16 reasons to ban wood burning. 1. All pollution is not created - TopicsExpress


16 reasons to ban wood burning. 1. All pollution is not created equal. Wood smoke is the most toxic type of pollution in most cities, more dangerous than auto pollution and most industrial pollution. Lighting a wood fire in your house is like starting up your own toxic incinerator. 2. Lifetime cancer risk is 12 times greater for wood smoke compared to an equal volume of second hand cigarette smoke. 3. Burning 10 lbs. of wood for one hour, releases as much PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) as 6,000 packs of cigarettes. 4. Toxic free-radical chemicals in wood smoke are biologically active 40 times longer than the free radicals in cigarette smoke. 5. Wood smoke is the third largest source of dioxins, one of the most intensely toxic compounds known to science. 6. The very small size of wood particles make them seven times more likely to be inhaled than other particulate pollution. 7. Wood smoke easily penetrates homes of neighbors creating concentrations up to 88% as high as outdoor air. 8. If you smell wood smoke, you know you are being harmed. The sweet smell comes from deadly compounds like benzene. 9. The most dangerous components of air pollution are much higher inside homes that burn wood compared to those that dont, as much as 500% higher. 10. Considering the most dangerous part of particulate pollution, wood burning produces as much overall as all our cars during the winter. 11. The inhalable particulate pollution from one woodstove is equivalent to the amount emitted from 3,000 gas furnaces producing the same amount of heat. 12. Emissions from modern combustion appliances for wood logs may increase ten-fold if they are not operated appropriately, and most of them are not. 13. Wood smoke is the only pollution emitted right where people spend most of their time. It disperses poorly, is not evenly distributed and stays in the air longer because of its small size. Concentrations can be 100 times higher for neighbors of wood burners than what is captured at the nearest monitoring station. Real local “pollution victims” are created even when overall community levels are low. 14. If your neighbor is a regular wood burner, and follows all the rules, i.e. doesn’t burn during yellow or red alert days, but does during all “green” days, you can go an entire winter without having one single day of clean air. This is a civil rights issue. 15. According to California’s Bay Area Air Quality Management District, burning wood costs the rest of the community, primarily your next door neighbors, at least $2 in extra medical expenses for every lb of wood that you burn. An average fire then costs your neighbors about $40. 16. Long ago most communities passed ordinances protecting people from second hand cigarette smoke. Ironically those laws protect people at places they dont necessarily have to be (restaurants, stores, buildings, etc). But in the one place they have to be, their own home, they have no protection from something even worse—wood smoke. People should have just as much protection from wood smoke as from cigarette smoke and for all the same reasons. We don’t allow people to blow cigarette smoke in your face, why should we allow people to blow wood smoke into your home? montrealgazette/news/local-news/environmental-group-says-montreals-wood-burning-bylaw-too-strict?fb_action_ids=967643383250250&fb_action_types=ogments
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 02:13:07 +0000

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