174th KANO STATE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING PREPARED BY COUNCIL AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT HOUSE, KANO. The purposeful journey towards the salvation of Kano State in the transformation of various sectors/developmental projects and programmes aimed at improving the socio – economic wellbeing of the citizenry continued on Thursday 6th October, 2014 (12th Muharram, 1436 AH) when Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE presided over the one hundred and seventy fourth (174th) sitting of the Kano State Executive Council. Forty seven (47) memoranda from eleven (11) MDAs were tabled for deliberation of which twenty four (24) cutting across five (5) Sectors were approved for execution with an expenditure of Three Hundred and Fifty Seven Million, Forty Five Thousand, Eight Hundred and Forty One Naira, Forty Three Kobo (N357,045,841.43) covering twenty two (22) projects while the remaining two (2) are on policy issues as follows; 1. THE EDUCATION SECTOR The Sectoral approach towards total transformation of Kano State for the better hinges on the Education Sector for many obvious reasons especially those to do with the dignity and raising the status of the general society in Kano State. Achievements by the present administration are on indelible records as the Education Sector was transformed under the leadership of the second (2nd) Tenure of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE. Every aspect at all levels are continually being transformed with unparalleled vigour and concern as the effort was unwaveringly continued today when Council approved the execution of four (4) memoranda connected to the Education Sector. Thus; a) Presentation/Forwarding of the Agreement of Affiliation for the Commencement of B. A Qur’anic Studies Programme between the Northwest University, Kano and Aminu Kano College of Islamic Legal Studies, Kano:- The Ministry of Higher Education endorsed the document on the cited issue and presented it to Council for consideration. Details on the genesis and need for affiliation between the two (2) Institutions were presented along with the precise thirteen (13) items agreed upon by the two (2) parties. Council acknowledged the presentation and approved execution of the affiliation between the Northwest University, Kano and Aminu Kano College of Islamic Studies for the commencement of B.A in Qur’anic Studies Programme. b) Request for Funds for the 2014/2015 Academic Year Admission Drive into Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria for Qualified Kano State Indigenous Students:- Over 76,000 Students graduate from Secondary schools every year to seek fir admission into tertiary institutions across the country. Some students with good result are unable to secure admission either due to lack of financial resources, moral support, exposure and even capacity to search for the admission. Based on this the Government of Eng Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso introduced different intervention measures to assist all students with relevant qualifications secure admission into tertiary institutions either within or outside the country. To achieve this a committee Tagged Admission Drive Committee. The purpose is to collect the documents of all eligible Kano State indigenous students and present to all tertiary institutions within the country to seek admission on their behalf. Contents of this memorandum reminded Council of its approval granted for the enacting of a twelve (12) – Member Committee to trace opportunities and secure admission for qualified Kano State Indigenous Students into Nigerian Tertiary Institutions. Related to this, the Ministry of Higher Education submitted the request for the release of the sum of N1,413,000.00 to enable the Committee Members distribute the necessary credentials of 3,391 identified/screened qualified Kano State Indigenous Students with five (5) credits (including English Language and Mathematics) in the SSCE and 180 and above points in the JAMB Examinations for admission at various tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Council considered the five (5) items presented estimated to cost the sum of N1,413,000.00 and approved for its release to the Ministry of Higher Education for the stated purpose as the candidates satisfy all criteria. c) Presentation of Report on the Improved Performance of Public Schools in Kano State in the WASSCE from 2011 to 2014:- Examinations are the main yardsticks used to measure and evaluate the performance of the education sector anywhere in the world and particularly in Nigeria where the clearly stated basic criteria for admission into tertiary institutions on completion of the senior secondary school segment of education is five (5) credits and above (including English Language and above) as approved by Nigeria University Commission (NUC). In a nutshell, the details of the performance of public senior secondary schools in the WASSCE from 2011 to 2014 were analyzed and presented with the main highlight that the performance