17th Post :: My Journey With Sri Vittal Babaji. The day i had - TopicsExpress


17th Post :: My Journey With Sri Vittal Babaji. The day i had to leave from Hyderabad ( From INDIA) ......that too For the First time in My Life !! To Start a New Chapter in my Life ...i was kind of Scared first in the place ...& &&& Confused that ...what is happening & and what is going on...& So Soon right after i finished my Degree ! & & going to a place where i wont be able to see any of my family members except the new guy who came into my life !. Oh...My God !!! With so many feelings ...& With tensed state of mind But....... For the Out side world, I was acting all Fine and Dandy b/c i dont want anyone of my family members to get upset that i am scared or confused or Tensed !. Before i had to leave from my house ( Hyderabad ) I Called Sri Vittal Babaji to Take his Blessings !!!. Babaji Said Happy Journey Beta ! i told Thank you Baba...Please be with me through out my Journey ....Because i am really scared as i am leaving from here for the First time. Babaji told me Dont Worry ! Be Happy నాన్నా!. Call me after you reach !. i replied to him as:: Thank You Baba...i will call you after i reach. At Last :: Without any trouble i had reached safe but i had good company of a New Couple......they are my husbands Masters friends who also got married just 10 days after my marriage !. But as we see in Movies ....::: Its really not that easy to get adjust in a new country ; No matter a person married or not Or who comes to states on study visa. In the beginning it takes some time to get adjust and get to know the things or explore every thing around us !. Especially in My Case ::: it was more hard for me as i came from Telugu Medium ! & never ever spoke or Communicated in English with any one !. In the beginning i really struggled a lot !. & I realized that in-order to survive in this Country ... we have to have Communication skills. Without Speaking in English :: No way i am going to Live or Survive in this country !. & One day when i called Sri Vittal Babaji i told him :: How i was feeling. Babaji asked me to learn little by little every day. Then On... Every day right after my husband used to go to office i used to Sit in-front of the computer for hours together & used to take notes about the day to day things what i used to learn just to memorize them ( that too since my child hood English was my Favorite subject & my English teacher in High school used to like me very much used to encourage me very much her name was Alphansa ) Probably that was the reason i was interested to learn the language. I am explaining the story because without explaining this it will be hard for me to address reaming of my Journey with Sri Vittal babaji everything is Connected. So...Anyway ....It was a BIG Transition for me !. At a Stretch every thing is Different .....that i have to depend on my husband for every thing ... Which i really really Hate since my child hood ....I used to be Independent from my child hood, i used to hesitate to ask some ones help for any thing b/c i wanted to do all my things ...all by myself going out driving my vehicle ( My 2 wheeler ) ...& doing my things ! But IN States...After marriage ....I have to depend on him for every thing & anything !. i Used to be frustrated in the beginning days. One day when my husband had Zoning hearing from his office work, he asked me ::: do you want to go to the temple?? so that after i finish my hearing ill pick you up !. I said that will be good:: as it was Karthik Masam ( కార్థీక మాసం), that too ...Rather than staying home in the evening time... all alone. It would be good to attend at-least temple events!. He dropped me at the temple and left to his work. After i had Darshan of all idols:: I went down to see if the kitchen is open or not ? But .. I can see some decorations for Sai Baba Bhajan and People are making a Garland for SaiBaba picture !. I Went & Sat on the mat & i was very quiet for some time, Then from the Bhajan Group ... One Elderly person asked my name and details....i answered to her and mean while we got to know each other that we both are from the Same Apartment !. But we never seen each other anytime. She also mentioned to me after we finish the Sai Bhajan, we both can go together if its okay with you . I thanked her & also replied i may not need your ride b/c my husband will come to pick me up !. Guess What !!! Sai Bhajan was Finished and when i called my husband it was going to Voice Mail ...Again and Again. Then i realized he might be still in the hearing process . I waited until we finished Prasadam and Things ...Then i got a Call from him saying he just finished his work ...but... By the time he reaches me it will be at-least 40 min. ( to drive from the place ) Wow....What to Do ??? Then Immediately i went to the elderly person & told her would it be okay if i can join with you ( she was also from AndhraPradesh ). Every One Can See Here How Babaji will Connect with the People .... definitely their will be a reason !. she gave me a ride & reached home safe at-last. In my Re-scent trip i got to hear from Babaji devotee Susheela అక్కా ! Sri Vittal Babaji told in one of his speeches :: ( About me) One of My Grand daughter when she was in a situation where her husband was not in a position to give her a ride during the night time ....& specially when she was new to the country and kind of getting to adjust their ... She found another Baba devotee who gave her a ride to the home very Safe !. So I feel the Moral of the Story is:: Who ever have faith in God .... No Matter where ever they are ! No matter in What situation they are in . But God Or OUR BELOVED GURUJI will come to us in some or the other form to take Good Care of Us!. All we have to have is Patience and Trust & wait for the Right Time !. Poojyaya Vittalanandaya Satyadharma vratayacha Bhajatam Dattavadhutaya Namatham Vallabhapuravasine. Keep Reading Will continue Tomorrow at same timings !!!!!!. please check our babajis picture at the comment section below.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 02:30:19 +0000

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