176. Genesis 22:1-13 Missionary. David Cho A horn - TopicsExpress


176. Genesis 22:1-13 Missionary. David Cho A horn described for the first time in the bible was not the part of a bad animal that goes against its master or shows off its greatness, strength and boundary. The word was first addressed by a ram when it was sacrificed instead of Isaac. So, its image was very positive, far from its general image like overusing of strength, fighting for space. See the ram caught itself in a bush to obey Creator, God, instead of Isaac. A ram has enough strength as it attacks a horn of other strong rams to keep its place or life. So, its possible for a ram to go through a mere thicket or thorny shrub with its power and splendor. The animal also obeyed God by being caught in a thicket though it had an enough power to get out of it. It is like the healthy son, Isaac, in his 40s obeyed his old father Abraham though he surely knew that his father would kill him. Look back whether our obedience is better than his animal. We need to think about the symbol of authority considering a horn becomes hard and shows its greatness after overcoming hardships and shocks for a long time though it is very soft in the beginning. Authority, the symbol of horn, in the bible is not a way of showing off oneself or ones power but a mark that constantly overcame shocks and troubles in the world by Gods power of life. This authority is a stigma that continuously embraced the will of the Holy Spirit, putting down ones life and will like the cross when we see that a horn was often cut and used to contain oil in Jewish culture. It can be a decisive sign of emptying ones will and voice and show the Lords will as it was made as a trumpet by being cut. A trumpet of the rams horns that artificially removed the smell of horns blood isnt considered as a real one in Jewish culture. Are you longing for authority? You are the right person to receive it when you constantly give up your power, greatness, boundary and will for Lords will. Dont take an authority acknowledged by the Lord lightly! Although he may have a weakness, he has a stigma cut for the Lord like a horn. And also, he is a container like a strong horn that holds the will of the Holy Spirit for Lords power of life even in hardships and troubles and doesnt pour out things inside like a leaky container! Lord commanded to kill a rebellious animal with a horn that goes against the will and the life of Creator, God(Exodus 21:28).
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 01:45:03 +0000

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