improved with a record rise of 26.12% in three (3) years of the second (2nd) Tenure of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE (i.e. 12.44% in 2011 compared to 38.56% in 2014). This shows an appreciable 310% increase in performance under this sector. Details were presented as follows; Year Candidates with 5 Credits and above % of candidate with 5 credits and above 2011 4,375 12.44% 2012 10,194 21.31% 2013 19,211 36.92% 2014 16,712 38.56% This was considered as an evident attestation of the commendable positive transformation on the ground as far as education is concerned under the second (2nd) Tenure of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE. This administration provides all the physical/infrastructural; material; human/personnel; accessories; etc. requirements at all levels which is among the commendable legacies of the present administration. In fact, the Ministry of Education summarized it all in the following three (3) notations as presented to Council for consideration along with one cardinal prayer forwarded. Viz; • Council should note the huge investment on the Education Sector under this administration in terms of the provision of physical, material and human resources requirements. • Council should note the decongestion of classrooms in public schools in Kano State from over hundred (100) per classroom to a maximum of sixty (60). • Council should note the improved performance of public schools in the State in the WASSCE as presented. Cardinally, the prayer is for the improved performance to impact positively on the admission of Kano State Indigenous Students into tertiary institutions anywhere. Council acknowledged the presentation with appreciation. d) Request for Funds to Enable Purchase of Some Privately Owned Houses to Facilitate Construction of a Public Primary School at the Site of Kwalwa Dying Pit:- The State has the highest number of primary school age pupils in Nigeria especially in its municipality where the site of the Kwalwa Dying Pit is located. Details on the genesis and the need to establish a befitting Public Primary School at the site were presented along with the cost to purchase some privately owned houses for the purpose to the tune of N13,309,650.00 as assessed by the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning. As such, Council was requested to consider and approve the release of the sum of N13,309,650.00 for the purchase of some privately owned properties at Kwalwa Dying Pit site for the establishment of a Public Primary School. Council noted, considered and approved as requested. 2. THE INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT/MAINTENANCE SECTOR The quality of the available infrastructure for use determines the efficiency and general success of the public anywhere in the world. This relates to physical development in terms of the provision of roads and related facilities such as bridges, flyovers, ring drainages, etc; residential housing; commercial building/facilities; Government Secretariats/buildings/facilities; potable water supply; provision of electricity; etc. performance of the present administration along this line is superlative and incomparable to any other in Nigeria. Kano currently wears a new look as celebrated and applauded by the citizenry in the State. Council continued with the commendable trend today as approval was granted for the execution of six (6) memoranda related to the infrastructural development/maintenance sector as follows; a) Request for Funds to Enable Intervention to Ensure Effective/Efficient Performance of the Challawa Water Works 1st, 2nd and 3rd:- The Challawa Water Treatment Plant (WTP) commonly referred to as the Challawa Water Works was established prior to the Second World War (1930’s to 40’s). The first (1st) segment was maintained to supply greater/urban Kano with potable water. This was progressively augmented with the provision of the second (2nd) and third (3rd) segments. Reportedly, the Challawa Water Works first (1st) segment ceased operations for more than one (1) year and requires general renovation. Again, the second (2nd) and third (3rd) water works require some maintenance services and replacement of water works manifold for smooth/continuous operation. The scope of works required was assessed and estimated to cost the aggregate sum of N76,731,064.58 which was requested for release by Council to enable execution of the stated project(s). The details presented were appraised by Council which approved for the release of the sum of N50,000,000.00 for the stated purpose. b) Presentation on the Need and Request for Funds to Enable Installation of a 300KVA 33/0.415 Electricity Transformer at Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso School of Basic and Remedial Studies Tudun Wada Dankadai, Kano:- The Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso School of Basic and Remedial Studies Tudun Wada Dankadai is among the twenty four (24) tertiary institutions established courtesy of the second (2nd) Tenure of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE. Currently, the