16 January 2015 Friday Episode When last we visited the Casa de - TopicsExpress


16 January 2015 Friday Episode When last we visited the Casa de Conflict, Patricio had just suffered another heart spell, brought on by Cande and Ana Julia fighting over whose fault it was that Marichuy fell down the stairs. No one ever asked Mari about it, so the fact that AJ specifically told her not to hold the handrail hasn’t been aired. Anyway, AJ tells Marichuy that her dad’s dying, which of course upsets her. Pat is in his own bed with a monitor for his heart and a tube up his nose, because being in the hospital is for losers who can’t get the best specialists in the country to transport their whole office to your house on a day’s notice for a little nonemergency eye exam. Mari cries about his mortal peril and Pat assures her that he is fine, just with a weak heart, and Ceci glares at AJ. Ceci tells Marichuy that Pat just needs to get happy and then his old ticker will be off the fritz, so Mari is determined to make him happy. She smiles for him. Over in Twinkleland, Mayita sadly tells Granny Mariana that Rocío has returned from Italy, alone. Onelia and Rocío are sitting in the living room when Balbina comes in with a package that´s just been delivered. It’s from Juan Miguel and they guess that it’s something for Mayita. Right at that very moment, JM calls to ask if they’ve received a package. See, his psychology skills are just that specific. He can’t tell when someone standing right in front of him is sad or confused, but he can read the minds of the mail service people all the way from Boston and know that the box has arrived. Anyway, he says it’s for Marichuy and asks whether they can take it to her. Rocío says she’s going to visit Marichuy that very evening and will be happy to deliver it. The ladies will be happy to gather the intel on Marichuy and JMito while they’re at it. Suddenly, it is evening and Onelia and Rocío are in the Velardes’ foyer, gift in hand. Marichuy is delighted to hear and hug Rocío. They give her the present, which is a crystal church figurine. Marichuy feels it and remembers the Man of Mystery (JM) in the church who was getting’ fresh in the water basin. Rocío says she brought the crystal church from Italy. Cande enters and sees the church and says, “¡chúpale pinchón!,” which was my favorite line from her last Tuesday. As far as I know, it still means “suck a pigeon!” which I interpret as “whoa!” Marichuy tells Cande that it reminds her of the man in the church, and Cande says, “ohhhh, yeeeesss, I remember” while Onelia gestures wildly and mouths to her that the gift is from JM, not Rocío. Purita is at the church praying to the Virgencita for a baby. Maybe she should pray for a little patience. Haven’t she and Adrián only been married for like two months, maybe three? The next morning, Marichuy is hanging out in her sunny bedroom with Cande and Juanito. Mari asks Cande to help her fix her hair pretty and put on lipstick. AJ shows up and immediately tries to throw Cande out, but Marichuy asks her to stay. She says she wants to look nice so she can be pretty and smiley and cheer Patricio up so he’ll recover. AJ snarls and stomps out to the backyard. When she’s gone, Cande tells Mari that she doesn’t trust AJ; she’s bad and she is not Mari’s friend. AJ flounces across the lawn muttering to herself that she’s going to take down Marichuy if it’s the last thing she does. Well, no, it will be the second to last thing. The last thing will be to snag Juan Miguel, the only man who has ever rejected her. JM grins like a fool and videochats with Rocío, who tells him Marichuy loved his gift. He hopes that maybe deep down she realized it was from him and that he loves her. Cande cautions Mari to be wary of AJ, then has to awkwardly stop Mari from answering and chastise AJ for entering without knocking. AJ says Dr. Casablanca has arrived, which I guess she somehow divined from the backyard, and takes Marichuy away. She doesn’t run her into the chair this time, but only because Cande is there watching. JMito is now sitting up on his own (about time, if he’s well over a year old by now) and looking super cute. Marichuy asks the doctor about her father’s condition. He is super grim and serious and takes a really long time to answer, which of course worries her immensely. Finally