18 FACTS ABOUT CHRISTIANITY 1)JESUS REFUSED THE 4TH CUP Jesus and the Jewish roots of Eucharist unlocking the secrets of the last super.Jesus didn’t complete the Passover meal with his disciples in the Upper Room—Jesus didn’t finish the “fourth cup” of wine 1)Jesus’ vow at the Last Supper not to drink wine until the coming of the kingdom; (2) his description in Gethsemane of his impending death as “drinking” a cup; and (3) Jesus’ unexpected act of drinking wine at the last moment before his death on the cross shows that Jesus finished the fourth cup, and the Passover meal, on the cross when he drank the wine. The Gospel of John records: “When Jesus had received the wine, he said, ‘It is finished”; and bowed his head and gave up his spirit” (John 19:23-30). If Jesus did drank the fourth cup of the Jewish Passover. It means that he did in fact finish the Last Supper. But he did not do it in the Upper Room. He did it on the cross. He did it at the moment of his death Between the Last Supper and the Jewish Passover meal we know from later Jewish tradition (Mishnah and Tosefta). This meal is most often referred to as the Seder. The relevant point is that Jewish tradition stipulates that four cups of wine be consumed during the passover meal.It appears that the meal was structured around these four cups. The fourth cup was considered the most significant as it was called the “hallel” cup, or cup of praise; once this cup was drank the meal was complete. Jesus extended the Passover meal to include his own suffering and death. Jesus understood his own death in terms of the Passover sacrifice. Jesus united the Last Supper to his death on the cross – “Jesus transformed the Cross into a Passover, and by means of the Cross, he transformed the Last Supper into a sacrifice.By refusing to drink the final Passover cup until his dying moments, Jesus gather up everything that would happen to him between Holy Thursday and Good Friday—his betrayal, his supper, his agony, his passion, his death—and united it to the Passover that would be celebrated “in memory” of him. As the memorial of his new Passover, the Eucharist therefore not only makes present the actions of Jesus of the Upper Room; it also makes present the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:08:27 +0000

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