160th KANO STATE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING PREPARED BY COUNCIL AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT HOUSE, KANO. The Government of Kano State congratulates the entire Muslim Umma for completing the observance and worship in the month of Ramadan Kareem and celebration of Eid - El-Fitr for the 1435 Islamic Year after Hijrah. In continuation with the delivery of impeccable services inherent in the execution of qualitative projects/programmes/policies across all sectors aimed at positive transformation of the lives of the citizenry in the State for the better, the Kano State Executive Council held its one hundred and sixtieth (160th) sitting today Wednesday 30th July, 2014 (4th Shawwal, 1435 AH) under the Chairmanship of Governor Engr. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE. Thirty three (33) memoranda were submitted from seven (7) MDAs for deliberation of which Council approved thirteen (13) for execution with an expenditure of Four Hundred and Ninety Million, Six Hundred and Sixteen Thousand, Four Hundred and Eighteen Naira, Seventy Kobo (N490,616,418.70) covering nine (9) projects while the remaining four (4) were on policy issues. Thus; OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT The Secretary to the State Government submitted twenty two(22) memoranda on behalf of the Chairman and some MDAs for deliberation by Council. Eight (8) of them were approved for execution as follows; Request for Funds to Enable Conduct of 3rd, 4th and 5th Batches of Training for 360 Fishermen and Fish Farmers at Magaga Fisheries Skills Acquisition Center:- The Secretary to the State Government endorsed the cited request and presented it to Council for consideration. Relatedly, the Senior Special Assistant Fisheries notified the Council that, so far 240 fishermen were trained at the Center under the first (1st) and second (2nd) batches after which post training packages were distributed to the beneficiaries. The cited request was submitted in cognizance of the immense benefit of the programme to the trainees and the entire people of Kano State as modern fishing skills and craft technology are acquired. This improves the production capacity of the trainees as well as making more fish (food/protein) available for the people of Kano State and beyond. Details of the requirements for the three (3) (3rd, 4th and 5th) sessions of training were presented to Council for consideration along with financial implications to the sum of N10, 815,000.00 which was requested for release by Council. Council noted, considered and approved the release of the requested sum of N10,815,000.00 to the Secretary to the State Government to enable the Senior Special Assistant Fisheries conduct the 3rd, 4th and 5th sessions of training to 360 fishermen at the Magaga Fisheries Skills Acquisition Center. The fund is to be utilized according to the details presented summarized as follows; Training - four (4) items = N3,060,000.00. Feeding - four (4) items = N5,255,000.00. Operations - four (4) items = N550,000.00. Graduation activities - two (2) items = N120,000.00. Demonstration equipment - three (3) items = N930,000.00. Logistics - one (1) item = N300,000.00. Total = N10,815,000.00. Presentation on and Request for Funds to Enable Payment of Monthly Allowances to the Five (5) Board Members (Chairman Inclusive) of Muhammad Abubakar Rimi (Sabon Gari) Market Co. Ltd:- Council was politely reminded, through contents of this memorandum, of the appointment of the five (5) Board Members of the Muhammad Abubakar Rimi (Sabon Gari) Market Company Limited. Viz; The Chairman - August, 2013 to July, 2014 (11 months). Four (4) Members - April to July, 2014 (4 months). Details were presented to Council for consideration along with the financial implications on the accrued allowances to the tune of N1,030,000.00 which was requested for release to be disbursed to the Board Members. Council acknowledged the presentation and approved for the release of the sum of N1,030,000.00 from the fund available at the Muhammad Abubakar Rimi (Sabon Gari) Market Company Limited for the stated purpose. Presentation on and Request for Funds to Enable Reimbursement of Incurred Expenditure by the Fact - Finding Committee and Evaluation of Various Projects Inherited from the Previous Administration:- The Secretary to the State Government endorsed and submitted the cited request for consideration by Council on behalf of the Fact - Finding Committee and evaluation of various projects inherited from the previous administration. The Committee carried out its assignment commendably and saved the incumbent administration a lot of unwarranted expenditure. The activities of the Committee involved some expenditure to the tune of N5,000,000.00 which was requested and recommended for release by Council as reimbursement to the Committee. Council acknowledged the presentation and approved as requested. Presentation