165th KANO STATE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING PREPARED BY COUNCIL AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT HOUSE, KANO. The second coming of His Excellency Governor Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso FNSE is indeed a giant milestone in the history of Kano, North and indeed to Nigeria as a whole. This is so, because since inception of the administration, tremendous projects that relate to healthcare, social, economic empowerment and various training programmes were introduced for the first time in history which are all aimed at reducing the suffering and yearnings of the masses to enable them become self-reliant and less dependent on Government. Indeed, this laudable policies and programmes have helped in shaping the social and mental well being of the citizenry. In line with the foregoing, the administration has also made a giant stride by establishing twenty three (24) institutes i.e. Fisheries, Livestock and Poultry ,sports, hospitality and tourism etc in the state all with a view at empowering the Youths. In continuation with the delivery of services inherent in the execution of qualitative projects/programmes/policies across all sectors of Kano State, the Kano State Executive Council held its one hundred and sixty fifth (165th) sitting today Wednesday 3rd September, 2014 (9th Shawwal, 1435 AH) under the Chairmanship of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE. Sixty one (61) memoranda were submitted from thirteen (13) MDAs for deliberation of which Council approved twenty four (24) for execution with an expenditure of Four Hundred and Twenty Two Million, Nine Hundred and Sixty One Thousand, Six Hundred and Seventeen Naira, Sixty Kobo (N422,961,617.60). Thus; 1. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT a) Request for Funds for Five (5) Months Extension of Scholarship in Respect of Thirteen (13) Students Relocated to Malaya University, Malaysia:- The content of this memorandum is from the State Scholarship Board requesting for five (5) Months Extension of Scholarship (accommodation and feeding) in respect of thirteen (13) Students earlier relocated to Malaya University, Malaysia which was endorsed to council by the office of the secretary to the state government. Council noted the request in view of the fact that the thirteen (13) Postgraduate Students under 501 have started their programmes in the new Institution for the period of February, 2013 to February, 2015 in the sum of $26,594.75. Accordingly, Council considered and approved the release of the sum of $26,594.75 for the commitment. b) Request for Funds for the Sponsorship of Three (3) Indigenous Students to Pursue Post – Graduate Programme in Geology at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria:- The Special Adviser on Solid Minerals to the Governor submitted a request through the Ministry for Higher Education for the sponsorship of three (3) Indigenous students who will study Post – Graduate in Geology at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria for two (2) years, to fill the needed manpower in Geology field for the exploration of the State abundant untapped mineral resources as another source of National income which was endorsed to council by the office of the secretary to the state government Council noted, considered and approved the release of the sum of N1,302,000.00 for the two (2) years sponsorship of the three (3) post graduate students. d) Request for Funds for the Logistics Requirements in Respect of the Fifty (50) Government Sponsored Students Undergoing Nursing Education Programme at Al – Mansoura University, Egypt:- Following the Government commitment towards providing adequate manpower in the Health Sector across the State led to the sponsorship of fifty (50) State owned Nurses for Advanced Nursing Education Programme at Al – Mansoura University, Egypt. The Ministry of Health in conjunction with the State Scholarship Board submitted a request to Council for the settlement of some logistics requirement of the fifty (50) Nursing Students studying in Al – Mansoura University, Egypt pertaining to utility bills, books and medical allowances as earlier received by the University authorities amounting to the tune of $175,000.00. Council noted, considered and approved as requested. e) Request for Funds to Facilitate the Acquisition of a Container of New Primary School Books Donated by IUEA from USA:- Further commitments of the present administration towards upliftment of Educational standard prompted a prominent Vice Chancellor of the International University of East Africa (IUEA), Uganda in person of Prof. Olubayi to pledge a container of new Primary Schools Books from the United States of America valued at $500,000.00 to Kano State Government at no cost, but only to pay for packaging and shipping to Lagos at the cost of $6,000.00. Having noted the significance of Education at all levels the Ministry of Science and Technology submitted a request to