17 Israelis were injured today after a young Palestinian man - TopicsExpress


17 Israelis were injured today after a young Palestinian man assaulted them with a knife aboard a bus in Tel Aviv. He is already being called a terrorist by western media outlets. It seems like its only terror when a Palestinian harms an Israeli, but what about when Israelis harm Palestinians, which actually occurs more frequently. Its important to look at the whole story. What would drive someone to carry out such an attack on Israeli citizens? The answer is pretty simple. An illegal occupation that is going into its seventh decade. Just this past summer, Israel was responsible for the death of more than 2,000 people in the Gaza strip. Countless more were injured, left homeless, or orphaned. The death toll will continue to rise as people are still succumbing to their injuries sustained during Israels last bombardment of Gaza. In the West Bank, more settlements are being built while more Palestinians are losing their homes. Thousands remain in Israeli prison, most without any actual charges brought against them, including children. Homes are still being demolished, our farm land and olive trees are constantly set on fire. Settlers run over our children and are never arrested. Walls are built around us; checkpoints are everywhere you look. People have died waiting to pass through checkpoints in emergency situations. Mothers have given birth at checkpoints. Our people continue to be shot by IOF soldiers as well as settlers who walk around with guns and terrorize the Palestinian people. Almost 70 years and things are only getting worse. Some people have lost all hope. All of the above mentioned issues plus more are the reasons why someone would just flip and grab a knife and start stabbing people. Its not right, but some people feel no other way out. They feel as if theres nothing left to lose at this point. The occupation coming to an end will definitely solve a lot of problems. This is why we must never give up fighting for what is right.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 09:36:16 +0000

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