#164 When I was about 15 years old, I was living in a small - TopicsExpress


#164 When I was about 15 years old, I was living in a small Australian outback town, in the heart of the pilbra called Paraburdoo. The place is a mining town that was built on anchient Aboriginal grounds, so it is a very spiritual area of Australia. Many odd occurances happened to myself and many others in that town, but one in particular will stay a vivid memory for as long as I live. One night, it was a full moon. About 10.30pm. I was sat on my front porch area with my boyfriend at the time, having a few drinks and sharing a laugh untill everything went dead still and silent. I felt as if someone or something was stood just off to my right, behind me & was whispering into my ear. I couldnt make out the words for the life of me but it was enough to make every hair stand up on my body and give me goosebumps and the chills. Now, in Paraburdoo the weather is bloody hot! 40-50•C during the days, dropping to a low of 25-30•c at night time. So it was not cold by all means! Anywho, as the relationship was still new, I was trying not to let off that I was scared and that I could feel something was deffinantly off. I didnt want to embarress myself in his company. I was absolutly petrifyed by that stage but I was telling myself not to be stupid. There wasnt anything there! A few minutes later, my boyfriend turned to me and said if you start to feel weird, come and sit by me. That was enough for me. I jumped over the table and into his lap. He then told me the scariest and most intreeging story I had ever encountered! Years before hand, his step father had passed away at the fate of his own hand. It was a very tradgic death. Since that night, the spirit of the man we will call Bob, visited his children on occasions during the night. Sitting on the end of their beds for a chat, walking hallways in their house to watch and protect. Bob had come to visit my boyfriend that night but because he had blocked him out, focussing all his attention on me. Bob wasnt standing for being ignored! So he tried to get his message accross through me! Up untill that point, I was quite sceptical but I am deffinantly now a strong believer. As I was sat on my mans lap, the voice grew louder, more intense and angry! The two of us surrounded ourselves with white lights and he told me to keep saying bob, go away. Please leave me alone. I dont want to talk to you. As loud and strongly as I could. And with that, the wind, the heat and the sound of the outback picked back up. My hairs layed down, my uneasy feeling dissapeared and I felt as if nothing had even happened. As much as that night scared me, I loved it! It was my first actual experience with the other side. Since then now I have an open mind, I have studied paganism, played ouija boards, visited the finest psyhicics, I dream of the dead very often and communicate with the nicer ones, ive fallen inlove with the super natural. It doesnt scare me anymore. Theyre just people with a message to be heard and I am quite happy to pass them on for them
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 07:14:26 +0000

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