16 Things Men Hate About Women #1. U Are Nagging n - TopicsExpress


16 Things Men Hate About Women #1. U Are Nagging n Insulting One of the worst things that could ever happened to a man is to get married to a nagging n insulting woman. In a romantic relationship, its not really a big deal cos guys dont tolerate such, hence they easily walk away. Dumping and the relationship before u kill them (Lolz) On a very serious note, No man wanna be around a woman was nags n insults at the slightly provocation. Its create an atmosphere of tension n strife where anything is possible. Habit like this is what usually results in a husband or boyfriend beating up his woman. It is a known fact that the most powerful weapon of a woman is her mouth which is often mostly misused as well. When she boosts, threatens, curses, abuses, and insults and the man is forced to retaliate with his masculine strength, the same person who was boosting n cursing will be shouting n begging for help! Many times issue of wife battering are products of womens nagging n insults. Even the most matured n self-controlled man who has a mastery n control over his temper could easily loss it at the presence of a woman who wouldnt stop shouting abuses n curses upon him. No man loves to be insulted by a woman no matter what. Many nagging wives still wonder why their husbands prefer handing out wit friends at a bar n football viewing centre even when he has a drink bar n even a platma screen Television at home where he could easily relax n watch his team march with his choiced drink at time. No matter how rich a man is n how comfortable he has made his home, if he has a nagging wife @ home, he can never enjoy his wealth. A home where their is incessant tension n strife is a little better than hell n no man wanna start experiencing hell here on earth. A home is supposed to be a place where he could return to after a hectic day @ work for comfort, relaxation and bliss. Sadly, some women hav turned their homes into burning flames, hence their husband dont want to return there for another headache after the ones he got @ work. Hence men with nagging wives @ home are always confused whenever 4pm draw nearer each day (worst of all is weekends), as they try to figure out where they could hangout n relax their mind for hours before comin bak to ur troubles at home. Some dont even wanna come bak to the hell u hav turned their home into. Be it in marriage or a romantic relationship, nagging kills the love, closeness n intimacy, thereby pulling him into other womens arms where he could feel loved, cared for n peace of mind @ least once in a while. As a gf, he will avoid u cos he doesnt know the next thing he will say or do, which will get u ranting n sparking like fire. Too bad, if his friends are around. One of the worst humiliation for a man to experience is been insulted by a woman in the presence of friends. He wont take such lightly @ all. A nagging woman can cause a man to do what he never dreamt doing in his wildest imagination. Even the most disciplined, matured minded man with a firm control on his temperate could still loss it when ur nagging n insults get beyond what he could tolerate. Nagging is a bad character. It is a poor attitude of womanhood. No matter the amount of love he has for u, if he discovers u are the nagging n insulting type. Sorry, that could be his only excuse why he cant make u his wife. Cos, he doesnt wanna die before his time. This is supported by a recent research findings that men who marry nagging wives have a tendency of dying early. Now u see how serious this could be. No one says u shouldnt be angry or mad when he misbehaves or does things that piss u off, but always remember they are better, matured n more effective means of expressing ur bitterness without sounding nagging n insulting. To say that men dislike a nagging n insulting woman would rather be an understatement, they hate it wit passion n hav no tolerance for them. I hope u are one of such? Kindly check back for #2 tomorrow Cutzy: RelMar Foundation ...strengthening Love, building Homes
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 14:10:09 +0000

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