School is ready to commence academic activities pending provision of electricity supply to be facilitated by the procurement and installation of 300KVA electricity transformer and other electricity supply installations. Details on the BEME for the project estimated to cost N9,856,450.00 which was requested for release were presented to Council for consideration. Approval was granted as requested. c) Request for Funds to Enable Drilling of a Motorized Water Borehole at Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso School of Basic and Remedial Studies Tudun Wada Dankadai, Kano:- Potable water supply was identified as among the necessary requirements pending take – off of academic activities at the Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso School of Basic and Remedial Studies Tudun Dankadai, Kano. The Ministry of Rural and Community Development assessed and estimated the requirements to cost the sum of N4,500,000.00 which was requested for release. Relevance of the request prompted Council to approve as requested. d) Request for Funds to Enable the Reactivation of One (1) Solar – Powered Water Borehole; Replacement of One (1) Hand Pump Water Borehole and Repairs of One (1) Motorized Water Borehole:- Cognizant of the resolve to provide steady and reliable potable water supply to all areas of demand in all nooks and corners of Kano State by the present administration, Ministry of Rural and Community Development submitted this request for consideration by Council. The entire projects were assessed and estimated to cost the sum of N4,580,500.00 which was requested for release. Accordingly, Council appraised the details presented and approved as requested to be expended as follows; i. Provision of one (1) motorized water borehole at the Neighbourhood of the School of Post Basic Midwifery Gezawa = N2,740,500.00. ii. Repairs of one (1) solar – powered water borehole at Yan’ Awaki Town in Tsanyawa LGCA = N990,000.00. iii. Replacement of one (1) hand pump water borehole at Sabuwar Kofa, Kano City in Municipal LGCA = N850,000.00. e) Request for Funds to Enable Payment of Compensation for Additional Number of Properties Affected but Omitted at Ayagi/Warure Wuju – Wuju Channelization Project:- The Wuju – Wuju Channelization Project is among the most popular infrastructural/physical developmental projects executed courtesy of the present administration under the able leadership of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE. Many structures and properties were affected in the course of executing the project. These exist in clusters – Viz; Aisami, Sani Mainagge, Warure and Ayagi Quarters. The compensation liabilities incurred were divided into two (2) phases and fully paid. Nevertheless, the compact nature of the clusters defied effective assessment. Further investigation revealed that ninety (90) items within phase 2 (i.e. Ayagi and Warure Quarters) were omitted. These were assessed to be of compensation value to the sum of N32,957,788.00 which was requested for release. The authenticity of the request prompted Council to approve as requested so as to enable the State Ministry of Land and Physical Planning disburse the money appropriately to the beneficiaries. f) Request for Funds to Enable Provision of Electricity at Bandirawo Housing Estate using Semi – Underground House Servicing:- Bandirawo city is one (1) of three (3) of its type established in the State by the present administration. The other two (2) include the Kwankwasiyya and Amana cities. Each of the three (3) is constructed to international standards which prompted submission of the cited request. The scope of work was assessed and estimated but presented to Council in four (4) options that range through most responsive, responsive and in – house which were appraised as approval was granted for the project to be executed using the in – house estimate of N153,450,000.75. 3. THE EMPOWERMENT SECTOR For the first time in the State, Government confidently ventures out to invest in empowerment of the youth of both Genders, underprivileged women, the physically challenged, medium and small scale entrepreneurs, etc. This is through the provision of access to and granting of sponsorship to indigenous people of the State to undergo educational training at under and post graduate levels locally and abroad; various skills acquisition training and granting of take – off capital, etc. A lot can be said on this as the number of beneficiaries is incomparably impressive while the effort continues progressively as the already established projects/schemes are sustained. Council, once again, approved the execution of eight (8) memoranda of significance to empowerment at today’s sitting. Thus; a) Request for Funds to Enable Fifteen (15) Members of the Kano State Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASOW) Attend their 30th National Conference/AGM at Yenogoa, Bayelsa State (11th November, 2014):- The Government of Kano State currently under the leadership of the second (2nd) incumbency