Council so as to facilitate the acquisition of the container donated by the IUEA from the USA at the total sum of $6,000.00. Accordingly, Council considered and approved the release of the requested amount for the purpose. f) Presentation of a Committee to Inspect and Collect Data on all Obsolete Equipment, Machineries and Other Items Located in MDAs for Boarding:- In its tireless effort to sanitize the surroundings of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) Council earlier constituted a Committee and directed it to inspect and collect Data on all obsolete equipment, machineries and other items located in MDAs for boarding. Consequent upon this development, the Committee under the chairmanship of Permanent Secretary, Special Duties, Office of the Head of Civil Service and four (4) other seasoned civil servants from relevant MDAs has completed its assignment and submitted a report to Council with the following observations; • That the obsolete equipments found have occupied significant spaces within the premises of the MDAs and therefore became worrisome to their efficient operations. • That most of the disposable items have taken along period un – utilized and are parked in open spaces within the MDAs which could lead to their complete damages. • That the continued retention of the obsolete equipments within the MDAs renders them vulnerable to environmental hazard and security risk, especially taking into cognizance the prevailing security challenges in the Country and the rainy season. Council considered the report and directed the Boarding committee under Ministry of finance to take further action. g) Memorandum on Request for Funds for the Sponsorship of Some Kannywood Actors and Other Associates who Secured Admission into the International Film and Broadcast Academy Lagos:- It could be recalled that, the main policy focus of the present administration is improvement of socio economic well – being of its citizenry through provision of infrastructure, empowerment, sponsoring of teeming youth to further their education both within and outside the Country. In this regard,the Ministry of Information, Internal Affairs, Youth, Sports and Culture recommended the ten (10No.) State Indigenes who gain admission into International Film and Broadcast Academy Lagos for Government sponsorship in the sum of N7,000,000.00 which was endorsed to Council by the Secretary to the State Government for consideration. Accordingly, Council considered and approved a trimmed of N6,000,000.00 as financial support to the ten (10No.) Indigenous students who gained admission at International Film and Broadcast Academy. h) Memorandum on Request for Electrical Works, Boreholes Repairs and Supply of Diesel in Respect of the Newly Established School of Nursing Madobi and Post Basic School of Midwifery Gezawa:- The Ministry of Health informed Council that, the National Council of Nursing and Midwifery have approved the commencement of the full pledged academic programmes on general Nursing and Post Basic Midwifery Education in the two (2) newly established Health Institutions. In this regard, the Ministry is requesting for monthly overhead, electrical works at the two (2) students hostels at School of Nursing Madobi, boreholes repairs and supply of diesel for the full take – off of the programme at the Institutions which was endorsed by the Secretary to the State Government for Council consideration. Accordingly, Council considered and approved as follows; i. The release of N200,000.00 as monthly overhead of School of Nursing Madobi effective from September, 2014. ii. Directed the State Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport to undertake the electrical works of the two (2) students hostels at the School of Nursing Madobi. iii. Directed the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport to include the two (2) Institutions in the Central Diesel Supply. iv. Directed the Ministry of Rural and Community Development to undertake the repairs of the existing boreholes 2. Ministry of Education Request for Funds to Settle Feedings of Mal. Shehu Minjibir Boarding Primary School:- You may recall the present administration’s keen interest for re – introducing and sustaining Boarding Primary School where it had established and commissioned Mal. Shehu Minjibir Boarding Primary School on Tuesday 28th January, 2014 with the aim of enhancing qualitative education from the grassroot . In this respect, the Ministry of Education submitted a request to Council for the settlement of the feeding at the School conducted per session covering the period 2013/2014 in the sum of N4,650,000.00. Council noted, considered and approved as requested . 3. