,lusty,greedy and egoistic. Baba ji said he was hopeful that all the sadhaks will make an effort to change themselves and not remain stuck in the prison of negative qualities. 44. In the auditorium itself Baba ji openly announced that most of the sadhaks wont be coming for Shree Vidya 3 if they refuse to change their thinking and negative mindset. For Shree vidya 3 Baba ji said only those shall come who are really pure and have mastered Shree Vidya 2 and he sincerely hoped that changes are brought for as many sadhaks to do the most powerful shivir ever. 45. Baba ji is introducing a technology wherein Shree Vidya 3 can be done by only those who have done Shree Vidya 2 by swapping of the cards. So it is a request to all those who do Shree Vidya 2, do not lose your ID cards if you wish to do Shree Vidya 3. 👆👆Gems from Babaji from Sri Vidya Level 2 Goa Shivir
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 13:08:46 +0000

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