of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE considers all Trade Unions/Associations as partners in progress cognizant to which the Kano State Head of Civil Service submitted the cited request for consideration by Council. Fifteen (15) delegates are earmarked to represent the NASOW Kano State Chapter at the Conference for whom fund is required to pay for registration, transportation and accommodation. Again, two (2) of them aspire to vie for elections into the respective offices of Secretary General and Vice President, Northwest Zone for which forms are to be purchased. Details of the requirements and financial implications were presented to Council for consideration which were appraised as approval was granted for the release of the recommended sum of N250,000.00. b) Request for Funds to Enable Ten (10) Staff of the Kano State Shari’ah Court Appeal to Participate at the 2014 “All Nigerian Judges of the Lower Courts at Abuja (17th – 21st November, 2014):- Resolve of the present administration to empower its staff by building/improving their capacities for effective service delivery was considered as the State Head of Civil Service submitted the request for consideration by Council on behalf of authorities of the Kano State Shari’ah Court of Appeal. Originally, the request was for the sponsorship of ten (10) staff which was trimmed down to five (5) and presented to Council for consideration. Details on the three (3) items required estimated to cost the sum of N415,000.00. Accordingly, Council noted, considered and approved as recommended. c) Presentation on the Need and Request for Funds to Enable Commencement of the Second (2nd) Batch Training for Three Hundred (300) Trainees at the Institute of Horticulture, Bagauda:- The Kano State Institute of Horticulture (KIHORT) Bagauda is among the eighteen (18) employable skills acquisition training institutes established courtesy of the second (2nd) incumbency of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE. Training for the first (1st) Batch at the Institute is already conducted as all the required basic infrastructure is in place. This request was submitted to enable commencement of the second (2nd) Batch Training for three hundred (300) beneficiaries drawn from across the 44 Local Government Council Areas of Kano State. Details on the requirements and their financial implications to the tune of N41,762,500.00 which was requested for release were presented for consideration by the Council. Accordingly, Council appraised the request and approved the release of the sum of N11,762,500.00 being cost of training materials/requirements for three (300) beneficiaries. d) Request for Financial Assistance to Enable One Umar Danladi Isah Kademi to Undergo B. Sc Pharmacy Training at Lincoln University College, Malaysia:- The Secretary to the State Government intimated Council, through contents of this memorandum, on the details regarding the request. Accordingly, Umar Danladi Isah Kademi requested for the State Government financial assistance to the tune of N1,239,250.00 to enable him undergo B. Sc Pharmacy at Lincoln University College, Malaysia. Already, the Scholarship Board released the sum of N817,800.00 to the candidate. However, the Kano State Scholarship Board confirmed that the actual sum of money required for the Foundation Year training at the University is N1,775,620.00 from which the sum of the already released N817,800.00 was subtracted so as to bring down the current request to the tune of N957,820.00 which was recommended to Council for consideration. Council acknowledged the details presented and approved as recommended. e) Request for Funds to Enable Provision of Medical Assistance in Respect of Muhammad Bala Jajira a Staff of the Kano State Judicial Service Commission:- Muhammad Bala Jajira is a staff of the Kano State Judicial Service Commission and was involved in a ghastly motor accident on 6th December, 2013 that resulted in a spinal cord injury for which he was hospitalized for five (5) months at the Dala Orthopedic Hospital. On his discharge, the pain continued and persisted. Further medical attention was sought by the patient at the Institute of Brain and Spine, Sunflag Hospital and Research Center, India. Details on the four (4) items required were presented to Council along with the request for the release of the aggregate sum of N2,222,500.00. Accordingly, Council noted, considered and approved the release of the sum N2,000,000.00 as medical assistance to the officer. f) Request for the Re – Imbursement of Funds Expanded to Purchase and Distribute 117 Admission Forms into Federal Science College, Sokoto:- This request was originally submitted from the State Ministry of Education but was endorsed by the Secretary to the State Government and presented to Council for consideration. Essentially, the State Ministry of Education complied with an Executive directive issued to purchase 117 admission forms into the Federal Science College, Sokoto for distribution to thirty nine (39) of the 44 Local Government Council Areas. The best three (3) candidates from