17 Things You Need To Know About People Who Like To Be Alone 1. - TopicsExpress


17 Things You Need To Know About People Who Like To Be Alone 1. “You fell off the face of the Earth!” is not a thing anybody wants to hear. A suitable alternative would be: “I haven’t heard from you in a while, how are you?” (Just because somebody isn’t interacting with you doesn’t mean they cease to exist.) 2. “I need to be alone for a while” does not always mean “I need to be away from you.” A person’s desire for “me time” doesn’t exist in proportion to how much they hate you that day. You’ll save yourself a lot of anxiety if you just learn this now. 3. The people who like to be alone are very often the people who have to spend a lot of time with others, or who are often outgoing and social. 4. … Which is why it can seem out of character when they suddenly retreat from a party, don’t text you for a few days, abruptly say they just need their space for a bit. (They’re not mad at you, they’re recouping.) 5. They aren’t less emotional than anyone else, they’re just emotionally independent, which means that they usually know better than to base their day-to-day state of mind on whether or not somebody is giving them time or attention or validation or love. 6. They know that the secret to making any relationship work is to have a healthy amount of time away from each other. 7. They have a sincere appreciation for books and music and the fantastical wonderland of their thoughts and ideas and imaginations. 8. They know that the baseline of any experience is their mindset about it, and so they take time and careful effort in cultivating that. They’re big on self-improvement, even if they don’t use that term to describe it. They want to see more, understand more, learn more, be more. 9. They tend to be indecisive, or rather, decisive but only after an extended period of time considering the options, and coming to a logical, well-thought-out solution. 10. (They’re critical thinkers, and in some/most/many cases, over-thinkers…) 11. They are sincere lovers and phenomenal partners. They want to get to know you. They’re more interested in who you are than what you appear to be. They’re exceptional at cultivating intimacy, because when they let somebody into their inner world, they expect that it really means something. 12. They’re introspective. They’ll return home at the end of the day to lay down and meditate on what happened, how they felt about it, what it means to them, and how they want to change their experiences going forward. 13. It’s really difficult to ask for alone time. You never know how people are going to respond when you ask to take a quiet drive at dusk or read side-by-side or write alone for a while by yourself, which is why people tend to covet the time they do get. 14. Their ideal relationships are the ones in which their lives coexist with their partners, not merge, as so many people aspire to. 15. They tend to be very sensitive, but they put up a tough front. When they feel things, they feel them entirely, but they’d rather sort and think through them and cope on their own, as opposed to being all over the place with their personal lives. 16. They’re some mix of barely using social media and signing onto Facebook once a month and bogging their every thought on some private Tumblr account that you’ll never know about. Do not put any of this past them. 17. They care about people so much that they tend to give them all of their attention. It’s for this reason that their most profound experiences often happen alone, it’s when and how they give that attention to what’s happening in front of them. TC mark
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 21:31:46 +0000

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