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES a) Request for Funds for the Commencement of Fifth (5th) Batch of Trainees at Kano Fisheries Institute, Bagauda:- The contents of this memorandum informed council that so far, the fisheries institute at Bagauda has successfully completed the fourth(4th) batch programme recently.the institute has graduated to date one thousand six hundred (1600) trainees who were fully equipped with knowledge of fish pond management. In line with this approach, a proposal to start the fifth (5th) Batch of training was recommended by the ministry for the training of four hundred (400) trainees in the sum of N66,343,900.00 as cost of the training and post training packages. Accordingly, council considered and approved as requested. b) Request for Funds for the Training of Four Hundred (400) Youth on Contract Spraying Man Entrepreneurship:- In consideration of the present administration’s drive towards promoting Agricultural Production and Skills Acquisition for the teaming youth of the State, the Ministry proposes to embark on a Special training i.e. spraying man entrepreneurship training for extension services for four hundred (400) youth to be conducted by the State Farm Mechanization Institute. The aim of this programme in the State is to reduce the level of joblessness among teaming youth. The acquisition of this skill will enable the trained youth to be able to formulate the designed chemical to arrest insect(s) infestation on farms/storages. Council acknowledged the request and approved for the release of the sum of N33,475,907.60 for the conduct of the training programme. c) Request for Funds to Undertake Eighth (8th) Batch Training as well as Post Training Package at Livestock Institute, Bagauda:- The laudable initiative being pursued by the present administration towards empowering both young men and women in various skills, particularly in agricultural occupations, that include livestock, poultry, fisheries, farm mechanization, irrigation and horticulture activities. The Livestock Institute commenced training on the 22nd October, 2012 and had already graduated seven (7) batches of its students. in line with this, the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources presented another proposal for the training of one hundred and thirty two (132No.) trainees as the eighth (8th) batch of the institutes programme. Council noted, considered and approved the release of the sum of N20,702,200.00 as cost of the training and post training packages. d) Request for Funds for the Training of Twelfth (12th) Batch of Trainees in Kano State Poultry Institute (Tukwui), Makoda Local Government:-. The Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources submitted a request to Council for the conduct of training at the state poultry institute, tukui , the participants are selected youths across the 44 local government area councils. the sum of N66,883,000.00 was recommended by the ministry as cost of training and post training packages. Council noted, considered and approved as requested. 4. MINISTRY OF INFORMATION, INTERNAL AFFIARS, YOUTH, SPORT AND CULTURE a) Request for Funds for the Sponsorship to Participate in International Championship Kano State Teakwood Team – Scheduled on 11th – 15th September, 2014:- In furtherance of the objectives of the present administration in the area of developing talent in sporting activities and providing meaningful engagement for the teeming youth in the State. The ministry of information youth, sports and culture in consultation with the State Sports Council has proposed a request for the sponsorship of the state Teakwood Team to participate in the international Championship scheduled on 11th -15th september’2014. Council acknowledged the request, considered and approved the release of the sum of N800,000.00 for the stated purpose. b) Update on Broadcast of His Excellency’s Official Engagements on Sunnah TV and Request for Renewal of the Quarterly Retainer-ship:- Council noted the existing quarterly agreement with Sunnah TV through its Agent “Aerialview Concept Communications and Business Partners for the weekly broadcast of His Excellency’s official engagement which commenced from 15th June and will end on 7th September, 2014, and that during the period His Excellency’s Official engagement were selected, packaged and aired on the Station every Sunday at 10:00 – 11:00PM will repeat broadcast every Monday at 7:00 – 8:00AM. In view of the above, the Ministry of Information, Internal Affairs, Youths, Sports and Culture is requesting for the renewal of the Retainer-ship with Sunnah TV for the production and airing of Historic and Landmark Official engagements of His Excellency, the Governor for 60 Minutes duration every week for three (3) months (13 episodes) from Sunday 14th September, 2014 – 7th December, 2014. Accordingly, Council noted, considered and approved the release of N15,600,000.00 to the Ministry of Information, Internal Affairs, Youth, Sports and Culture . c) Request for Funds for Publication of a Book Titled “On the Marble Volume II”:- The Ministry of Information, Internal Affairs, Youth, Sport and Culture submitted a request to Council requesting for approval for the printing of 5,000 copies of selected speeches (quotation) of His Excellency, the