16 William Branham is exactly the type of Abraham. Abraham = - TopicsExpress


16 William Branham is exactly the type of Abraham. Abraham = seven letters, Branham = seven letters. Isaac and Kacou have five letters each. Abra-HAM, Bran-HAM, and HAM means Father of the nations or Father of the age. But notice that when Abraham went down to Egypt, it was not to make the God of the Jews known to the Egyptians and that’s exactly what William Branham did on this side. All that you call church around us, they are the Arab nations around Israel. Catholics are Arabs around Israel! Protestants are Arabs around Israel! You see? Evangelical churches are Arab nations around Israel! All those who follow the Message of William Branham are Arabs around Israel! And William Branham himself had already so sank into rotten things like that full Gospel stuff and others, and the only possibility to make the thing a perfect success was to restart everything. And the only manner to restart it all was to leave the Scene and come back in another Form, with a new name, a new Position and a new Language. You saw that at the end of the filmthe deep calleth the deep, after so many Miracles, William Branham could say to a pentecostal pastor: You are a preacher of the Gospel, you are here for a good cause, you are not sick, you wish that there be a revival in your community. And that preacher could raise his hands up like this. And tens of pastors, priests and preachers of different churches stood up, with their hands up. And some church pharaohs would play with his audience. And I tell you that all that corresponds to Moses striking the rock twice. 17 In forty years, Moses had now developed good ties with Canaanites as Yitzhak Rabin had made with Palestinians. And Moses was even son-in-law to pagans. You see? Three ministries in the Bible are identical. The Ministries of Joshua, Elisha and Kacou Philippe. This is not theology, this is Prophetic Revelation! And at William Branham’s death, Osborn, a man whose wife preaches, chaired and celebrated his funeral service in the presence of Ewald Frank, Joseph Coleman, Billy Paul and Joseph Branham. That’s not correct. No sir! You branhamists, you paid homage to Osborn saying that a great soldier has returned to rest! But you should go to Tulsa this March 6, 2013 and you would see a woman preaching at the funeral service of Osborn and you would better understand all your folly of April 11, 1966. 18 I can give of my bread to a branhamist pastor because the rain of God falls on thorns and thistles, but I can never let him greet my Audience. Know that those Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes and Doug Batchelor are Arabs around Israel. Know that those David Owor, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Uebert Angel, T.B. Joshua are Arabs around Israel. Until my death, a serpent will never be my fellow. Know that those Manasseh Jordan, Jesse Jackson, John Haggee, Pat Roberson, Joaquim Joaquim Gonçalves, Donald Parnell, Alejandro Bullón, Guillermo Maldonado, Alberto Mottesi, are Arabs around Israel! They are some Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas. Until my death, a serpent will never be my fellow. Know that those Claudio Freidzon, Dante Gebel, Edir Macedo, Valdemiro Santiago, Silas Malafaia, Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Chris Oyakhilome, David Oyedepo are Arabs around Israel! They are some Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas. Until my death, a demon will never be my fellow. They are all demons. When I saw them in the Vision, their bodies were human bodies but their heads were heads of different animals 19 Bear in mind that branhamist pastors are the most perverse and most wicked men of all that God created. Do not seek for the devil far away, in islam, rosicrucianism or freemasonry, but the devil, it’s the catholic, protestant, evangelical or branhamist priest or pastor that is just near you. Yes Brethren! And in Gabon, one of them named Mathieu Nzingoula, goes so far up to controlling, with his finger, the virginity of the girls of his assembly like a gynecologist and then he will go and jubilate at conventions with the other pastors. I tell you that in relation to all William Branham was able to produce as good, even the catholic church has more virtue and morality! 20 William Branham fellowshipped with the churches, even saying that the spirits that minister there are the True Holy Spirit, but today, I tell you that the catholics, the protestants, the evangelicals and the branhamists and us don’t have the same God and the spirits which act on them are demons of divination. Do not get distracted! I say it to you in the Name of the Lord Jesus-Christ in the virtue of the Mission that I received on April 24, 1993. If you present the Message to somebody and he rejects It, no matter how many miracles, prophecies and wonders he has performed, he does not have the Holy Spirit, he is a liar. I do not know if I am really the son of my mother but I have the conviction that a spirit that did not resist the Test of the Word is of the devil. You see? You must look on these churches as the Arab nations around Israel. They are Syrians, Jordanians, Iraqis, Egyptians, Lebanese. They are ishmaelites. They have never been your Brothers, nor even your fellows. They are pentecostals and demons. And God does not want Israel to fellowship with another nation, that’s why God put Arabs around Israel. And so long as God arouses a Work upon the earth, it will always be this logic of Israel and the Arabs around it. The catholics that you see are Arabs around Israel. All the protestants, evangelicals and branhamists that you see are Arabs around Israel. You see? If you are catholic, you are an Arab around Israel. If you are evangelical or in the Message of William Branham, you are an Arab around Israel. 21 No Prophet or Ministry has yet perfected the Church, that’s why the Rapture has not taken place yet but from among those past Ministries, those of Moses, Elijah and Branham make room for upcoming Ministries. You see? No Prophet of the Bible ever acted like William Branham. The pentecostals, the full Gospel businessmen, Osborn and all those people are sons of the devil! It’s the serpent’s posterity. How can Elijah fellowship with the prophets of Baal? How can I fellowship with a catholic, a protestant, an evangelical or a branhamist? And Martin Luther took so strong a stance against the catholic church that nearing his death, he said: When I die, I want to be a ghost so I can continue to pester the bishops, priests and those godless monks. And why didnt William Branham see all the churches of his Time as Martin Luther did? You see? William Branham did not leave a mark on the world by the Word or the Position of the Prophets but by miracles that the traditional fetish priests of my village also performed by the power of the devil. And you branhamists, tell me if a catholic priest could chair or celebrate Luther’s funeral service? And how can somebody come after Luther and do as William Branham did? But I tell you that towards the end of his Ministry, William Branham cried secretly. He was starting to realise something. 22 Notice that a few minutes before his death, his daughter Sarah reports that, in the car, her dad said: I am going to expose names this time but God told him: Stop there! Stop! You will do it but not now; I will have you return in another Phase and it will be the Ministry under the Tent. I will meet you in there! William Branham can have a Perfect Ministry only if God gives him the opportunity to redeem himself but how will he make it while he has those great crowds of pentecostals on his back, seated on his platform? What will he do while he said that he has a deep respect for them, their practices and their beliefs? What will he do? You see? And William Branham died abruptly, while he was about to preach the Sermon: the trail of the serpent in which Sermon he would expose names. That is why the first thing he did on this side, in the Ministry under the Tent, was to expose their names and the names of their churches. Amen! [Ed: The Congregation says, Amen!].
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 15:15:11 +0000

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