18.11.13 Hello my gorgeous girl. Well the tv didnt go off until - TopicsExpress


18.11.13 Hello my gorgeous girl. Well the tv didnt go off until five ish this morning poppet. It wasnt long after that when Grandad left for work. I did sleep I think, back to the usual 6-8 and I got up about 9 to do the washing up. And then I started working on some letters poppet. I seem to have so many to write. You wont know Marise, but she was the mum of one of mummys friends (Chloe) when she was a little girl and shed written a letter a while back saying shed seen your bedroom on TV and it was amazing. Well Im going to have to write and tell her that it is but youve left us poppet. And then today I had a letter from Alison in Canada and she wishes you well my sweet. So thats another person that needs telling. Which made me then think about my letter that I send out with some of the Christmas cards I guess I should get that started and ready to go out early so people we dont see very much are aware. Mummys car went today. I think she was upset as its another piece of you thats gone. Well, not you exactly, but the things that made life easier. Part of what became the norm. And its not easy losing those little bits of your life my sweet. What a difference it will be though when mummy does eventfully get a smaller car and she can fit in the multi storey car parks again. I know when mummy got the truck that some people said wow so you get a brand new car. Thats cool, lucky you. But actually honey, wed give up the chance for a brand new car just to have you fit and well. Its not always easy to get people to comprehend that fact. And the truck presented its own set of problems didnt it honey. As I said its not easy to park as you cant go into the multi storey car parks, although mummy did try once and got stuck didnt she! And its noisy, not very sociable, uncomfortable and cost lots to full up with petrol. But it was easier to get you in and out of so thats what counted poppet. And you had the option of sitting in a chair or your wheelchair. Uncle Spencer sent home some fudge for Nana honey. Do you remember how you liked fudge poppet but it had to be the crumbly kind. It would melt in your mouth poppet, didnt need any chewing and it tasted so good. Nana would search everywhere to find it on holiday and try out lots of different ones to find the crumbly one sand then shed spend a fortune to bring some home for you. And then wed share it my poppet. Mind you the one Spencer had wasnt crumbly and it had raisins in so wouldnt have been any good for you. Also had the rest of the Eton mess today my poppet. Grandad reckons we should have it more often than we do. Hmmm there speaks the diabetic honey. Ill make another one for Christmas poppet. Nana and mummy met up with Rosemary for a cup of tea at the cafe at lunchtime. It was lovely to sit and chat and of course look out to sea. Quite relaxing honey. We talked about lists of things including you poppet. And there is a physic evening coming up poppet so I think wed all like to go to that. And my sweet pea, it would be amazing if you could find a way to send us a message. And if youre not able to perhaps you could get grandad Henry to tell us youre okay and that hes looking after you properly my sweet? Oh honey, that would be so wonderful and as much as we miss you wed be able to take so much comfort from that my darling girl. Tell us sweet pea, was grandad and Gemma waiting for you on a bridge? Ill confirm the date etc when we have the tickets. After that mummy and I went to pick up Henry from school and them went to shopping to get Auntie Dees Christmas present. And we stopped for a cup of tea in the cafe. Mummy has her scan tomorrow honey. And Ive told her, no messing, no pretending, just tell me if its a boy or a girl. Your brother or sister poppet. Nana knows exactly what shes buying tomorrow when we can buy clothes with colours my angel. Oh i do hope its still there poppet. Grandad wouldnt let me buy it the other day because we didnt know the answer. Mummy has started looking at boys clothes honey. I know youll make the right choice for us my angel, I really do. But I am a little bit scared. Hey poppet, youd be proud of Nana today. But youd laugh too. Mummy did. And so did grandad. Nana out petrol in the car! You know that it is probably only the 5th or 6 th time in my life honey that nana has put petrol in the car. Its not that nana doesnt know how. But its one of those man jobs poppet. Like going to the bar to get a drink. But it was a case of put petrol in or risk running out! Guess what Nanas been doing this evening honey. Nana has taken one of Henrys boxes of Lego, tipped it on the floor and sorted it out into bricks, flats, people, wheels and miscellaneous and put it into separate boxes. I know Nana is going a little mad my poppet. And I know Henry will soon mix it all up again honey. One things for sure, if I decide to do the same to the other box Im going to need more storage boxes. So much Lego poppet xx Okay my darling girl its beeza bye time. Grandad went to bed ages ago. Nanas going to go rest her head my sweet. And Ill be awaiting your decision tomorrow honey with bated breath. I love you my darling girl. As long as the stars shine above, thats how long I will love you! Back to the moon! Love Nana xxxxooooxxxx
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 01:00:20 +0000

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