1604. Its for my Maanita Vahi cute and delicate chotu motu, I am - TopicsExpress


1604. Its for my Maanita Vahi cute and delicate chotu motu, I am so very sorry for what I did to you. I realize now (and should have realized then) how much pain and suffering this has caused you. If I could change the past and take back what I {said/did}, I would. But “if,”, “would,” and “could” are things I could only hope for. What I can do is try to mend the damage that I have done and hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. As a start, I can promise you that I won’t ever recklessly misplace your love and affection again. It was wrong, stupid, and immature of me to do what I did. And now that I see how much my actions have hurt you, I know that I can’t bear to see you unhappy. Words will never suffice as the only apology for what I have done but I sincerely wish that it can start the healing process and let you know that I am in this for the long run. Thank you for reading and giving me this opportunity to begin my apology. Please call me when you have the chance. Love Always Shona For people who dont know her, she is sweetest friend, lover you can ever find! I didn’t know when I had fallen for her. She had become the most important person of my life.Her existence was an adjective and I was her noun.She was the imprint and I, her nostalgia. She was the resonance and I, her emotional string. She was the words and I, her language. She was the music and I, her melody. She was the mood and I, her temperament.She was the freedom and I, her respect. She was the season and I, her change. She was the fever and I, her heat. She was the monotony and I, her vacation. She was inertia and I, her motion. She was crevasse and I, her depth. She was the parched earth and I, her monsoon. She was, above all, a creation and I, her destiny.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 07:04:37 +0000

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