17 Awosika :Episode 6 Martins and Kemi drove into the compound - TopicsExpress


17 Awosika :Episode 6 Martins and Kemi drove into the compound to park right behind BK, and martins opened the boot of the car to bring out a NIKE bag, he pulled it out with his laptop bag and proceeded to their flat. Kemi was still wondering what was in the bag, she didn’t want to ask Martins as she was confident he will not disclose; so as Martins disappeared into the bathroom, she went into the kitchen to prepare a little dinner, and as soon as she heard him having his bath, she rushed into the bedroom to check for the bag, but couldn’t find the NIKE bag, she checked everywhere still she couldn’t find it. – She checked underneath the bed and found an unusual black nylon bag and pulled it out and found the NIKE bag inside the black nylon bag. – Kemi laughed to herself knowing the kind of husband she had, he should have looked for a career in the Secret Services rather than Law. She opened the bag to find jogging clothes with a box of NIKE running shoes. – Kemi laughed hard as Martins came out of the bathroom and found her with the package and also started laughing and said “Now, we will jog together and I have paid for another gym somewhere else”. …… 5:00am , Kemi receives a text message saying “The money is ready and its N25M this time around, if you do as we say, all will be fine, we’ve kept our part of the bargain, its time for you to do your part, will send you further instructions later on today, its strongly recommended you delete after reading” .. She completely understood the text and who its from. .. Kemi immediately deletes the text, wakes Martins up for morning devotion, wondering when this blackmail will be over. ************************************* Abuja Airport, Bernard Ejiofor moved out of the arrival terminal with just a small portable carry-on luggage dressed in corporate attire without a tie, in a dark grey suit with pointed black shoes and a light blue David August Designer shirt. He made his way to the road to get a cab; however the Abuja 10AM sun wasn’t for kids, so he reached for his Ray Ban dark shades from his jacket. He moved over to an empty cab and told the driver his destination, the middle-aged Igbo cab driver opened pulled a lever just beneath the seat to open the boot of the car, Bernard moved back and placed his luggage there, closed the boot, unbuttoned his jacket and sat at the back of the car, the cab was fairly new, the driver increased the radio volume a bit , switched the A.C on and eased on to the FCT roads, the cab driver was making little conversation but Benard’s wasn’t up for it. ************************************* Everything was going on fine today for Kemi, but the thought of the text message she got early today wasn’t helping her think straight, she couldn’t go to the Police, the Nigerian Police would never know how to handle this, moreover this menace has people everywhere, she knew who the menace was, it was Ken, one of her customers, she met him few years earlier when the bank sent them out to bring in money, the target Kemi got was so impossible, she looked for people everywhere until a strange number called her one hot Tuesday afternoon. Ken had a sweet calm but firm voice; he spoke with so much confidence, She picked up and said hello, Ken: “Hello, am I speaking with Kemi?” Kemi replied “Yes, this is Kemi” Ken replied “How are you, hope your day has been very good?” Kemi replied “Well, my day is good, please who am I speaking with?” Ken replied “My name is Ken, and I was hoping we could do business together” Kemi replied “Ok Ken, what kind of business do you have in mind?” Ken replied “I understand you’re a marketer with a bank, I want to open an account and hope to run the account frequently” Kemi replied “Okay, where is your office, so I can come over to discuss this with you and how much are we talking about” Ken replied “No use coming to my office, lets meet at a neutral location, most of my business is abroad, so I don’t have a registered business address here” Kemi replied “You still haven’t told me how much we’re looking at” Ken smiled and replied “Well, since you’re so adamant, am looking at N50m for a start and then monthly or bimonthly installments of lesser or higher amount” Kemi was ecstatic on the phone but kept her calm and responded “Ok, I’m sure we can arrange something for you sir, but if you don’t mind me asking, who gave you my number?” Ken broke a small laugh and told her “The person who gave me your number wants to remain anonymous, let’s meet at the Palms, food court, tomorrow after work by 7pm” Kemi replied “I would still want to know who gave you my contact still, but I don’t think I can meet 7pm, can’t we make it earlier like 4pm” Ken cuts in “Okay, will try to make it for 4pm then, have a good day, I need to end this call now.” Kemi replied “very well then, tomorrow is a date, I will call you tomorrow to confirm” Ken replied “Ok then, bye” Kemi was so happy that she screamed out that all colleagues in her office looked at her cubicle, she covered her mouth and apologized as she went back into her seat, Lola, her close office colleague went to her and asked what it was, she explained to Lola and they both laughed and hugged, at last Kemi was going to make her target for the year. That was almost 2 years ago, now Ken had her laundering his dirty money around the country and abroad, although he gives her tips, he has made sure she keeps her mouth shut by threatening to kill her mother in Ijebu, Ken had put a couple of local mercenaries in O.O.U to tail her, and luckily for Ken, one of the boys lived in her mother’s house, Ken had told her that if anything should happen or even as much as get unwanted attention from the Police, her mother dies. This new money is to be put into different accounts and moved into a Singaporean account for some oil trade transaction, she had done her part of the job, all she could tell was that she was part of a bigger and broader conspiracy.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 06:42:21 +0000

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