17 August 2014 Good Morning All the Members and Congregations - TopicsExpress


17 August 2014 Good Morning All the Members and Congregations Around the world. The texts word for the Divine Service for this Morning is: Sowing, tending, and reaping with joy John 4: 36 And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. Message Let us follow the example of Jesus and sow as He did. Then we will rejoice in the harvest together. Summary 1) If we do not let unfavorable conditions deter us from sowing and tending the seedlings we will be able to reap with joy. 2) Already here and now our heavenly Father permits “little harvests” on ourselves, in our families, and in the congregations. 3) Ultimately, all those who sowed, tended the seedlings, and brought in the harvest will receive the ultimate wage: the crown of life. Context The image of the harvest is usually a reference to the judgement. What is meant here in John 4: 36 is most likely the dissemination of the gospel, bearing witness of Jesus Christ. Those who have preached the gospel (those who sow) and those who will reap the benefits of this preaching are brought into one and the same context Sowing is connected with work and trouble, yet despite all the effort the harvest sometimes even fails. Those who reap do not have to go through all this trouble. They profit although they have not contributed anything (verse 38). And Afrikaans Text Word is: Om Te saai, Te versorg en met vreugde Te maai Johannes 4: 36 En hy wat maai, ontvang loon envergader vrug vir die ewige lewe, sodat die saaier en die maaiersaam Bly Kan wees. Boodskap Laat ons die voorbeeld van Jesus volg en saai soos Hy dit gedoen het. Dan sal ons saam Bly wees oor die oes. Samevatting 1) As ons nie toelaat dat ongunstige omstandighede ons daarvan weerhou Om Te saai en die saailinge Te versorg nie, sal ons in staat wees Om met vreugde Te oes. 2) Alreeds hier en daar laat ons hemelse Vader “klein oeste” op onsself, in ons gesinne, en in die gemeentes toe. 3) Uiteindelik sal almal diegene wat geoes het, die saailinge versorg het, en die oes ingebring het, die uiteindelike beloning ontvang: die kroon van lewe. Agtergrond Die voorstelling van die oes is gewoonlik ‘n verwysing na die oordeel. Wat hier in Johannes 4:36 bedoel word, is heel waarskynlik die verspreiding van die evangelie, Om Te getuig van Jesus Christus. Diegene wat die evangelie gepreek het (diegene wat saai) en diegene wat die voordele sal geniet van hierdie verkondiging, word in samehang gebring. Die saaiproses word verbind met arbeid en probleme, maar ongeag al die moeite is die oes somtyds nie geslaagd nie. Diegene wat oes, hoef nie al daardie probleme Te ervaar nie. Hulle geniet die voordeel alhoewel hulle niks bygedra het nie (vers 38). Have a Blessed Service and I hope this text word will inspire you for the future ahead to come. Kind Regards!, Stilfontein Congregation.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 04:43:13 +0000

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