Governor titled “on the Marble, Volume II aimed at re – echoing, documenting and preserving the politics, policies, principles, practices and philosophies of His Excellency the Governor to serve as motivation for future generations. Accordingly, Council considered and approved the release of N2,175,000.00 to the Ministry of Information, Internal Affairs, Youth, Sports and Culture for the undertaking. d) Request for Funds for the Production of Fifty Six (56) Roller Banners:- The Ministry of Information, Internal Affairs, Youth, Sport and Culture submitted to Council a request for the production of fifty six (56) Roller Banners which will enlighten the public on the numerous policies, programmes and achievements of the present administration. The roller banners will also be used to depict the names of the Principal Actors of the State Executive Council who have contributed immensely in the implementation of numerous policies, projects, programmes and milestones achievements of the present administration. Accordingly, Council considered and approved for the release of N3,080,000.00 to the Ministry of Information, Internal Affairs, Youth, Sports and Culture for the said commitment. 5. MINISTRY OF FINANCE Memorandum on Request for the Selection of Financial Adviser that will File Complaints with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in Respect of the Merger Between Dala Building Society Plc. And Suntrust Savings and Loans Limited:- The Ministry of Finance submitted a request to Council for the approval/selection of Financial Adviser that will process all legal complaints on behalf of the State Government against observed infractions and post merger agreement violations from Suntrust Savings and Loans Limited. In view of the foregoing, the Ministry of Finance in consultation with Ministry of Justice and Dala Building Society Plc. Recommended Messrs. Lead Capital Plc to serve as the Financial Adviser. Accordingly, Council considered and approved the release of the sum of N16,000,000.00 to the Ministry of Finance for the processing of the complaint with SEC and CBN as well as other related Expenses. 6. OFFICE OF THE HEAD OF CIVIL SERVICE a) Memorandum on Request for Financial Assistance from Nigerian Union of Teachers Kano State Wing:- It is quite aware that, the existing relationship between the State Workers and the present administration is very much cordial. In that respect, the State Wing of the Nigerian Union of Teachers through the Office of the Head of Civil Service requested for financial assistance in the sum of N2,962,500.00 to enable its members attend eighth (8th) Education International Conference (EIRAF) scheduled between 15th – 20th September, 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya. Accordingly, Council considered and approved a trimmed figure of N1,000,000.00 as financial assistance to the Unions for the stated commitments. b) Request for Funds for the Participation of Four (4) Directors of the State Civil Service to Attend a 3 – Day Seminar at Abuja:- In an effort to enhance capacity building through training and retraining of the State Civil Service, the Office of the Head of Civil Service submitted to Council an invitation received from Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) academy requesting relevant Government Officials to attend a workshop titled “Anti – Corruption, Fiscal (responsibility and Governance for State Government Officials in Nigeria”. Accordingly, four (4) Directors were recommended from the Manpower Directorate to attend the workshop. Council considered and approved the release of the sum of N480,000.00 to facilitate the participation of the four (4) Directors. 7. MINISTRY OF LAND AND PHYSICAL PLANNING a) Request for Funds for the Clearance/Approval to Utilize Forestry Department Annex of the Ministry of Environment Situated Along State Road as Parking Space for the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning:- As a result of previous exco sitting held on 13th, 20th and 27th August, 2014 were a memorandum was forwarded by the State Ministry of Land and Physical Planning over a request to utilize the Ministry of Environment’s Forestry Department Annex as Parking Space. Accordingly, the Ministry was requested to provide BEME for undertaking the project where three (3) BEMEs representing various works of literate and kerbs were provided and deliberated and further directed, the BEME be reviewed and resubmitted with a view to facilitating further action on the matter. In light of the above, the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning reviewed the BEME scope of the work carefully and the cost was trimmed down to the sum of N13,097,000.00. Council acknowledged the request and approved the release of the sum of N13,097,000.00 for the execution of the stated project. b) Progress Report/Request for Funds for the Continuation of Interlocking Work within Kano Metropolitan:- It is important to note that, the interlocking tiles works