16 Things I will tell my daughter one day: 1. You are the most - TopicsExpress


16 Things I will tell my daughter one day: 1. You are the most beautiful girl in the entire world. 2. Don’t be afraid to fail, but pray for the strength to keep going when you do. 3. Find a man who treats you just like I treat your mother. 4. Watch what you say and think before you speak. 5. Respect everyone. EVERYONE. 6. Smile and laugh as often as possible. 7. There is NOTHING in this world that you can do that will make me turn my back on you. If I am breathing, I have your back. 8. Work hard, but play hard as well. 9. Do not pass judgment on anyone. You do not know their story, just like they do not know yours. 10. Look at a persons character, not their outward appearance. 11. It’s ok to be weird or different. Look at who you are talking to. 12. If given the opportunity to conquer a fear, do it! (THE MOST IMPORTANT ONES) 13. Only date guys who have beards! 99% of them are trustworthy gentlemen. 14. Wrestling is real....period! 15. Your daddy may have small legs…..but he also has big arms that he will not think twice about using to beat the crap out of ANY man who causes you physical harm! High five, sweetheart! 16. High fives will always be cool! #FutureDaddyDaughterConvo
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:24:05 +0000

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