each of the thirty nine (39) Local Government Council Areas should be allocated with the forms free of charge. The assignment was successfully carried out and an expenditure to the tune of N292,000.00 was incurred and requested for reimbursement. Council noted, considered and approved as requested. g) Request for Funds to Enable Relocation of Eleven (11) Amongst the Kano State Indigenous Students Sponsored for Studies at UNISZA to Other Relevant Universities in Malaysia:- The Secretary to the State Government submitted this request for consideration by Council. Details on the genesis and reasons for the request were presented along with request for the release of the sum of $151,916.57 to cover for the tuition fee, accommodation fee and other charges in respect of the eleven (11) relocated students. The details presented were accepted as relevant by Council which approved the release of the requested sum of $151,916.57 to enable the successful relocation of the eleven (11) students from UNISZA to other relevant Universities in Malaysia. h) Presentation on the Need and Request for Funds to Enable Conduct of the Second (2nd) Batch of Sustainable Modern Bee Keeping Training of Three Hundred (300) Farmers in Kano State:- The Ministry of Environment endorsed the request, originally submitted by the Authorities at Kano State Afforestation Programme (KNAP) and presented it to Council for consideration. The benefits derivable by the three hundred (300) beneficiaries were presented to Council for consideration along with the request for the release of N10,000,000.00 for the stated purpose. Council acknowledged the presentation and approved as requested and equally directed the three hundred (300) beneficiaries to be selected from across the 44 Local Government Council Areas of the State in collaboration between KNAP Officials and the Local Governments’ CRC Chairmen. i) Request for Funds to Enable the Kano State Deaf Team Participate in the Third (3rd) National Game for the Deaf at Abuja (10th – 22nd November, 2014):- Sports/physical exercise keep the body and mind together even for the physically challenged talk less of the able bodied. The State Government under the leadership of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE supports and empower the youths to engage in participatory sporting activities at all levels including the pinnacle professional level. Note the effort extended towards sponsorship of the Kano Pillars Football and Basket Ball Clubs, etc. Cognizant to this, the Ministry of Information, Internal Affairs, Youths, Sports and Culture submitted the request for consideration by Council. Details were presented along with the request for the release of the sum of N993,400.00 to enable the Kano State Deaf Team participate in the third (3rd) National Games for the Deaf at Abuja (10th – 22nd November, 2014). Accordingly, Council noted, considered and approved as requested. 4. THE HEALTH SECTOR Continuous existence in good health is second to no other aspiration of the human being which makes the present administration in the State to leave no stone unturned in its effort to transform the Health Sector for effective/efficient health care services delivery. All aspects and general requirements by the Health Sector are catered for as reliable records show. Verification trip taken round all the relevant health care facilities/hospitals owned by the State Government can confirm this as the general effort was continued by Council at today’s sitting during which approval was granted for the execution of four (4) memoranda related to the Health Sector as follows; a) Request for Funds to Enable Re – Accreditation of the Medical Laboratory Technician/Medical Laboratory Assistant Programme Offered by the School of Health Technology, Kano:- The Secretary to the State Government endorsed this request originally from the Ministry of Health and submitted it for consideration by Council. Council was politely informed that the Medical Science Laboratory Council of Nigeria is sending a 3 – Member Re – Accreditation Team to visit the School of Health Technology, Kano between 17th – 20th November, 2014 as mandatory for the course to be re – accredited for continuation. The three (3) items required for the exercise estimated to cost the sum of N3,117,260.00 was requested for release and presented to Council for consideration. Accordingly, Council considered and approved as requested for the commitment. b) Request for Funds to Enable Provision of Operational Funds in Respect of the Governing Council of the Kano State College of Nursing and Midwifery, Madobi:- The Kano State Ministry of Health reported that the Governing Council of the College of Nursing and Midwifery, Madobi conducted its functions assiduously for the period of six (6) months expending the sum of N150,000.00 in each of them to have totally expended the sum of N900,000.00 which was requested for reimbursement. The Secretary to the State Government endorsed the request and presented it to Council for consideration. Council noted, considered and approved for