covers ninety one (91) Roads on which various extracts mandating the Ministry and the executing agency to handle as appropriate. Considering the importance and beatification of this project along the walkways which serves as a median of increasing the lifespan of our roads . In line with the above, the Ministry further requested for an extension continuation of the interlocking work with a view to cover all urban metropolitan roads. Council considered the request and approved the release of the sum of N120,000,000.00 to settle the outstanding payments of N70,376,119.53 and N49,623,880.47 for the continuation of the work. c) Request for Funds for the Payment of Compensation of Properties Affected by the Road Adjustment at Kwankwaso Town:- The request was forwarded by the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning citing properties to be affected by the adjustment of roads at Kwankwaso Town. Consequent upon the foregoing, the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning carried out the compensation valuation exercise of the affected structures which covered identified items. Council noted, considered and approved for the released sum of N11,426,430.00 for the above stated purpose. d) Memorandum on Request for Funds for Payment to the Owner of Property Covered by Plot No. 78 Plan No. TP/UDB/128 Affected by the Construction of Lawan Dambazau – Trade Fair Complex:- The content of this memorandum is notifying the Council on the structure that was demolished during the re – alignment/reconstruction of Lawan Dambazau – Trade Fair Complex Road that the structure covered by Plot No. 78 on TP/UDB/128 is owned by Muhammad Hambali and it was not listed among the item assessed for compensation at the earlier stage. The Ministry of Land and Physical Planning has assessed and valued the structure in the sum of N5,659,200.00 being compensation for the property. Accordingly, Council considered and approved the release of the sum of N5,659,200.00 as compensation of property covered by Plot No. 78 on TP/UDB/128 owned by Muhammad Hambali. UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES OF THE 165TH EXCO SETTING 1. ENTERPENEURSHIP AND SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR SIR. AHMADU BELLO MEMORIAL FOUNDATION Council noted the conduct of an entrepreneurship training programme which was organized by Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation, the ceremony was declared open by the Head of Civil Service Alh. Umar Shehu Minjibir (Garkuwan Minjibir) who ably represented His Excellency the Governor. During the occasion he thanked, the organizers of the programme which is in tandem with the empowerment initiative being pursued by this administration and also called on participants to take full advantage of the opportunity giving to them. 2. REPORT ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF LAPTOP COMPUTERS TO UNDERGRADUATE KANO STATE SPONSORED STUDENTS OF ALKALAM UNIVERSITY, KATSINA Council noted the successful distribution of 338 Laptop computers that was purchased by the State Government to Kano State sponsored students who are undergoing various degree programme at Alkalam University in Katsina State. Furthermore Council noted the level of progress made in the construction of a hostel block for the Kano State indigenes on the University initiated by Kano State Government. 3. INUGURATION OF KANO STATE MICRO- FINANCE AGENCY COMMITTEE Council Witnessed the inauguration of the Kano State Micro Finance Agency Banks by His Excellency the Executive Governor. The agency is saddle with the responsibility to ensure prudent Management in running the affairs of established 37 Micro Finance Banks across the Local Governments Areas in the State. 4. CONDOLENCE MESSAGES Council noted with sadness the demise of the former Deputy Governor of Kano State during the Second Republic Alh. Ibrahim B.B. Faruk and an elder statesman Alh. Magaji Dambatta OFR. Before his death Magaji Danbatta was member Constitutional conference Committee who represented Kano state Government. Council wishes to condole with the families and entire people of the State on the irreparable loss. Council also prayed to the Almighty to grant the deceased Jannatul Firdausi and their families the fortitude to bear the loss. USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS ON ANY EMERGENCY Council endorses the useful phone numbers submitted by the security agents for easy access in case of any emergency on the metropolitan roads. Accordingly, the general public may easily Contact KAROTA for: Breakdown of Vehicle(s), Traffic Congestion, Accidents, and Illegal/Wrong Parking to kindly Call KAROTA through the following numbers on – 08091626747. Similarly, the State Police Command could be contacted on – 08032419754, 08123821575. In addition, the State Fire Service can be contacted on – 07051246833, 08191778888.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 15:20:41 +0000

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