he says that Pat’s condition is serious, but they’re stabilizing him. He had an embolism and his left arm is paralyzed, probably permanently. Marichuy is devastated. Purita (whose full given name, it turns out, is Purificación) visits a clinic and asks for the results of her tests. The doctor confirms that she is not pregnant. “But I will be able to get pregnant, right?” she asks. The doctor just sighs deeply. Isn’t it time the D.F. Medical Association held a seminar on bedside manner? He tells her she’ll never be able to have children. Purita rubs her abdomen while glycerine tears of pure dolor run down her cheeks. Marichuy puts JMito to bed (he’s wearing a hat for some reason) and decides she’s going to change and cheer up and learn to walk not just in the house but also in the street. She’s going to go to the church and pray for her Papi’s health. It is day again and we are at the church. Marichuy prays for Patricio. Padre Anselmo drops by and says she can help her father to do his exercises and cheer up. Mari says she’ll be the best nurse in the world. Cande faces the other direction through the whole scene and doesn’t say a word. Purita visits Olga, still crying, and sobs that she’s not pregnant. Olga is like, patience, child, but Purita tells her she’ll never be able to have children, so mom is all comfort and hugs. Onelia and Rocío visit Mansion Velarde again and are greeted in the foyer by AJ. What an outfit on Rocío. Maybe she plans to drop by a burlesque club later. Onelia is a bit snooty to AJ and AJ says she knows Onelia hates her, but she’s mistaken about her. AJ insists she’s a trusted employee. Onelia says the Velardes only trust her because they don’t know what she’s like, calling her an arribista (upstart), trepadora (climber), and chula (low-class flashy dame) in the process. Rocío looks uncomfortable and says maybe they’d better come back another time. AJ mentions at some point that Pat has been sick for a month now, so I guess time has been passing without any editing clues. Onelia tells AJ that she isn’t fooled by her cara de mosca muerta (lit. dead fly face. “Dead fly” means someone who pretends to be stupid in order to take advantage). She overheard AJ’s embarrassing and desperate scene with JM. We are treated to a brief flashback. “I know exactly what kind of fichita (sly little fox) you are.” AJ says with a smug and oily smile that she doesn’t care what Onelia thinks. Purita is still wailing wailing wailing to Mami that she will nunca nunca nunca have a child. I don’t know what day is supposed to be what here, but I guess for Purita this is all one day. She says the doctor says she has something wrong with her, but since the writers didn’t have time to think of what that is she says she was too upset to listen. Olga says they will get a second opinion, and she shouldn’t tell Adrián yet. Right, because he surely only married Purita for her childbearing abilities and shouldn’t be informed of anything that has her this upset. Patricio has his arm in a sling and talks on the phone to his nephew Daniel (son of his brother Conrado) and says they’d love to have Daniel come stay with them. Mayita cries to Abuela Mariana that she misses her daddy. A little pep talk from Granny about how his studying will help people clears that right up, and Mayita is bouncy and squealy again. They decide to make clothes for Mayita’s dolls. JM gives a presentation in class, in English, but in an accent that doesn’t sound like it could possibly be his real one. It’s supercheesy. The speech, that is. Something about artificial retinas becoming a real fight instead of a little hope, and making the dream a reality, or something. Is it weird that I had to read the Spanish subtitles on the screen to understand his English? He’s trying too hard to sound like he doesn’t speak English well. He takes lots of pauses in his speech to daydream of Marichuy and see her face on the screen, which should help his grade. Ceci, Pat, Onelia, and Cande sit on the deck and Rocío assures Pat that JM loves Marichuy and only wants the best for her. Pat wants to change the subject. Onelia says to just let it go; maybe with the passage of time Krabby Patty will get over himself and not hate JM. Marichuy walks up (assisted by Cande) in time to hear “Juan Miguel” and asks, with a hopeful