16 Things you need to know about Ebola #1) No government in the - TopicsExpress


16 Things you need to know about Ebola #1) No government in the world is prepared to handle an Ebola outbreak #2) Ebola can spread through aerosols and contaminated surfaces such as door knobs #3) Once Ebola spreads in a major city, it will be unstoppable across the entire planet #4) The medical system has no solutions for Ebola and wont tell you about anything other than vaccines and pharmaceuticals that dont exist yet. #5) Ebola is mutating faster than any vaccine effort could possibly match #6) A hospital is the most dangerous place to go during an Ebola outbreak #7) Even if an Ebola vaccine is made available, it will be experimental and untested, turning patients into guinea pigs. #8) The mainstream media, government and health authorities will get people killed by ignoring or censoring the truth about natural cures that work. #9) Every world government already has plans on the books to quarantine individuals, towns or cities at gunpoint #10) If Ebola infects a major world city, it will cause a collapse of the infrastructure that delivers food, water, medicine, fuel, cash and more #11) Ebola can be easily harvested and released as a bioweapon #12) The only way to survive Ebola is to have a fully functional immune system. #13) In the US 99% of the population only has about 50-60% of normal immune function and we lose 4% more each year. #14) There is no drug that builds immune function. Only correct nutrition can build immune function. #15) Our present day food contains only 10-40% of the nutrition it should have and can no longer build immune function as it should normally do. #16) We may be screwed
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 06:19:50 +0000

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