on One (1) Year Top - Up Training at International University of East Africa (IUEA) Uganda:- The Kano State Ministry of Science and Technology submitted the cited presentation, which was endorsed by the Secretary to the State Government and presented to Council for consideration. Council was politely reminded of its approval for the sponsorship of 197 Kano State Indigenous Students that graduated with Advance Diploma from Kano State Informatics Institute and Jigawa State Institute of Information Technology, Kazaure for the cited training. The 197 candidates are proceeding with their second (2nd) semester after successful completion of the first (1st) that lead them to the award of a B sc Degree in IT, Computer Science and Software Engineering. In this vein, 163 Kano State Indigenous Students were screened as the second (2nd) batch for the same training. Council acknowledged the presentation and approved for the Secretary to the State Government to seek admission for the 163 students. Presentation on Issues/Challenges Raised by the Kano State Indigenous Students Sponsored for Studies in Turkey and Cyprus:- Contents of this memorandum presented seven (7) issues regarding the students sponsored for studies in Turkey and Cyprus. Viz; Health Insurance Return Ticket Allowances Welfare Accommodation Consultancy Fees Balance Payment to the Consultant. Council considered the details presented and the following approvals were granted; Council approved the release of the sum of $45,446.00 (equivalent to N7,725,820.00 at N170.00 to the dollar subject to fluctuations in exchange rate) as the verified balance payment to the Consultant for his services. Council approved suspension of the claim of $79,200.00 for two (2) months by the Consultant. That the Office of the Head of Civil Service should handle the case of Shitu Sunusi a sponsored Civil Servant while that of the Psychiatric patient be investigated by the Ministry of Higher Education and the Scholarship Board. Request for Funds to Enable Payment of Registration Fees in Respect of 191 Kano State Indigenous Students Admitted for Studies at the School of Basic - Midwifery Kano, 2014 Academic Session:- The Kano State Ministry of Health submitted the cited request, which was endorsed by the Secretary to the State Government and presented to Council for consideration. Essentially, Council was notified that 191 Kano State Indigenous Students gained admission into the School of Basic Midwifery Kano. As such, the free education policy embarked upon by the present administration instigated the Ministry of Health to submit the cited request for consideration by Council. Details were presented along with the request for the release of the aggregate sum of N3,525,750.00 to cater for the following; Registration and indexing fees at N14,500.00 for 191 students (new intakes) = N2,769,500.00. Indexing fees and instructional materials for 50 students that passed their weeding examinations at N15,125.00 = N756,250.00. Total = N3,525,750.00. Council noted, considered and approved the release of the requested sum of N3,525,750.00 to the Ministry of Health for the stated purpose. OFFICE OF THE HEAD OF CIVIL SERVICE Both memoranda submitted for deliberation by Council from the Office of the Head of Civil Service were approved for execution as follows; Request for Funds to Enable Conduct of the 14th National Productivity Day Scheduled for 21st August, 2014 throughout the 36 States of the Federation and Abuja:- The State Head of Civil Service politely notified Council, through contents of this memorandum, of the cited event premised under the main theme Productivity and Creativity for Sustainable Peace and Security. The National Productivity Center provided the details involved on the activities that include symposium, exhibition of products/manufacturing firms in the State, Award presentation to deserving individuals/industries and presentation of papers by resource persons. The nine (9) items required estimated to cost the aggregate sum of N1,725,000.00 were presented to Council for consideration and granting approval for release. Approval was granted for the release of the trimmed down sum of N1,000,000.00 to the Office of the Head Civil Service for the stated purpose. Request for Funds to Enable Payment of the 3rd Batch (2014) Bereaved Family Allowance in Respect of 93 Families of Deceased Civil Servants:- Council was applauded for the prompt release of the first (1st) and second (2nd) bereaved family allowances for the year 2014 most recent of which was the successfully disbursed sum of N2,850,000.00. Relatedly, Council was requested to approve the release of the sum of N4,320,000.00 as the 3rd batch bereaved allowance for the year 2014 in respect 93 families of deceased Civil Servants. Council commiserates with the bereaved families of the 93 deceased Civil Servants as approval was granted as requested. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES Only one (1) of the three (3) memoranda submitted for deliberation by Council from this Ministry was approved for execution. Thus; Presentation on and Request for Funds to Enable Payment of 2014 Counterpart Funding to Leventis Foundation School, Panda:- The School of Agriculture Panda is jointly funded by the Kano State Government and the Leventis Foundation with a 70%:30% formula respectively. In the same vein, the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources requested Council to approve for the release of the sum of N36,935,685.00 which was 70% of the approved budget for the School for the year 2014 while the Leventis Foundation was expected to provide the balance of N15,829,707.03 or 30% of the budgeted sum of N52,765,392.03. Council acknowledged the details presented and approved as requested. MINISTRY OF WORKS, HOUSING AND TRANSPORT The Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport submitted two (2) memoranda for deliberation by Council. Only one (1) was approved for execution as follows; Request for Funds to Enable the Construction of Reinforced Concrete Overhead Pedestrian Bridges at Five (5) Locations in Kano Metropolis:- Provision of qualitative infrastructure for use by the citizenry in Kano State is among the cardinal resolutions of the present administration in Kano State under the capable leadership of the second (2nd) incumbency of Governor Engr. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE. As such, the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport submitted the cited request for consideration by Council. Five (5) locations were identified for the project, which include; Fagge Primary School along Ibrahim Taiwo Road. Jaen Jumaat Prayer Mosque along Sharada Road. Dan Marke Bus Stop along Maiduguri Road. College of Arts and Science along Airport Road. Independence Road by Police Barracks. Each bridge is of 40M length and estimated to cost the sum of N78,138,777.94 to total up to the aggregate sum of N390,693,889.70 for the five (5) which was requested for release. Council noted, considered and approved as requested. MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES The only memorandum submitted for deliberation by Council from the Ministry of Water Resources was an information MEMO. Thus; Presentation of Notification on the Return of N11,714,955.55 to the Kano State Government Treasury:- The Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Water Resources notified Council, through contents of this memorandum that, the Office of the State Accountant General credited the Bank Account of the Kano State Water Board with the sum of N135,534,284.20 instead of N123,819,328.55. This was fund requested for the relocation/replacement of water pipes affected by the on - going construction of five (5) metropolitan roads. Details were presented for consideration. Council was therefore notified of the fact that the Company executing the project on Independence Road already paid the sum of N11,714,955.55 to the State Water Board for the relocation of the affected water pipes. As such, the sum of N11,714,955.55 was returned to the State Government Treasury by the Kano State Water Board as evidenced by Receipt No. A0499118 presented to Council for perusal. Council appreciatively acknowledged the presentation. UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES OF THE 160TH KANO STATE EXCUTIVE COUNCIL SITTING CONDEMNATION OF THE RECENT SUICIDE ATTACKS ACROSS THE STATE The Kano State Executive Council was dismayed by the recent suicide attacks across Kano Metropolis and condole the families of the innocent victims that died as a result of the attack by unknown individuals. The State Government pledged to pay the medical bills of the injured victims as well as support/assist the families of the deceased persons. Further, Government will continue to collaborate with the Security Agencies and urge the citizens to report any suspicious person connected to the nearest Security agency. MONTLHY SANITATION EXERCISE Council acknowledged the successful conduct of the monthly sanitation exercise for the month July, 2014 and commended all stakeholders and citizens for their co-operation during the exercise. USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS ON ANY EMERGENCY Council endorses the useful phone numbers submitted by the security agents for easy access in case of any emergency on the metropolitan roads. Accordingly, the general public may easily Contact KAROTA for: Breakdown of Vehicle(s), Traffic Congestion, Accidents, and Illegal/Wrong Parking to kindly Call KAROTA through the following numbers on - 08091626747. Similarly, the State Police Command could be contacted on - 08032419754, 08123821575. In addition, the State Fire Service can be contacted on - 07051246833, 08191778888.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 20:52:21 +0000

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