18-3-2014,.;;;’Part Two,;;;’The Anti-CHRIST ;’ - TopicsExpress


18-3-2014,.;;;’Part Two,;;;’The Anti-CHRIST ;’ Anti-LOVE,;; Anti GOD,;;’Anti-HOLY SPIRIT How the Church/Religion and Ministers FAILED GOD Using GODs blessing against GOD. The HOLY SPIRIT inspired Research;- Who is Anti-Christ; In Titus1.10-14,; the word said,; the fake ministers are those who are rude and proud, arrogant, deceivers, their mouth is wide open for money and wealth, they preach no other thing than money and wealth, for their selfish and personal gain; they have forsaking the royal law, which love, forgiveness and justice,; the bible said,; we must stop them before they will take the whole world to Satan,; The research conducted for over 20 years have shown that over 60% of the population are no longer going to churches/Religions again. Over 70% of the population are not interested in political activities due to lost of hope in their leadership both spiritual and political. Now GOD have directed that we should pray for Nigeria, Africa and the world because if the nation is good, freed, changed and restored, our homes, business, health, Churches/Religions, Institutions, governments and needs will change and be restored, which will in turn create happiness and security in the land. In another comprehensive research work conducted in over 1000 churches and religions from 1980 to 2013 showed that greed and covetousness have increased from 10% in 1980 to about 75% in 2013, Un forgiveness, Anger, Hatred and disobedience have increased from 15% in 1980 to 55% in 2013,Runing a church /Religion/ Ministry as GODs house which is inclusive of the ministers, administrators and saints/membership is about 60% in 1980 compare to running a church/Religion/Ministry as a personal, family or business enterprise which has also risen to about 90% in 2013. In 1980 it was discovered that corruption and occultism afflicting the society and the nation was about 20% but in 2013 it has increased to 85%. In 1980 the rate of discrimination, tribalism, racism was about 30 %, but has increased to 70% in 2013 .In 1980 crazy for wealth, materialism, looting of government fund, crime and militancy was about 25% but by 2013 it has increased to 75%. In 1980 Sickness, Illness, afflictions, killings, deaths, divorce, late marriages, and poverty was about 20%, but by 2013 it has increased to 65%. You can all agree with me that the church/religions are not doing enough to stop the increases which we have observed from 1980 to 2013.This is a sign that the church/religions have deviated from the original plan of GOD for them, which is forgiveness, justice, love, humility, less worry about things of the world, helping the saints/widows/strangers and the needy .They are suppose to be preaching and promoting salvation and the kingdom, rather than concentrating over 90% of their energy on wealth, earthly, greed, covetous and divisions. Both the political, traditional leaders, all the people that have put Nigeria in bondage since 1960 and the generality of the society attend one religion or the other without a corresponding change of attitude from the message coming out of the pulpit. This is because a mango tree cannot produce orange unless a miracle takes place. Therefore it is important for us to know that the failure of the society and the nation is not from the political leaders, but from the leadership of the churches/religions bodies (Jere 23.1-2,21-26,29-32,40). The problem of Nigeria is not physical, but spiritual which must be solved spiritually.,; In Titus1.10-14,; GOD said we must stop them with prayers and love, so that their greed and covetousness will not consume all, before the new loved Nigeria. I learn how to give and LOVE not because I have so much or rich, but because I know exactly how it feels to have nothing when you need something. ( Mtt25.31-46., Mtt5.21-24,43-48.,Lk6.27-35., Prob14.20-21,31., Prob3.27-29.,Prob25.21-23)., LOVE is the revelation and a revolutionary message, from GOD everybody must believe ,preach and practice so as to change our destiny, the families, the church/religions, the society, the nation and the world. LOVE one person a day to change the world LOVE one person a day to secure your future LOVE before it will be too LATE What would you be remembered for What would be your ANSWER The LOVE in YOU, the POWER to change your DESTINY and the WORLD Yes, I BELIEVE, LOVE can change the WORLD. May the GOD of LOVE bless your DAY ;’’’LOVE you ALL
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 08:19:26 +0000

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