16 facts! Really, Megan Latham?! lol 1. My family means the - TopicsExpress


16 facts! Really, Megan Latham?! lol 1. My family means the world to me! I try to see them every chance I get. It gets hard to see my dad bc he lives 8 hours from me. 2. I have a boyfriend that Im in love with and would die for in a split second. 3. I am 17 weeks pregnant and couldnt be more excited! Only 12 days and we find out the gender:) 4. I tell my mother everything. She knows every detail to my life! 5. I wish I still lived in Texas. Im so ready to move back one day! 6. I dont do anything but go to school and go to work. I have no social life with friends. 7. I can lick my elbow. Gross, I know. But they say its impossible...its not. 8. I dont like to cook. I only cook so my boyfriend wont go hungry, lol. 9. I miss my main girls from Texas, every single day! I love that weve all got our lives started and going, but wish I could go back to have a girls night just for a night. 10. No matter how far apart we grow, my older sister and I always end up being close again. Were going through pregnancy together, btw. Shes 13 weeks pregnant today:) 11. Once I get married, divorce is not an option. Well work through every battle no matter what it takes. 12. I dont miss high school one single bit and am so glad to be out, even though it does mean facing the real world. Times in high school, or maybe it was just that age, were horrible. I never want to re-live it. 13. I eat a lot and ALL the time, seriously & its not bc Im pregnant. Ive always eaten a lot. 14. I wish I was able to see my big brother everyday. 15. I hate talking on the phone with people I dont know, yet I have to do it for work all the time. I work at AT&T. 16. I cant wait for our beautiful baby to be here and get to hold him or her everyday
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 16:12:44 +0000

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