the release of the sum of N900,000.00 to the Governing Council of the College of Nursing and Midwifery, Madobi as reimbursement of the expenditure incurred. c) Request for Funds to Enable Successful Conduct of Activities Undertaken by the Private Health Institutions Registration Unit (PHIRU) October – December, 2014:- The Secretary to the State Government endorsed this request and presented it for consideration by Council on behalf of the Ministry of Health. Significance of the activities of Primary Health Institutions Registration Unit in the Health Sector were emphasized to Council, through contents of this memorandum along with the request for the release of the sum of N1,543,421.03 to cover for the sixteen (16) items required for the successful conduct of the activities of Primary Health Institutions Registration Unit in three (3) months (October – December, 2014). Accordingly, Council considered and approved the request for the undertaking. d) Request for Funds for the Re – Accreditation Visit to the School of Health Technology Bebeji by the Community Health Practitioners Registration Board of Nigeria (12th – 19th November, 2014):- Periodic accreditation visits by established regulatory bodies to institutions is mandatory and was presented to Council in respect of the cited request by the State Ministry of Health. Details were presented for consideration along with the request for the release of the sum of N5,362,375.50 to cater for two (2) issues related to the accreditation visit as follows; i. Accreditation – six (6) items required = N3,382,375.50. ii. Accreditation team expenses = N2,000,000.00. Total = N5,382,375.50. Accordingly, Council considered and approved as requested. 5. THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR Agriculture is still considered as the main productive engagement of the good people of State and the Government under the leadership of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE as it continually provides for the sector so as to improve agricultural yields. Timely provision of assorted fertilizer was ensured along with the provision of training for the acquisition of skills related to agricultural production. Animal Traction Training Institutes were established at Gwarzo and Dambatta, Poultry Training Institute was established at Tukwui, Horticulture Institute was established at Bagauda, Fisheries Training Institutes were established at Bagauda and Gwarzo, etc. Continuing on this line, Council approved the execution of one (1) memorandum related to the Agricultural Sector. Thus; Request for Funds to Enable Conduct of the 2014 Annual Contagious Bovine Pleuro-Pneumonia (CBPP) Cattle Vaccination Exercise:- The State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources conducts the cited exercise annually among its mandated routines. The year 2014 is not an exception. As such, the cited request was submitted from the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Details were presented along with the request for the release of the sum of N15,539,360.00. Council acknowledged the routine nature of the request and approved as requested. UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES OF THE 174TH KANO STATE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SITTING 1. CONDOLENCE MESSAGE Council wishes to extend its condolence message and commiserates with the bereaved families of Late Elder Statesman, Politician in person of Alhaji Yusuf Chiroma Kutama who died on Thursday 6th November, 2014 (13th Al-Muharram, 1436 AH). May his gentle soul rest in Jannatul – Fir – Dausi and may the Almighty Allah grant the families the fortitude to bear the colossal loss. 2. SIGNING OF APPROPRIATION BILL 2014 Council witnessed the signing of the 2014 Budget Appropriation Bill by His Excellency the Governor for the continued execution of developmental projects/programmes aimed at improving the socio – economic wellbeing of the State citizenry. 3. SIGNING OF KANO STATE PENAL CODE (AMENDMENT) NO. 12 OF 2014 Council witnessed the signing of the amendment of the Kano State Penal Code (Amendment) No. 12 of 2014 by His Excellency the Governor. This Law now provides a minimum of fourteen (14) years imprisonment for offenders of Rape Cases. This is in line with the present administration policy to eliminate such act of inhumanity in the society. USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS ON ANY EMERGENCY Council endorses the useful phone numbers submitted by the security agents for easy access in case of any emergency on the metropolitan roads. Accordingly, the general public may easily Contact KAROTA for: Breakdown of Vehicle(s), Traffic Congestion, Accidents, and Illegal/Wrong Parking to kindly Call KAROTA through the following numbers on – 08091626747. Similarly, the State Police Command could be contacted on – 08032419754, 08123821575. In addition, the State Fire Service can be contacted on – 07051246833, 08191778888. 17 | Page
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 20:11:09 +0000

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