1706 Apeal to I.C.C & Australian Cricket board:On the sad - TopicsExpress


1706 Apeal to I.C.C & Australian Cricket board:On the sad demise of Australian cricketer, Phillip Hughes, i propose: 1. Bouncer should be banned in cricket followed by a two delivery free hits & over cancel. 2. Wearing of helmet to be mandatry. And helmet to be manufactured in such a way that it should garanty safety in the event of accidental bouncer. 3. Investigations to be made that why Helmet which he was wearing, couldnt saved his face? 4. If it was wrongly manufactured due to design & material, then the one who approved it safe, to be trialed& brought to justice. 5. If it was according to specified design of I.C.C, then how I.C.C approved such design which was dangerous for life. In this case, I.C.C to be blamed, & respondibles tobe brought to justice. 6. I.C.C laws regarding bouncers & beemers need to be amnended immidiatly, & full bench investigations to be made. 7. Remember, helmets saves us ONLY in the event of an accident, NOT an approved attempted head strike
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:36:31 +0000

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