smile, if he’s returned. Rocío, Ceci, and Onelia beam. They say he won’t be back for a few more months. JM calls Eduardo (mi amor!) and tells him the studies are going well, and in a few more months he’ll be able to return home and see if the project will have any success. Ed is encouraging. Say, Ed and Beatriz must have gotten married by now, and we had to miss that in favor of lots of whining and crying and AJ’s brattiness. No, I guess they didn’t get married. Beatriz is telling Luisa that she’d like to get married, already, but Ed wants to wait for JM to return. What, he can’t fly down for a weekend for his best friend’s wedding? Come on. Luisa thinks they should just pick a new padrino. The maid brings them drinks and Beatriz is a nervous wreck and knocks hers on the floor. She says she can’t stop worrying about Amador. Speaking of the Amadork, he is still trapped in an unresponsive body, but someone is going to the trouble of keeping his facial mange trimmed just so and his hair all sticking up the way he likes it. He thinks to himself that he is going to recover and get his son. His auntie tells him not to give up. He thinks to himself that of course he won’t. He is going to destroy all his enemies. Marichuy shows Rocío the alhajero (jewelry box) that Onelia and Mayita gave her. She keeps the orchids and things that remind her of Juan Miguel in it. She thinks JM has forgotten about her, but won’t let Rocío tell her how much he loves her still. Mari says she can’t lie to Rocío, and admits that she’s still completely in love with JM. AJ is listening at the door. AJ makes a sourpuss expression and thinks to herself that she is the only one with a right to love JM. Marichuy tells Ceci and Pat that she’s tired of being aburrida (bored) and she wants to study again. They are delighted. Pat even makes a joke, that she shouldn’t call herself a burrita (stupid little woman). She says she’s felt useful and satisfied playing nurse to Pat, so maybe she’d like to do something like that. Ceci suggests that a career as a physiotherapist might be a good fit for her. It will take years of work, but she can do it. She says she’ll make them proud. She says she’ll ask AJ to help her get started, and Ceci and Pat look less thrilled but say they’ll support whatever she decides to do. Ugh, why don’t they just say AJ isn’t qualified and get other help? Marichuy lies in bed holding her orchid and hoping for sweet dreams. Whatever drying process Cande used must have turned that thing to steel. Through magical cheesy effects, we see Marichuy and Juan Miguel in the glowing crystal church in wedding finery, kissing lots and lots to the dulcet tones of Pachelbel’s Canon in D. Meanwhile, Juan Miguel is tossing and turning in bed and dreaming exactly the same thing and talking to Marichuy in his sleep. The next day (or some day), AJ searches Marichuy’s room for the jewelry box. She sees the crystal church on the nightstand and picks it up, but Cande and Mari walk in and Cande asks what she’s doing. AJ acts all simpery sweet and says she just thought it was so pretty. Cande is not fooled. Eduardo takes Beatriz to the church blindfolded. He says he doesn’t want to keep waiting for Juan Miguel, so he’s asked Israel to be their padrino instead. She’s delighted and they make out in the church, and the angry bees take us over to Amador. Amador has finally started to react. Rocío and Marichuy are in the foyer at Casa Velarde when Daniel arrives. He introduces himself and Marichuy warmly greets her cousin and introduces Rocío. Looks like attraction at first sight for Roc and Dan. Sigh. Qué the heck is wrong with Vicente? Marichuy gets a phone call and goes off, leaving Daniel to flirt with Rocío, and Rocío to tell him she doesn’t believe in love. AJ finds the jewelry box. Marichuy answers the phone. It is JM, but as is his usual custom, he says nothing. Um, creepy, Juan Miguel. A doctor checks Amador’s reaction to stimulus. Use the cattle prod, doctor. Then the taser. Marichuy is all, “hello? Hello! Say something!” JM is calling from some hospital, and another guy walks by and says, “Juan Miguel!” JM tries to shut him up, but Marichuy heard. Avances: AJ wreaks havoc and kidnaps Mayita.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 06:59:40 +0000

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